Chat and support

Thank you for your support,I have already made an appt with my solicitor,someone once said to me going down this route would be like picking at a grief scab,I really don’t care now,I can’t let them get away with it anymore,if it costs me everything she has to get justice.
Love RonXx


Oh @Ron11

I’m so sorry its come to this.
But no you can’t leave it.

Were all here for you

Love and hugs :people_hugging:

Liz x x


Morning Ron well done for standing up to them, I am also putting in a complaint around Gras care and the way he was treated.
I am just getting the dreaded c word out the way first hopefully i will be stronger then.
Good luck Ron keep us posted .hugs jo xxc


Thanks Liz.
Your support is very much appreciated.
Love RonXx

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Thanks Jo.
I will try updates as much as possible,but I have to be careful.
Love RonXx

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I understand that Ron I will keep my fingers crossed you get the answers you deserve, and although it is to late for your dear wife it will help someone else stopping them going through what you are now.
Hugs Jo xxx


I am upset to read this Ron, it is so dreadfully wrong this happened and I hope you get the justice you want for your lovely wife. Sending you hugs​:people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:

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So very sorry xx

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I had an appt this morning to get diabetic bloods done, well the inevitable happened and I ended up in floods of tears. My BP is through the roof, that explains the headache she said I need to see a Dr. Lots of phone appts available but no face to face so she asked the receptionist to change one to a face to face so I go back this afternoon. I was told to come home and rest. I knew when I got up this was going to be a bad day :cry:

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Really sorry, Ron.
Sending love, hugs and strength by the bucketful. Xx

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Thanks Jane.
Think it might need skips.
Love RonXx

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Since Monday I have been in the dip of the rollercoaster.

I thought I was starting to slowly rise up out of it.

I had arranged to meet up with a friend this morning and thought I would go.

A few tiny things went wrong before meeting up.

I was ok for most of the time.

Then I was asked if I had come up with a way I was going to get through Christmas.
Believe me this was not my friend being horrible, she was definitely trying to be supportive.
Of course, I started to answer and my voice started quivering and the tears started.

Then when asked about what I do with my days now, that was it.
There I was crying in the cafe of the garden centre.
I recovered and was ok for a while.

Back in the car I just cried, repeating I didn’t want to be without him.
Thankfully I was in a far part of the car park.
When I stopped crying I came home.

In tears again.

This down started on Monday when I was explaining how my husband died .

It is 28 weeks since my lovely husband died and I have not talked about that devastating day for quite a while.

It has brought it all back and I feel like it has just happened.
I miss him so much. He was my world, the love of my life.

Thank you for letting me share.

Love and hugs xx


So sorry Rose

Love and hugs
Liz x x

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I am sorry Rose,looks like this week the swamp has really won,with the odd burst of sunlight,we are always here take care.


Your right @Ron11

It seems to have got a lot of us this week

Take care

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Hi Ron
I am so sorry to hear all this, and as others have said, you are absolutely right to pursue a case. It must be shockingly upsetting for you and I am sure everyone here will be completely on your side.
I notice one or two people have given you really good advice and I am sure you will get the best help needed to see you through this added trauma.
Best wishes and lots of love X


Thank you Ron x

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Thank you xx

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I have a response from the hospital, they need copies of probate,will,birth/marriage certificates my ID before they consider releasing her medical records,well they are all done stuck in an envelope ready for posting,so a nice middle finger to you.


Hi Ron
In other words stretching it out so you may rethink. I had all this … never hears the likes when your in grief. They never learn. You have us all behind you x