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You are so right Rose Garden. We kept things “for best”. Why do we do this.
I was looking at a crockery set we bought. Dinner plates, tea plates, soup bowls, pudding bowls and mugs - all with a matching poppy pattern. Because of the pandemic we couldn’t have visitors and so all these lovely things remain in the dresser - we never used them and now Bill never will.
On our last outing to the garden centre in April he bought me a top and trousers and I got him some shorts and summer shirts. He was always saying to me “if you like that, I’ll get it for you”. His new clothes are lying on the bed and he never got to see me in what he bought for me. :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:
I have no interest in anything anymore. It’s all so pointless. Like you say, a wardrobe full of clothes, some “kept for best” but now no-one to dress up for. I spend most days in what I call “working clothes” - jeans and a jumper. Only change into better jeans when I have to go shopping.
Please don’t tell me it will get better. It won’t because my Bill is never going to be here. I can’t share anyrhing with him. I can’t go out with him. I can’t buy him things, things I know he would like. I would have given him the world if I could. I love him so much. :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:


We’re all here with you.
We all understand

Big hugs
X x

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Next Tuesday will also be the first anniversary of my husbands death. Even though the awful shock has worn off the grief is not getting any easier xx


I shall be thinking of you on Tuesday too.

Big hugs x x

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Will be thinking of you as well. It is the emptiness and loneliness. Doesn’t seem to get any easier xx


Will be thinking of you too

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Just sat thinking it’s coming up to lunchtime,in later years neither of us had big appetites,so on most occasions it would sandwiches,one of us would just say lunch and both would go into the kitchen,I would make coffees she would make sandwiches,she would say do you want………… and I would finish the sentence with yes please and just grin at each other.
Now those moments are worth more than diamonds.


Dear Harriet,

exactly the same here with crockery.

I started to use 2 plates from the service before my husband died.

They are back on the shelf with everything else.

Also a dress I bought when we went shopping and have never worn.

I bought a pair of boots that I said to him I would wear on a special occasion, not worn.

A new shirt he never wore is still hanging on the front of his wardrobe.

I am sure there are others on here who could write the same.

Love and a big hug,

Rose xx


Hello everyone been trying to catch up as I have been at our daughters. Yesterday was very emotional as it was our grandsons birthday, 7 of us went out for a meal usuall there was always 8. When we got there the table was set for 8 that nearly broke me but I had to hold it together. Today I collected my new car which was also emotional, it is the first time I have bought a car by myself, I hope Ray approves.


Hope you still had a nice time,
Don’t upset me and say you got that Porsche.


When my lovely mum died we had to clear her house. I was really sad to see the contents of all her cupboards. The drawers in her bedroom were full of beautiful nighties, petticoats, etc., which she had “kept for best, they are too nice to wear”. Most were things my sisters and I had bought her as gifts over the years. The kitchen cupboards had china dinner and tea sets, a boxed cutlery set, embroidered table cloths. Other cupboards revealed new towels and bedding. There were new bottles of perfume and toiletry sets, all unopened.
The stuff she used day to day was old and worn.
Since that day I never kept anything for best. I want to have the pleasure of using nice things while I still can. As we all know to our cost, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
So, I will continue to wear my disco hot pants and diamante sandals to do the garden and put the bins out. That is as close to an outing as I get these days!


No wonder your bins get emptied twice a week!
No Ron, that is not a euphemism xx


We did have a nice time thank you. I think I am a bit too old for a Porsche, I have gone from a 2ltr Diesel Kia Sportage to a 1.4 Kia Rio Petrol, I must remember is doesn’t have as much oomph


:rofl:. That’s the first time I have laughed this week! So thank you.


And don’t forget to Fill up with petrol not diesel🤣


Hi Pam
I hope you a feeling a bit better,
I know some days and weekends can be worse.weekends cripple me and find them
so draining and emotional.
It’s a relief to talk or post on here
We are all here for each other and keep on doing that please.
The loneliness and not actually speaking is horrible.Well meaning folk say to me you have
to make your own life now.
Honestly I could just bash them in the face
as they go about with their normal lives.
They have no idea YET.
Thinking of you love and comfort
Doreen x


That Rose cheered me up no end.


Oh willow you are so right,
My dear Sam used to say all the time never
Put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
That applies to every thing. Do it now
When my mam passed away suddenly at 64 with a stroke we had the sad and emotional task to
Clear out her belongings it was a council flat so it had to be quick far too quick.
It felt savage going through her private stuff.
She didn’t have a lot but she was happy
She had a beautiful tea set which she never
used it was in her china cabinet it had been my
Nana’s wedding present in 1918 and she had never used it either.
I have it now and I haven’t used it either .
She had other small treasured bits of jewellery
lovely old table clothes .
She was a wonderful cook and had a really
Old Mrs Beaton cook book.I really wanted it.
My sister in law who had only known her five years took it as she said it meant a lot to her
and wouldn’t let me have it.
Honestly she doesn’t know where the oven is!!!’
Sam for Xmas a few years ago bought me my
favourite channel 5 perfume the actual perfume.
I didn’t use it as I knew how expensive it was I did use the spray cologne though which he had bought with it.
When I did decide to use it it smelt funny
as it had gone off.Massive regret there.
When I look in our cupboards now I see the lovely things we bought over the years and hardly used.
Honestly I could cry am crying actually as I know now we will never use them together.
It really hits you to realise this.
Why did we not use all the lovely things we had when we could why???
Did we think we had forever?
Does any one else do this?
I am absolutely devastated.
Sorry to bring the mood down for you guys.
Love and comfort to us all
Doreen xx


Quite proud of myself; hope it’s up to @Ron11 's standard! Log delivery day before and after. Took a lot longer without John.


I think we should all get our best stuff out and wear them and use them on Sundays. We all hate Sundays. Perhaps if we were all done up to the nines, eating our sad and lonely sandwiches off bone china plates and drinking our coffee from crystal flutes we would all be more cheerful.
By the way, I just clocked Ron’s earlier post where he generously offered to pay me good money to see me gardening in my finest attire - I have witnesses here, @Ron11
Whilst I am tempted, I am afraid that you would be demanding a refund, it ain’t pretty. I am so glad you didn’t leave, you make a lot of old ladies very happy.