Chat and support

Thankyou @Rosiejack

It means so much to have your support

Love and hugs
Liz x x

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Thankyou @Mbg

It means such a lot to have your support

Love and hugs
Liz x x

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Aww Liz sending you a big hug. Life can be so cruel.
We are all here for you xx


Thankyou @LynT

It really does mean a lot to know I have your support

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Always here xx


Thankyou Rose

You know how much I appreciate that

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Morning Liz.
You have my deepest sympathy it really is a horrible disease, I hope your niece can successfully fight it.
Lots of love and strength.


Thankyou Ron

The love and support I’m getting fom so many people, who are all suffering themselves is amazing

And much appreciated

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Morning Liz
You are only getting back the support you have given to others myslf included.
We are all there for you always.
Hugs Jo xxx



X x

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I feel :broken_heart: again today I have signed the last of Ray away today at least that’s how it feels. I had to see our financial adviser this morning as I am the beneficiary of his private pension and it all had to be signed over to me. I then arranged for it to go to our daughter when my time comes which I hope isn’t too far down the line.


It’s very difficult as things gets ticked off I have been there,we just have to plod on and hope things get better,I refuse to let the swamp get me,there is still a bit of life in this old dog.
There is lots of love,hugs and support here for you,here’s my other virtual hand hang on tight.


Thank you Ron, I thought I was doing ok until this morning, I will try not to let the swamp drag me down any further and hang onto your virtual hand.


Hi @Rajay

I’m dorry you’re so down again

We’re all here for you

Srnding love and strength

Liz x x

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I’m having a really bad time today. I really don’t want to go on anymore. The thought of having to carry on without my husband is unbearable. I feel so alone without him.


I feel similar to you. But just take it one day or one hour at a time. Don’t give up life. It’s hard but we will cope together. I just decide what invitations to accept. You may not always feel like socialising but sometimes it’s good to push yourself. But if you aren’t up for it, try to watch a light-hearted show to distract you. I don’t know if I helped. But just know others are with you.


You just have to try and push though it even 11montbs on I was walking though town and burst into tears because he wasn’t with me it’s so cruel Call
We just have to take on day at a time
Sending hugs
Thinking of you No


Yes we are all with you.
We do know how you feel

Sending love abd a big hug
Liz x x


Thank you all. It’s comforting to hear from you all :broken_heart:

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Hello rayjay
I am so sorry as I know how difficult this to do.
If feels like to me you were once here now you are not
The terrible feeling of just signing away his and our bank accounts to just me, pensions,house deeds our home together for years now only in my name.loads of other stuff,people wanting death certificates .etc.
It is all overwhelming and soul destroying.
He although very astute and clever could never
ever have imagined this for me.
Here I am though and just having to wade through it.As we all are.
Grab any virtual hand on offer and hang on to it.
I am doing that and glad of it.
I also here for you and if it’s any help offer you my support.
Love and comfort Doreen x