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My assistant has one of those,I have to wait ages to do my toast.


It never rains but it pours,just doing something online and my I pad sent a warning of low storage, as you cannot add to an I pad I have had to send for a new one from my friends down the Nile🙄

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Can you delete anything on your iPad to free up some storage? X

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Look under settings to see if there is anything you can delete. Apps you no longer use. E mails stored you no longer need. Games you don’t need. You can see the amount each thing uses. Things you can store in the cloud. Probably just needs some maintenance. Just don’t delete the operating system as I once did by mistake.

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Great minds think alike.


Thanks Rose I did check,there really is too much stuff on there,I deleted apps,browsing data,cookies etc only made a tiny difference,so new one it is.xx

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Empty deleted emails and spam folders usually frees up quite a bit of space

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It’s all your photos of gnomes and chopped wood wot did for it.

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Thanks Sandra,
I don’t play any games all the e mails etc are ones I need for references,the personal ones I delete almost immediately.xx

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Caught out again,you don’t miss a trick,you forgot all those pics of chocolate and lemon drizzle cake,and scorched holy silk undies I have😂Xx

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Afternoon everyone good news everything looks ok wont be seen for another 4 months. Ty all for you kind thoughts.
Hugs Jo xxx
Jane disappointing no patrick swayzie good have saved my sparkly thongs.


Don’t forget to empty the Bin where the deleted e mails are put.

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That’s great news Jo, that’s a big relief,g+t or fosters at the ready.xx


Fantastic news Jo. So pleased for you.


Great news! So pleased for you. xx


Hello I am absolutely thrilled to bits for you.
A big worry off your mind.
Love Doreen x

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Sure is Doreen ty xxxx

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Great news.

So glad xx

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Great news!! You got thru it. I was going to have a glass of wine tonight but will raise a toast to you. :wine_glass::heart:


That is great news Jo :+1:t2::grin:

I’m so pleased for you

Love and hugs
Liz X x