Chat and support

I understand what you are talking about but couldn’t do it

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Greek?? !!

It could be Klingon for all I know

You and Nick are obviously very clever people.

I think I’m good because I can order a repeat prescription on line :rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Love and hugs
Liz x x


I love the support on here, I don’t feel so alone xx


We are just people who think in a weird way. I can learn computer languages but not foreign languages. As a woman doing this in the 70’s I was a bit of a trail blazer.


We are not alone on here.

I know that when I ask for a hand then many will appear.

I’m slipping a little bit so hands would be helpful

X x


I can’t even do that.

Perhaps you can give me a few tips!

Mind you, the number of times the surgery posts messages that the system is not working I don’t know if I should bother xx

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If you ever need help there are often free organisations in libraries that can assist you.


I’d like to help, but unllike Sandra I couldn’t talk you through it.
I’d get you (and me) in a complete muddle🥴

Love and hugs
Liz x x

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I feel out of the swamp today as have been distracted by work, so both hands free for you @Liro or anyone else in need of a pull up.

No idea about programming or coding, just stare at a laptop screen for 7.5 hours a day…


Thanks @PJ64

I’ve only slipped a little so it shouldn’t take too much
It’s just Friday getting to me

X x

Sending hugs @Liro xx

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I’ll be ok after Friday.
It’s these pesky firsts

I just want him back
X x


I know; me too. It was a year for me last Sunday, which was hard. It’s like having the same tooth pulled out over and over. Only more painful. Hope you feel better at the weekend. xx

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It’ll be my birthday, and I didn’t realise it would get to me like this.
I’ll be fine I know, it’s just hurting at the moment

X x


So, so sorry about your cat Rose….
He has obviously had the best life he could have asked for with you………and filled with love. Take comfort in that…I hope his time left with you will be peaceful and you must always remember you have done the best thing for him when that day comes.
It’s so hard to bear…especially on your own……I’m thinking of you and sending love and hugs to you and your cat. Xxxx Lisa


Yes, it’s the things you don’t expect that hit you the hardest. Hope you get through it ok. xx

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So sorry about your cat Rose. You are giving Tony all the love and caring you can. Hope he continues without pain.

Has anyone got a block and tackle? I’m not lightweight and I am stuck frum in the swamp. Really missing my beloved and cant bear the thought of him not being with me. I hate it when people say the second year is worse. It’s scary for those of us struggling with the first year. I hate feeling like this. Thanks Ron for giving a more positive view.


Evening all.
Just spent the last four hours transferring data,the new software is a nightmare,however hopefully it’s done now,hope everyone is doing ok tonight.


Thankyou @Catrin1

I’m sure I’ll be ok. I’ve got through so many things and wondered how.

Last week I was stood in front of a pile of logs on a footpath crying my eyes out.
Roger would have been in his element selecting the best for his next project.

It really caught me unawares, at least we’re ready (???) for the birthdays, Christmas, anniversays , etc

Thankyou for caring and your support

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Well done! I wouldn’t know where to start.

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