Chat and support

Well the swamp has taken up enough of our time,good news my new I pad has just arrived with 1t of storage (that should see me out)they sent me a code to give to the driver before he gave it to me,never had that before🤷🏼‍♂️

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1tb. I used to write computer programs in 16kb. We thought all our ships had come in when it went up to 28k. Before the internet using the telephone lines to transfer programs. You had a device that you put that phone handset in and attached to the computer. Oh boy was it slow. Debugging programs by going through the code line by line on paper. Errors were shown in a hexadecimal code. I could add and subtract faster in hex than I could in decimal. Those were the days.


You always talk such sense Jane

I shall take your words on board

Love and hugs
Liz x x

Ps enjoy yourself tonight x x


There is no one as lovely, kind, genuine ,and funny who will totally understand me, protect me and love me as Paul did.

He was just perfect for me.


I agree, Rose.
I am not looking for another love. Just a peaceful life, hopefully with some joy in it.


Thanks, Liz.

Hello everyone,

I am feeling a bit lost, bewildered and very sad.

I want to thank you for your kind and caring messages.

It means so very much that I can tell you all what has happened and know you care and understand.

Although we have never met in person, I look upon you as friends.

We truly have a bond, a very, very sad one I know, if you get what I mean.

Take care everyone and thank you so much.

Sending a big hug and lots of love,

Rose xx

Tony has had numerous different pouches of cat food served for his delectation.
He has tasted each one and eaten more of some than others.
He has also had a bit of sliced ham and cheese.
He LOVES cheese!
I have had a couple of short cuddles.
I am so glad I brought him home :black_cat:


Cats do have their own tastes. One of ours liked cream of tomato soup, one like spaghetti bolognese and one weirdly like crisps.


I had one that nicked A whole panful of fried mushrooms (a kilo when raw). He stumbled around on a high for the rest of the day.
He jumped up on the worktop and managed to nudge aside the pan lid.

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Our first one loved chocolate Swiss roll but only from a local bakery.
Didn’t touch others.

We found out when I was passing a slice to my husband and the cat swatted it out of my hand.

He wasn’t fussy about any other food, would eat anything xx

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You will know when it is the right time. Stay pain free and stay and be spoilt for a little while longer Tony. Love and hugs to you both xx

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I am having such a great time transferring data from one I pad to a new one,two hours in so far and still not finished🙄

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I’ve always found that they let you know when they are ready; something in the way they look at you. If he’s still eating and affectionate, it’s not his time quite yet. Just enjoy his company for now. xx


I just love the way we all support each other here.
We’re all going through our own personal hell.
But everyone still looks out for everyone else.
Always there for each other

And it means a lot

Love and hugs :people_hugging:
Liz X x


I am so grateful to everyone xx❤️

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I have just lit a candle for you and Tony

You are both in my prayers

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Hi Pudding,

I think you started programming a few years earlier than I.

  • My first computer - ZX Spectrum (shortly after it was available in the UK)

  • My second computer - Philips P2000C - 15 kg
    With a P2093 CoPower expansion card hosting an Intel 8088 processor

  • My third computer - Olivetti Personal Computer M24 - I loved it

Programmed IBM Sytem/36 and later IBM AS/400 - programming in RPG
Also leaned Assembler and Cobol.


I started in 1970 with COBOL on IBM but also wrote the the odd program in FORTRAN and Assembler. Then moved to mini computers Nixdorf in BASIC. Went on to POS in BASIC writing systems for Laura Ashley, curry’s and toys r us. Moved away from programming to support and install SAP but occasionally wrote programs in ABAP.


Thank you so much xx

That means a great deal xx

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We are talking Greek to most of our friends on here. I worked for Deloittes for a while but it really wasn’t me. In his first job my husband programmed Phillips machines but he was a terrible programmer. When he moved to COBOL he would bring his programs home and I would correct them. He moved on to pre sales.