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Cheapskate not bought enough again😂good night sleep well.

You saucy thing, talking about liberty bodices in the pub!

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With all those bloody buttons its easier to leave it on :rofl::rofl::rofl:

X x

Not very liberating, were they?
You changed your mind by the time it was undone !

I’m just a brazen hussy :laughing::laughing:
X x

Indeed you are. Hope you have ordered enough of those inflatable suits?

We never had anything like that,the butler used to put hot bedpans in the bed,cook made us hot cocoa,the maid came and tucked us in all night fires lit in the bedrooms, don’t know how we managed.


We used to hop to skool cos we only had one pair of shoes between us.

I have to kerp increasing the order.
So many people can see how helpful they will be for us older ones

And just before we finish on the subject
What were liberty bodices for?
We wore vests as well
Was it maybe to build up dexterity in the fingers doing all those bloody buttons up?

I am going to sleep!

Well I’m going to try

Love and hugs
Liz x x

I think it was to keep boys away.
It worked as well!

Been watching Downton Abbey have we?
And dreaming

X x

Never watched it, don’t kill a man’s dream.

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I bet he did Latin at school, and logywhatnots, and then he needed an antilogywotnot.
What was all that about?
He can’t even do his own shoelaces up, but he can speak Latin.
Posh bugger.

I didn’t do Lain
But I did do logywhatnots and I loved it.
Of course I use them in my everyday life. Always have, not :rofl::rofl::rofl:

X x

Don’t speak Latin but had to do maths.

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I don’t speak Latin, but I’m learning Hungarian (trying)
X x

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The maths teacher made me stand in the waste paper bin “because I was rubbish”. :rofl: Can you imagine if a teacher did that now?

Why Hungarian, Liz?

Oh yes
Hung drawn and quartered and the poor little darling would be in therapy.
And could use it as an excuse for the rest of its life

X x

I’ve never stood in a waste paper bin, but had blackboard erasers,chalk,slippers clunk me on the head a few times.