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Morning everyone

I’m sorry we’re all suffering.
I just want to say that no one on here will ever get fed up with anyone else

If we keep repeating or moaning or ranting, it really doesn’t matter.

We’re all here for the same reason
We all need to listen and be listened to.
To be understood and to understand

To know that in our most desperate times there are others who wholly understand our pain
Who don’t judge but are always here for each other

Now who’s going on🫣

Love and hugs to everyone
Liz x x


Thanks Liro. :heart::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:

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Some good news,after great effort and cost I just received an e Mail saying my wife’s full medical records will be with us by no later than 30th Oct,so now it begins.


We’re with you @Ron11


Thanks Liz.


Lesley sounds like my kind of gal. I also left all the boring stuff to my husband and he left all the choosing curtains and interesting stuff to me. I could add lots to the boring list, spreadsheets, computers, any kind of technology, cleaning out plug holes and drains, putting bins out.
Basically I did the interesting pretty things, he did the boring, ugly dirty things.
I stupidly let his mobile go flat yesterday. When I charged it up, the PIN was locked. I put in the correct one, but it wouldn’t have it. I know I used the correct PIN. Anyway, I ended up having to go to the website to get a PUCK Code, (I detect another misspelling). I did sort it out eventually, but that’s another hour of my life I won’t get back. Not that I had anything else to do last night. I sat on the banks of the swamp waiting to pull you out, Ron. Had I known you were off down the pub knocking back cheap gin, I would have counted all the Allen keys I have unexpectedly inherited. If I sell my angle grinder AND the Allen keys I might have enough money to buy a bottle of cheap gin.


Yeah although I was pretty crap at diy I was a dab hand at cleaning drains,shower traps,spiders webs,putting stuff in and out of loft,if she was buying something a bit pricey she would say how much have I in my account,she didnt have a scooby,and you are welcome to help dispose of my cheap gin,just not for a while.


Oh and what are Allen keys and a grinder,I thought it was keys belonging to Allen and grinder was a dating site.


Because of my previous career I have a weird range of knowledge. I can use a screwdriver and wire a plug. I do know about accounting and tax and payroll. I know quite a lot about law and contracts. I did choose curtains and paint colours. I know how to calculate the specific gravity of paint from the ingredients. I know how to work out how to cut card into boxes. I do tapestry and can sew.
But I can’t cook. Rubbish at cleaning or ironing. I suppose from admin and (if was fit and healthy ) DIY I am fortunate and more practically prepared for this lonely life than many. Somehow that all goes to pot when you lose your partner and you become as useless as everyone else.


I am on a bit of a Thai theme today. I am going to Tai Chi later, then I am going to have a Thai take-away. You can keep your cheap gin, Ron. I think nothing less than a couple of Mai Tais will suffice this evening. I might even sign up for the Taekwondo class.
Now, what else is there? Nope, I am tongue-tied now.
Pudding, explain to Ron how to wire a plug, it might come in handy when he wants to borrow my angle grinder. They are probably on the old two pin system up there in the Grim North.


Two pin,don’t know what that is,we are still using oil lamps and candles,tvs run off a hamster running round in a wheel,coal fire does lovely toast,and big coat on bed keeps us lovely and warm,need to go and wind up clock.


Tin bath in front of fire by any chance? And of course an outside shared toilet with newspaper on a string.


Ron that is great news.
Every one is with and suoport
Doreen x


Thanks Doreen it’s much appreciated.


I have had a very sad and lonely day I don’t know what to do with myself I haven’t got anyone to talk to
I know nobody really has any answers for what we are going though
I feel like I’m being crushed people say I have to make my life but I don’t want to I want my old one back


Don’t know what age you are but if you get really lonely and need someone to talk to age uk have a service where someone will ring you regularly. For a while I had a volunteer from them who visited once a week. We got on really well. Unfortunately she and her family moved to Korea. Also Silverline available.


Some really good news finally Ron. I hope you get all the answers you need. Fingers crossed for you hun.
I know who to call the next time a big spider well big in my mind comes to visit unvited. I spray them with hair laquer it freezes them so i can hit them. Then stand shuddering daring my self to pick it up lol. Xxx


Hi @Pam14, I have to commiserate with you on this, I have had poor day, this morning was all tears and sadness, I was a bit surprised to feel like this, I am in my seventh month since losing my wife and for the last few weeks I actually felt I was getting a grip on things and was beginning to feel a bit more positive, I have even been making more positive posts. I am sure the circumstances of the day start to play a larger part in how we feel,
I went to bed late last night (well this morning) I woke up late, laid in bed because the weather was crap and I didn’t want to get up, when I did my breakfast was late, my whole routine had been thrown out, I had stuff I needed to do but it was still dull and raining, so I watched telly but the tears just kept coming, this afternoon has been a bit better, these rounds of getting a bit more positive, maybe seeing a light and then relapsing (in guilt?) are tiring!


I’m in my 11th month I am 68 and find it very hard to say how I’m feeling
Me and my husband just pretty much just had each other
We did spend some time with the family
I’m just finding it very lonely


Not many creatures I can’t handle,the only one is snakes,I’ve hated them ever since being bitten by one,slimy things.