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Kecks and platform shoes. And one of those Afghan coats that smelt of yaks. As my mum would say, ‘she’s no better than she ought to be.’


Hi Ron
My mam used to say to me if wanted more to
Eat your eyes are bigger than your belly.
Then if I asked her where she was going
she would say to balkadidy and back to see how
Far it is.No idea where or if it is actually a place.
Or if my brother and I had misbehaved she would say if I come over there you’ll wonder what cuddys kicked you ???
Doreen x


Or; ’ stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about!’
‘if you break your leg, don’t come running to me.’


My mums favourite was,what’s for tea mum “a run round the table and a bite out of the leg”don’t understand it to this day😂


Classic that one,


If I have to tell your Dad, this time next week you will still be walking backwards.
Still puzzled.


Morning every one
The dreaded weekend is upon me again.
I have hardly shut my eyes last night and look and feel like a zombie this morning.
I could barely get out of bed this morning. and finally rallied/ forced myself up at 10-30.
Still sitting here drinking coffee.
Can someone come round and crack the whip.I had company yesterday afternoon for a few hours and a nice long chat on the phone last night.
It helps a bit .
I just can’t see me getting through another day
The way I feel just now.
I will of course I was so moved by Jo’s description of how she would fight on in her beloved husband’s name as he had fought on so bravely.
I will do my very best also in my Sam’s name.
He was a fighter and never gave up and despite his many horrible health conditions he just got on with his life our life.
That is what I miss his love his strength his absolute determination his company
This of course does not stop me feeling just
so very low and dreadful.
I think I need the ropes guys to drag me up because I feel I am sinking .
I will be again covering the clocks.
Sorry to moan.
Doreen x


You aren’t moaning Doll, I too am having a very sad morning and have cried mos5of it, I wrote a birthday card to our grandson who is 20 and only signing it Nana broke me. I hope your weekend isn’t too bad.


My Mam used to say windmill pie if it goes round you will get some


Dol my Mam used to that about a cuddy as well I am a Northumbrian and another one was you look like you have been kicked by a cuddy if I was in a mood. When I married my Yorkshire husband I used to have to translate for him.


Hi rajah
Thanks for your message.
I have four birthday cards to send this month and my name only on them
I have considered putting my Sam’s name on
Them as well as he would have wished them a happy birthday if he was here.
Do you think people would think it is not a nice thing to do . ??
Am I being morbid??
We have the Xmas cards to face, always was my job Sam put the stamps.
I hope you can have a better day.
Love and comfort Doreen x


Hi again
forgot to ask what part of wonderful Northumbria??
Doreen. X


South Tyneside, near Hexham


I considered putting Rays name on as well



Juat need to wrote this down. Been to 3 of our walks today all so painful crying breaking down. How on this earth am I meant to carry on. How. I am seeing couples everywhere. This cant get any worse can I found 3 feathers today. Back home have housework. Just sat here want to scream and shout and shout and shout. Head hurting with stress whixh I know will increase blood pressure. I know everyone is suffering. I am 59 had plans big plans with my soulmate. So distressing please dont say one day at a time as to me its one more day without herx


Hi rayjay
Near blyth and seaside
Doreen x

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I know the area well my mum was from Newbiggin by the sea

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I am so sorry you are feeling so bad today and hope you can find your way out of the swamp. I was broken this morning when I wrote our grandsons birthday card then I thought Ray wouldn’t like to see me like this so I invented a neighbour round for coffee and had a natter to her, she is recently widowed as well. Sending you a hug :people_hugging:


So sorry.
I understand.

I went out this afternoon to do a bit of shopping.

I saw quite a few men by themselves or with a partner.
They were about my husband’s age and older.
I kept on thinking ‘Why are you here and he is not?’.

Home again and will try to distract myself.

Rose x


Oh Rosie jack
How horrible for you .I feel for you and I know your grief is overwhelming.
When you love someone so much it really really
It more than hurts because we realise these
Beloved people are never coming back.
I know what you mean about couples.
We all were once couples and I feel angry and
jealous I suppose.
I feel conspicuous and I never did before I wonder if people are looking at me and commenting.
I wondered what the significance of the feathers
was for you.
Hope it’s not too painful.
I don’t know to cope or if I ever will and I think now what is the point, is there a point to all of this?
I know and understand we are all suffering on here and thank goodness for the posts.
I can only hope we can somehow get some sort of ??? I don’t know peace while continuing
to love and miss the love of our lives.
Thinking of you. Doreen x