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Brilliant Ron bles her she is having a really tuff time.
Sending her loads oflove aand hugs xxx


It is so different when you lose your soulmate xx


Hiya Sandra, you are not alone aving no confidence, I always relied on others as a child mum dad siblings as I grew partner and husbands.
This is the first time in my 59 yrs I have been totally alone, am I scared omg I am, am I lost and lonely like you wouldnt believe. Do I question everything I sure do. I suffer agoraphobia and panic attacks, Gra would calm me knew all the right things to say. Believe me your not alone. Xxx


I can identify with that xx


Linda, I’m so sorry you are so down; wish we could all come and give you a hug. I think we’ve all been there. However cheery and full of banter we seem, I’m sure everyone has had those dark moments too. I know I’ve had some very dark thoughts over the last year. Like you, I thought my confidence came solely from John, as he was a strong character and did everything needful; as I’m a nervous driver, he’d also take me to places I didn’t feel I could drive to. You are who you are because of Paul, just as I am because of John. But we are also separate people. You’re a loving, caring, warm-hearted person, and you’ve got this far, so you’re also a brave one. Everyone here is brave. Hang on in there, reach out to your neighbours (and the doctor, too, if you can). Know that we all care about you and Tony, and wish the very best for you, and please keep posting. Kathy xx


So Sandra never feel you alone we are all muddling through scared anxious lost.
But we have each other like Ron says a new family holdig each other up xxxx


It most certainly is,sadly there is nothing we can do except honour and love them like they were still here.


Its all we can do, and as I speak for Gra he made me promise I would be happy one day.
And I am trying to hounor his wishes. Xxx


Tomorrow will be 18 weeks for me the hardet 18 weeks of my life. Xxx
Going for tea at my daughters will catch up with you all later. Hugs Jo xxxx


You can say whatever you feel here and it’s safe. Don’t worry about how it affects us. You need to feel whatever you are but please remember we are here for you. Hands, hugs, ears to listen.

Everyone else…I agree with Ron you are my “family” of understanding… sadly a loss none of us want but have to try to live with.

Siobhan xx


Isn’t it silly the things that can ruin your day. I wanted to make sure a load of washing dried today as I have towels tomorrow. I planned to use the air dryer to make sure. I tried to move it and a leg fell off. In trying to attach that leg all the legs fell off. I don’t seem able to get them to stay on so having to rely in the dehumidifier to dry everything in normal airers. This happened at 8 a.m. it has made me upset all day.
Now that is just silly with what Jane and Linda are going through.

Xx. Sandra


No not silly. I have had many times when small things, which in the past would have just been dealt with or ignored, have brought me to tears. Xx


Hi please dont go.
We all know how your feeling. Our feelings never go away I am depressed angry sad. Spoke to the hospital chaplin yesterday she was lovely. I keep my partners memories alive. If people dont want tl listen . Then thats them not you. Its 16 weekks today my beloved past away. Its still surreal. I had thoughts too in the beginning. However i know she is around. I have had 3 signs so was when a friend was here. My life will never ever be the same . Its changed. I have to learn a different way of living . Not one I want but cannot change it. But I often find myself getting emotional. I have no idea what my future holds but I still have her in my heart. Being with someone for 34 years then suddenly taken is and always be a shock. Dont be depressed talk to us ok x lyn


Sorry you have milestone to get thru today but I am sure every day feels like a milestone sometimes for some people.

Sandra - we are emotionally drained, brain fog, defenses down as part of grieving. So we don’t physically have the tolerance to let go of things that normally we would do. A nurse told me this about me. As you know my throat is really getting me down. I will have to be extremely careful when I start to get better to take it slow

Life is tough but try to enjoy any win no matter how small. Like this forum for one


Well my evening carer has managed to re attach the feet to the air dryer. We are off and running again for tomorrow’s towel wash.
Xx Sandra.


Thinking of you.

It is so thoughtful of you to contact me on such a difficult day for you

Big hug xx

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A small win, made a garlic pasta bake for dinner together with a nice bottle of wine.
Not much of the pasta may get consumed but the wine will.


Hi again everyone

I’ve been out most of the day again.

I’m with everyone else.
Please Linda don’t leave us.
We know you’re as far down as you can possibly be.
But that doesn’t mean you’re going to pull us down.

Our own individual grief pulls us down. Sometimes more than others.

We all want to help each other and that includes you.
We can listen, understand and encourage each other.
Like you have done for all of us.

We have all been in dark places and thought we’d never pick up. But with each others help we do.

I know that sometimes we fall again, but we are all here to help each other up.

Please don’t leave us.
We need you.

Love and hugs
Liz x x


I am tossing up between a diazepam? Or. a gin?

Errrr gin every time Linda tastes better.