Chat and support

Keep going everyone, you’re all making me laugh.

Chilli rice :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:
Willows penchant for maths
And Ron just makes me laugh

Keep up the good work

X x


Yes, almost a year for me too, and mornings are the worst.

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I think I might have a concrete mixer. There’s a covered up Thing outside which I never took much notice of before. Good for making large amounts of chocolate cake?


Well, my chocolate cake, anyway.


If you wait until Jane empty’s her choccy bath you will have plenty of ingredients.


Go and look at The Thing. It might be a Ferrari, or a huge chocolate fountain.
I had a large covered thing in the shed. It was only a Black & Decker workbench. I was sorely disappointed.
We had chocolate cake for tea.


No, it definitely looks like a concrete mixer. Round thing with a big mouth at the front.
I’m probably the only person in the whole world who doesn’t like chocolate cake.


Hi we all understand I would walk the earth if my partner was there. Its so so heartbreaking my heart will never heal. I understand where your coming from think alot about it myself x


Oh Liz, I’m so, so sorry that you are going through all this at an already impossibly difficult time.
Thinking of you and hoping and praying for you and your family at this time.
Sending love and positive thought to you all.
Lisa x


Thankyou so much @Lisaj2019

Your support is very much appreciated.
Especially when you’re going through such a hard time yourself.

My husband was given a shock diagnosis just after Christmas and died 6 weeks later. So although your husband didn’t last so long. I do know exactly how you feel.

Sending love and a big hug
Liz x x

Hi @Catrin1

You’re not alone.
Since Roger died I’ve gone off all things sweet, including chocolate and chocolate cake.

Liz x x

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Hi all you guys
Here I am again .
I have had a difficult day very difficult.
I have tried my best to do chores,throw out stuff
Hard to do.
Take my dog out, chat to neighbours act normally.
Go in the house and cry a lot.
It is coming up to 10-30 again and still cover up the clock.
I can’t get Sam out of my mind as this is the exact time of his passing.
I feel so selfish and needy as I know all of this
Is what we are all going through.
God !!! this is terrible.
I really need the hand holding and support.
My absolute love and support to all of you .
Love Doreen x


It seems to be the weekends that we suffer the most. Sometimes it all gets too much. It becomes exhausting trying to be cheerful. But we are all in it together. So, here’s my hand, grab it.


Ty Willow i will hold on to itif we hold on to each other it might stop us falling into the swamp.
Hugs jo xxx


Hi everyone

My hands are here for you all

X x


You guys are just amazing thanks for the immediate support.
Made when I was and am at my lowest ebb.
Especially amazing when I know you are all
going through this yourselves.
I am going to try and get some sleep I am not tired sleep escapes me .
I will hold on to your virtual hands and thank goodness for them.
Lots of love Doreen x


We are one big family on here Doreen,as the muskateers said all for one and one for all.
Much love RonXxx


It is 1 year ago at 02.30 that my husband Greg lost his battle with cancer after getting told he had 2 weeks to live and he survived 2 weeks and 2 days. Finding it really hard at the moment. Met a friend for a doggy walk and coffee this morning and a robin came for a visit hope that was a sign he is ok. Take care everyone xx


I have a very bold robin that keeps flying up at the kitchen window.


Hello Sharon
I was very sorry to hear of your husband’s passing a year ago.
How painful and dreadful still for you.
I just can’t imagine how anyone copes with
that sort of news and ghastly time frame.
My heart goes out to you.
The support I have had on here including the silly jokes and comedy all helps .
Sending all my love and comfort.
Doreen x