Chat and support

Perhaps we should call the fire brigade. Either way Jane I think you might need your diamanté thong if the ones that got me up when I fell are anything to go by.

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Here is my hand to help pull you up,

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I’m with you Ron

Lets help the othes out of the swump

X x


I remember at university (well, it was actually a Polytechnic if anyone remembers those…) we invented a drink consisting of vodka, gin and lemonade which we named the Mumbler, so called because after 2 or 3 of those coherent speaking was an issue… :crazy_face:


Please don’t think I’m not liking posts, apparently I’ve used up my quota of likes.
Didn’t know we had a quota :thinking:

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Tell the truth Liz you didn’t buy enough🤣

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Now you know my secret, :woman_facepalming:
yes I’m a tightwad :ok_woman:

X x

Well I got a few back. Now they’ve run out again

So just to let you know, I like everybody :grin:

X x


So weird they limit you on likes!! It’s a bereavement group…we need all the positives we can get. I have one step up out of the swamp. Because of you guys making me smile and a friend is popping by with lunch. I was meant to meet her out but cancelled when I woke up with the sore throat again this morning.
Small things in life - gotta try to focus on these when we are able to.


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I’m glad you’re a bit out of the swamp, me and Ron are here to pull when needed.

I managed to get out yesterday and hope to stay out. Ideally forever but I don’t suppose that’s going to happen

I’m sorry you’ve still got a sore throat but its good your friend is popping by with lunch.
Hope you feel better soon

Lovezabd hugs
Liz x x


I have just had a little walk down the street to get a bit of fresh air,it’s like the apocalypse just happened,cold,dank,misty no-one about not even any traffic.


I took my elderly cat, Tony, to the veterinary hospital this morning.

Sorry everyone, it’s bad news.

The vet is pretty sure that the swelling on his chin is bone cancer.

To be absolutely sure, it would need an Xray which means he would need an anaesthetic and he has a heart problem and the vet thought heavy sedation would probably not be enough.

As you can imagine I was crying and crying.

I was given the option of saying goodbye to him then and there.
I could not do it.

When we had said goodbye to previous cats and a rabbit, they were obviously
very unwell.

At the moment Tony is perky and inquisitive. He was exploring everything in the vet’s room. He has an appetite, although he does have trouble eating.

I felt I would be robbing him of some positive life.

The vet has given him a pain killer, she is not sure if he is in pain or not .
It should last 6-8 hours and I have brought some home.

I will keep a close eye on him and spoil him as much as I can.

I will put him first.

The vet thought I was not ready to say goodbye, which I wasn’t.

In the past we would have taken the decision together.
I even walked in the rain in the car park asking Paul, my husband, what I should do.
I was trying to think what he would do.

I think we would have said he is perky, his usual curious and loving self and not obviously in pain. However, as soon as his quality of life starts to go downhill then it will be time.

So I have brought Tony home, given him one of his favourite cat foods.
I might just have Tony today or a few days but I hope they are ones without pain.
They will definitely be filled with love.

He has just come into the living room and jumped on the coffee table to let me know he wants more food.

Tony has been such a comfort and support. He has really helped me get through the past seven months. He has loved me, cuddled me, listened and been there.

As someone said to me today, life is cruel.

Much love,

Rose xx


I am so sorry Rose. Exactly what you don’t need. Give Tony a lovely stroke and cuddle from me. I can feel your pain having had several cats.


I’m so sorry Rose

You know that I am here for you

Thinking of you and praying for you

Lots of love and huge hugs

Liz x x

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You realise you may have to save humanity. It certainly is a miserable day. No one moving about here either although I live in a quiet area apart from the school run. Haven’t even seen the dog walkers.


Believe it or not we are basking in beautiful sunshine and don’t even need a coat on

We’re supposed to get the rain later

X x

Well I was going to cut the grass, but I can’t get the shed door open because its swollen after all the rain we’ve had.

I need a strong man, a strong lady will do

I just need someone stronger than me to get this damn door open!

X x

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Rose I am so sorry.
Your right life can be so cruel,pets are a much loved part of the family,I cannot express how I feel having lost my Maisie a couple of months ago.
Love RonXx


This is sad news but I think you are doing the right thing - making the most of the time you have with him. All you can do … sending hugs Hazel xxx


I am so sorry Rose our furry friends bring us so much love and comfort. I think you will know when the time is right to let your Tony go. Sending you strength and love and my hand if you need it