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And to you Liz. xx

I know what you mean about the second year

I’ve been thinking the same
We’re struggling now. We need to believe it’ll get easier, not harder

Still we’re all here for each other and we’ll all help each other through

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Sadly I might have to say goodbye to Tony tomorrow.

I have just tried to feed him by hand and I think the swelling might be stopping him from opening his mouth to eat.

I am not drunk but I have had some alcohol and I am exhausted.

So I will see what he is like tomorrow morning.

So sad, he is a lovely, gentle loving boy.

I canned let him suffer.

Life is so cruel.

:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: to what is happening.

Love and hugs everyone.

Rose xx


I will be thinking of you and Tony, sending a warm hug and love.


Try and get some sleep, Rose, and see how you both are in the morning. xx


Thinking about you Rose. You will do the best thing for Tony but it will be so hard for you. Sending a hug.


Hello Liro,

programming is not difficult if you have a logical mind. I met several programmers who were not exactly great. I did notice that good programmers are often not the best at spelling but they can sit somewhere and just program for hours without noticing that the sun has gone down. Hmm, how do I order a repeat prescription on line? OK, perhaps programmers are a bid odd, that also includes me.

Take care and sleep well. - Nick

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Rose I’m so very sorry

You know you’ve done your best and Tony has had such a wonderful life with you, and Paul.

You and only you will know when the time is right.

Sending so much love

Liz x x


Hi Nick

I don’t think I’ve got a logical mind.
More a devious mind :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I can do what I need to do online.
As I said, order prescriptions, change covid appointments. And shop :grin:
I look up anything that intetests me or things I want to know.
And I used to design greeting cards on my pc.
But coding and programming are totally alien to me

You take care too
Love and hugs
Liz x x


Well time for bed (said Zebedee)
Lets see how many of us remember that?

I’m going to say goodnight everyone and hope that tonight I can sleep

I hope you all have a peaceful night

Love and hugs
Liz x x


I remember Magic Roundabout well. Hello Dylan :rofl::rofl:

Anyone remember Jasper Carrots take off of Magic Roundabout. Wonderful
Sleep tight Liz . xx


I am so sorry Rose I know how you feel,
Best of luck tomorrow,I will be thinking of you all day as I am sure everyone else will too.
Love Ronxxx


I think we will all be thinking of Rose tomorrow

We will all send love and caring thoughts

X x


Did you want to be Florence?
The way I get on lately I think I should be Brian the snail.
Just about my speed :rofl::rofl:

X x

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I’ve just listened to Jadpet Carrott’s take off of Magic Roundabout.
No I’d not heard it before
Hilarious it made me laugh :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Some of the younger ones probably won’t understand it

Love and hugs :people_hugging:
Liz x x

Dear liz
My hands are here for you and my strength
With the warmest of heart.
Lots of love Doreen x

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Yes definitely I know how worried she is.
Lots of love and prayers xxxx

Thankyou so much Doreen.

I thought I was çoping with Friday,
who was I kidding?

Another ‘first’ to get through.

I shall take your hand. Thankyou

Love and hugs
Liz x x

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Dear liz and all you guys help me out
I have drained the wine in the cooler.
I knew there was more in the garage so when I went in there it was wine posh stuff I had bought
For him at Xmas.
I opened it out if it’s study box and put it in the
Wine cooler.
I opened it and felt so bad to even think of doing that
I started to have a glass and I felt I was choking.
I have just had another glass tonight it is horrible.
am I wrong to drink his special Xmas present
I have had a really bad week and this has just
About finished me off.
Love Doreen xx


Just woken up.

Tried to help Tony eat…


Night, night xx