Chat and support

Please stay on here. It’s for people like you this forum exists. It helps all of us to share. Obviously you are feeling very down at the moment with Tony but you will be there when others are down and you are not quite so low.


Please don’t leave the group. That is why this site was set up. We need you, you need us. Stay and find comfort and also give it. Love to you and Tony xxx



Believe me no one thinks you should leave
Our group.
You are a much loved member and we all also
Need you.
I know how you are feeling and how desperately
You are feeling for your beloved Tony.
You do seem to be very very low .
Please keep going and contact any of us anytime.
Continue to think of Paul after all he was your
Strength and stay.
Like all of us we don’t have them here any more
and we do have to just continue somehow.
God knows I wish with all my heart it could be
Thinking of you and sending my love and strength.
Love Doreen xx


Please don’t leave, speaking for myself you don’t pull me down. We are all here for each other at this awful time. I find this group helps me a lot as you all understand.


Dearest Linda, plese dont feel the need to leave. In our own way we are all struggling and all need each. Other to old on to.
You are really low because of Tony which is under standable. Hold onto us together we have stength and compassion. Xxx


Oh Rose/Linda
Please don’t leave the group. We all need each other and you’re not bringing anyone down.

You’re always there for everyone
Please let us all try to help you through this awful time

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Hi Rose/Linda.
This forum wasn’t set up for fun and games,it was set up for people just like you and the rest of us,as you know I have been many times in the pits and you lot have dragged me kicking and screaming back up,you are a valued member of this group and we don’t want to lose you,whether up or down or just having an occasional giggle it all helps us along this horrible journey,please don’t think you drag us down as we can all relate to you.
Love Ron xxx


Please don’t leave the gry- you aren’t bringing anyone down. I was going to leave the group awhile ago as I was so low and everyone seemed to be making jokes etc at that time. I took a little break but so glad I stayed. We all have ups and downs. I am on a stronger anti depressant because I am struggling.

We are here for you.

Liz/Sandra - I am Irish American. Born and rain the states but my mom was from the republic hence the Irish name.

Xx :heart::heart:

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Thanks for letting me know.
Sharon said it was an Irish name and I thought it was.
What part of America are you from?
Its such a vast country
X x

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New jersey :blush:

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Oh my,

you lovely lot have me in tears.

You have made me feel so cared for.

Thank you so much.

I will post a little later when I am more composed and know what I am doing.

I am so frightened of how I will be when Tony passes and afterwards.

This time last year we were a family of four, Paul, me, Tony and Felix, our other cat.

We had a very ordinary and loving life.
We were a unit, a very happy unit.
No inkling of what was to come.

Soon it will be just two.

How did it come to this?
Why did it come to this?

I know these are questions to which there are no acceptable answers.

IF, I stay, this could well be what you are in for.
I am worried this will have a negative impact on you when you are struggling.

Love and hugs,

Linda :rose: xxx

This Tony a little while ago when he was not showing any signs of being ill.


Please don’t think you will have a negative impact we all get sucked down into the swamp and we help each other get back out. We don’t want you going through this awful time on your own. Sending you the strength to get through and lots of love and warm hugs :people_hugging::people_hugging:


Hi Linda. Don’t leave. We are here to help each other. I have really struggled. As well as losing my husband last October I was made redundant 2 weeks before he passed away after 16 years. I have an appointment to see a mental health nurse next week. I got a new job in May but finding everything so overwhelming. This group really does help you don’t feel alone. Take care. Love Sharon xxx


Dear Linda,
You must take all the time you need.
We are all here for you.
This is what this forum is for.
Sadly we are all here for the same dreadful reason.
I never in my worst nightmare ever imagined
this for myself.
However we all know eventually this is what happens but, we don’t think even when we are making our arrangements and putting plans in place ages before ,the actual impact this is going to have on us.
Thank god because how can any one live with that.
I am having a really bad weekend very very low
As my Sam died on a Saturday and I think about
Him as I miss him so much
I will continue to honour him and all that he did
In his life and especially for me.
This is all we have now.
I love the picture of Tony how lucky you are to have such a lovely and loving friend with you.
Lots of love Doreen xx


And so say all of us Doreen xx


Just heard from Jane,her operation went well and now back on the ward.
She sends you her love,and thanks you for all your messages sadly there is no compatible charger on the ward so her phone is running on fumes.
Ron xx


That is good news. I nearly said couldn’t Jamie take her the charger then realised of course he is looking after Katie.
Could someone send me another Magpie please. I can only see one out of my window and we know what that means.


Here is the truth, my honest account of where I am

I can’t stop crying.

I can’t stop wanting Paul back with me.

I can’t stop wishing and praying Tony won’t leave me.

I thought more people, family and friends (I don’t mean any of you) would be here for me.

I have a couple of very good neighbours who still support me.

The two friends who were there for me from the beginning and I am so very grateful for them, now seem to be drifting away.

I will not do anything stupid but I wish I was with Paul.

I am lonely, anxious, scared and don’t recognise life anymore.

I have never been good at facing up to things, in fact I am not confident, have many insecurities (from childhood).
Paul protected me and gave me confidence.
I could be who I was because of him.

How do I go on?


So glad to hear this.

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Hi Linda.
I was a confident person,even when lost friends saw others badly injured I mourned commiserated,sympathised but never lost confidence,that is until April this year,I am now a gibbering wreck and can’t make decisions and running on auto pilot.
I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks,my friends on here are like family and I get concerned about them all,I think I have learned the meaning of vulnerability.
We are here so hang on tight we fight together.