Chat and support

Catrin is the Welsh version of my name.


Sadly, an hour on and no offers.

Now I really feel lonely and alone xx

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Good morning friends. Rose I am glad Tony is still with you and neither of you were hurt when you fell out of bed. I will be thinking of Jane/Willow today and hoping all goes well with her surgery. It is very still and quiet today hope it isn’t the lull before the storm, I have our Grandson and his girlfriend coming for supper and am really looking forward to having them here. I hope we all manage to stay out of the swamp today, sending love to you all.


Rosiejack here mine is Lynne
Feels much better this way


Thanks! I had that written down but on a different piece of paper :joy:

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Morning everyone,just been for my jabs,
I have had no updates from Jane and doubt I will now until she has recovered from her op.
It’s nice to know we all care about each other so much,we are all going through it but we will make it.
Love Ronxxx


Good morning Jane2 sound like you are going to have a lovely evening, fingerss crossed.
Rose have you tried calling the chemist again you must have yourr medication.
I am just going to go get showed and dressed had a lazy morning.
Still feeliing bruised and achey after my. recent falls but great full no broken bones like poor Jane.
Catch you all later . Hugs Jo xxx


Morning Ron when har please give her my love and tell heer I am thinking of her.
Hope your arm doesn’t ache to much after your jabs.
Hugs Jo xxx

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Rose if I lived close I would go get them for you,so called friends eh most not worth bothering with,some of my widowed neighbours don’t drive and I’ve taken them for docs,hospital, dentist appts shopping etc and that was even before Lesley passed.


Thanks Jo I will,in truth I have had that many jabs in my life another two is not much.


I know you would, you are such a kind man

If I felt alone yesterday, today beats it hands down.

I have sent individual messages to two people. One is a neighbour who has been so very good. I was trying not to impose on her again.

The other I sent to a couple who were very good immediately after Paul died but drifted away after his funeral.
I have asked them as they are local and a parent is in a home opposite the pharmacy.

Take care xx


Have to find charger. So will be away for a while xx


Good morning everybody
I’m a bit behind this morning.
Hope everyones ok

Just been for my covid jab so sore arm tomorrow

Sorry your throat’s still sore Siobhan
Glad your chest is feeling a bit better.

My hands are here if you, or anyone else needs them

Rose I’m so glad Tony’s still here. Sorry you’ve got no one to get your prescription
I would if I could.

Thanks to everyone for yesterday.
I was teetering on the edge of the swamp but your love and support kept me from falling in

Jane if you’re reading this I hope you’re doing ok.

Love and hugs everyone
Liz x x


Thanks Siobhan for the list but my real name is Lucy. Flo is just a name Liz came up with for me but don’t worry I’ll answer to anything :blush:
Rose glad you and Tony are still ok. Hope you didn’t hurt yourself when you fell out of bed. I would get your meds if I lived near enough.
Just going to catch up a bit more with posts. Hope Jane is ok. Thanks for having me in your group. Such a support.
Have the best day possible. Love Lucy x


Back showered dressed finally, these mornings I am really slow at getting going,
Its true Ron in the beginning you are drowning in offers of help etc, but it doesn’t last long, i appreciate people have a life to live, but people ie family soon fade away. Although my family were never any good even in the beginning.
Hugs Jo xxx

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Ray always said the worst injection he ever had was yellow fever so the others were a walk in the park


That’s true Jane,I couldn’t keep much down for a few days afterwards.


Hi Siobhan

Last night after I’d confused you over names.
You said you’re not British, and yes we do have a weird sense of humour as you may have noticed on here.
What nationality are you?

X x

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I want to say thank you to everyone on here.

I am not looking for pity or sympathy.

I am seriously thinking of leaving this group as I am so very, very depressed.

I know how much all of you are suffering and I don’t want to bring you down any further.

My husband Paul was absolutely everything to me, although I may not have always have shown it. He was such a lovely person and believe me I got the better deal!

You know about Tony. You know how loving he is and how much he has got me through the past months.

I pray I find strength to care for him, support him and hopefully hide any worries and fears from him up to the second after his final moment. I am sure he could pick up on worries and fears.

Then, at that second I will be truly broken.

I will not do anything stupid as I don’t want to jeopardise any chance of being with Paul. That might sound ridiculous to you but I just want to give myself every chance to be with him.

I wish I had your strength, resolve and stamina but I don’t. I told the doctor not long after Paul’s death that I am a very weak person.

So having written such depressing things, I don’t want to drag you down to the bottom of the swamp with me.

Despite how I feel, I truly wish all of you a life out of the swamp.

You have been so very kind to me.

Sending you the usual big hugs and love.

Rose. aka Linda xx


I would guess Siobhan is Irish. It is an Irish name I believe.

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