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There is no hope for some kids today because they ave sorry excuses for parents. Xxx

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Ron please give Jane my love and I’m so sorry to hear what’s happened to her. If she asks the ward nurses they will probably have a charger she can use. Will her daughter be ok? Someone looking after her?
Thanks for letting us know.
Rose you were one of the first people to write something nice and supportive to me when I joined. I’m glad you and Tony are getting extra cuddles. I hope the diazepam helps you sleep better.
Liz, happy birthday lovely friend. I’m glad you’ve had visitors to day. I’ve already had my wine and drunk a toast to you.
Rajah that’s awful. Fancy people laughing. It must be quite upsetting. Hope it’s stopped now.
Jo, the house must seem so quiet now. No wonder you’re feeling low. Lots of hands here to hold on to. Keep safe,


Oh Jane 2. What nasty little b******s.
And as for the person on facebook. She should be ashamed of herself.
Probably their mother.

If it carries on you should take it to the police

Big hugs
Liz x x

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Ty Wooly I am holding on tight xxx

Thanks so much for the update! Please give Jane my get well wishes. I had both hips replacement so I know what she will be going thru. Love and speedy recovery to her


The program I am most proud of is one I wrote for Laura Ashley. The sales data was collected from floppy disk (remember those) overnight. If the disk got scratched then it failed and the girls would have to key enter the whole till roll. I wrote a program that would capture the data and skip the scratch and report which receipts numbers were missing. Meant normally only had a couple to enter.

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How terrible. We rely on you to send her our best wishes. This is after she fell over Katie’s wheelchair the other day.

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I was already having a weepy day, it is 3months today since I lost Ray so this hasn’t helped

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Hi Ron

Please let Jane know
That I am thinking of her and wish her a speedy recovery and lots of love and hugs

As if she hasn’t got enough to deal with

X x

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Thank you Liz.
She will appreciate your love I will pss it on.

Why do people think its ok to terrorise people and then say it’s only kids playing

As children we’d have got a good hiding for that sort of behaviour

X x


Thank you yes,her son Jamie is adept at looking after Katie and a nice lad to boot,I will pass on your love.

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Me too I wouldn’t have been able to sit for a week

I am going to say night . I aint feeling my best. All sleep really tight. Hugs Jo xxx


Aww I feel for you as it was 6 months for me on wed. Take care and sending hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Good night Jo hope tomorrow is a better day for you, sleep well xx

That is dreadful!

If you are able, please pass on my love and very best wishes.

Rose xx

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I will Rose thank you,I hope Tony is doing ok give him a big cuddle and kiss from me.xx

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Thankyou Flo
It turned out to be quite a nice day. A bit tearful at times but the girls made sure I was ok

I’m struggling to stay awake now. I don’t know if its the lack of sleep or the Co-Codamol the doctors started me on. They can make you sleepy.
Either way I hope it means I sleep tonight

Love and hugs
Brian :snail: x x

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I am going to bed shortly too. I hope I don’t wake up in the middle of the night again. Fingers crossed.