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Such wise words @Willow112

I’m struggling a bit this morning. I don’t know why but it’s grey and gloomy outside
I woke up tearful.
Maybe because I’d been dreaming of him
But I don’t want the dreaming to stop.
Its all I’ve got of him now
That and my memories

Hugs to everyone x x


Thank you Ron, I think the final straw yesterday was taking Ray off the Electoral Roll.


Sending you a hug :people_hugging: I went to bed in tears last night as I do most nights and I hate it.


I know it’s like Willow said deleting them one piece at a time,someone once said you are very precious now because you are now the only keeper of all those precious memories, made me sad and proud at the same time.



Hugs definitely needed today

Big hugs back :people_hugging:

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Thank you for your wise words Willow the Electoral Roll was the final straw for me. It is a horrible gloomy day here again, I am at our daughters for a few days so I will have good company. Our grandson turns 20 on Monday it is the first of the firsts so I hope I can hold myself together , it will be the first family meal out since Ray died.

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Morning Liz.
The nights are drawing in,there’s a chill in the air winter is on its way,it’s going to be a hard one for us this year,and if we all stick together and have an occasional laugh we will pull through,Mrs Morecambe and I will have to find some new material though.
Many hugs Ron.

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I am sending you all hugs :people_hugging: i have my 3 year old grandaughter today. So keeping me occupied. I hope we all find peace soon its what our other halfs would want for us,just as we would have them if things where in reverse.
Hugs jo xxxxx


Thankyou @Ron11

Yes it’s going to be a long cold lonely winter.

But we will get through it.
We will keep each other up

It’s comforting to know there’re people here who really understand, and really care

Many hugs :people_hugging:
Liz x x


Thanks for the hug Jo.

I really need it today

Sending one back :people_hugging:

Love Liz x x


Ty Liz I think its those we tend to miss , i know i do , i love a good hug xxx


Not rambling.

I recently had to make a couple of decisions so I understand.
It is so new to us and another part of the firsts.

Sending a big hug.

Rose xx


Here for you.

Big hug xx

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I have to get someone out to look at my roof but I’m really worried about doing this without the help off steve

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Morning every one.
Just been reading the posts.
I could have writttn them all my self
I too have had to what felt like erase my Sam out of my life like he was never here.
If he could walk through our door he would say where is my car? Who cut the trees down who has been cutting the lawn.Where is my bank card why is my account closed.
Who took my name off the dentists list?
Many many other things and honestly it just breaks me up
I have no children but he had not that they bothered with him when he was alive.
I simply don’t want those toxic selfish people
In my life especially now.
I have to think about me now and get on with my life such as it is…
I know how difficult it is for us all.
This is my grim weekend again and it comes
Around like clockwork.
Dragging me down got me talking to myself
wandering around our home recalling just about
every thing we ever did.
Do you know though it not getting better it’s worse and I can’t stop it.
I am feeling dreadful and I know it is the same for us all.
Comfort and many hugs Doreen x


Hi Pam, it’s really daunting isn’t it! I too have various jobs that need attention in the house and apart from not having my husband Damien to discuss with, I constantly worry about how to cover the cost of things. I’m sure many are in the same position, and when you’re grieving it seems overwhelming. Sending lots of love to you - hope it all goes ok! xx



Love and hugs
Liz x x

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Thank you it is very worrying

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Totally get that. Just spent an hour and a half trying to find a plumber who can come out next week. Do you have a local Facebook community group? I’ve used the one here a lot; the advantage is that as these are local people, if a tradesman has a lot of good recommendations from people you know live in the area, you can probably trust them. Asking neighbours for recommendations is also a good idea.


10 months is still very raw just keep taking one day at a time thats all we can do try to keep busy even though you carnt get your motivation , its 2 yr 26th November since i unexpectedly lost my husband age 59 we ha been together since age 17 yrs old im still intense griving waiting to see greif counselling , i dont know how to carry on without him having such a bad week crying so much x