Chat and support

Ive still nit took my husband’s name off our bank accounts or dentist etc , i just carnt bring myself to do it ,it will be 2yr November since i lost him but apparently im not breaking any laws not doing so , ill do it when i feel ready ,


Does anyone else watch and listen to one of the Youtube videos ‘Forever Autumn?’ (Justin Hayward, Moody Blues.) It really resonates with me, especially as my husband played a lot of their music when we first met. ‘Forever Autumn’ is so relevant now.


I did check a trader in the end because everyone is busy because of the weather
So fingers crossed


Sending a big hug xx

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Hello Jo
I was so sorry to hear about your health problems and I hope you didn’t think I was poking my nose in.
How on earth you cope with all of this is remarkable.
You are a strong lady.
Love and hugs Doreen x

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Hello Jo
I totally agree peace and comfort is what we need and as you said that is absolutely what we
Would want for our husbands and wives partners
should the situation be reversed
I couldn’t bare to think of my Sam having to go through any of this.
Now I know what this is like grief, sadness
Misery loneliness despair helplessness just
I am glad he will never have to.
Love and hugs to all
Doreen x


Hi Lydia
Used to like the moody blues.
We loved Dr Hook and went to see them a couple of times and I have all their music .
We played it all the time along with Joan Armatrading.
Can’t play any of it now.
Love and comfort.
Doreen x


Hello Tina
I am so very sorry for the loss of your husband and so very young.
I hope you get to see your counsellor soon to try
and help you with your grief.
We are all thinking of you so keep posting .
Love and comfort.
Doreen x


Hiya Doreen.
We are not given a choice are we, i get scared i wont lie, there have been time these last almost 4 months life as seemed pretty pointless.
But my darling Gra fought with everything he had right up to his last breath for life, so if I give up I would be doing him a very big dishonour.
I I hope with all my heart I never do that to him he was strong brave and a fighter, so in his name I will try with all that I am to live and fight on.
Omg is it hard I long for his touch his warm embrace his voice with all its reasurance.
I have never been so scared so lonely in my entire life. But hopefully one day I will speak his name without tears and feel happiness again.
Hugs Jo xxx


Hi Jo.
Sorry your feeling so down,I was chatting to a neighbour today who was bereaved fifteen years ago,and I mentioned the rollercoaster journey we are on,and she said it’s not a rollercoaster because that never levels out,it’s more like a ship in rough seas going up and down and fighting until it gets in to calm waters,makes sense I suppose.
Big hugs Ron.


Can’t listen to it. We saw Justin Hayward in the War of the Worlds production in Cardiff. So now it has me in floods of tears.


Hiya Ron , yes your neighbour as a very good point there, it is like been at sea, some moments calmer than others, some like been in torrential storm.
And we have to take the rough with the smooth till hopefully one day the calme seas are more .
Hugs jo xxxx


Ey up!
Ron’s chatting to the widow next door.
Better brush up on your chat-up lines, mate.
Quells don’t have the same ring as steak and chips at the local Bernie Inn.


I have a choice,three in my street spoilt for choice,and my best chat up line is how’s your zimmer frame doing,Bernie inns eh,prawn cocktail,steak and chips,Black Forest gateau,oh happy days.


I read about it history books. You paid with a white fiver and got four pounds and ten shillings change, and left a florin as a tip?
Huh! You old people!


Don’t forget the ten bob note,Saturday night out fish and chips,taxi home still had change.


Thankyou im going for a coffee in town tomorrow with my friend but im really having to push myself i really dont feel upto it but know i need to start going out places , xx


Oh how things have changed. My first job was as a programmer and considered well paid. £750 per year. Out of that I had a season ticket from Finsbury Park to Croydon. Paid rent to my mum and dad. Went to the pub most lunch times or night and could still save. That’s inflation for you. But then of course lived and worked through miners strike and 3 day week where trains would take you to London and then stop running. Telly ended at 10 o clock and rolling power cuts.


That made me giggle. Me and a mate went to the pictures one night. It was winter, no heating in the cinema, and we were wearing hot pants! There was a power cut halfway through the film so we all had to leave and walk home with no street lights. By the time I got home my teeth were chattering. No sympathy though, my mum just said. “Well, what did you expect, going out without a coat on in this weather. That’s always been your trouble, my girl, you are all top show”. I looked at her blankly. Then she said “Fur coat and no knickers”. I still didn’t get it, cos I was wearing knickers, but not a coat, let alone a fur one.


The old ones really are coming out now,”pictures” fur coat and no knickers haven’t heard that for years,it will be get your big coat out soon