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It is possible that we thought Ron will realise roses have thorns and will wear gloves but we obviously forgot how bad you are at DIY. Still job done and you still have 4 fingers and a thumb on both hands so count it a success and you will know next time.


There won’t be a next time, my man with a van who cuts the lawn will do it, I’ve learned my lesson😂


I can’t stop sobbing today and really have a lot of thoughts about not being able to go anymore. I feel totally broken


Hi Lyn.
I am so sorry the swamp has dragged you back in,you have been so positive recently and I certainly thought you had made the breakthrough,we are always here for you and always will be.


Hi @LynT and @Alilye

I’m so sorry you are both so down today.

We’re here with hugs and hands and understanding.

I’m so sorry your new relationship isn’t working out.
I suppose we will always be comparing our lost loved ones.
In my case I’m really not interested but I can fully understand how some people need the companionship

I’m only 7 months in and I’m being pursued by a very persistent man at the bereavement club I go to.
I have tried to be polite but I feel a really rude response coming on.
Why is it some people just don’t get it?

Love and hugs and hands
Liz x x


Thanks Ron
I won’t give up but I think I need timeout to reflect on what I want and don’t want xx


Thanks Liz
I think it’s all too soon, although it’s awful being alone, I think I need to be. Thanks for the hugs and hands xx


Hiya Lyn ,
When You are comparing them to your late partner its to early to move on.
When I met my second husband I knew it was right as I excepted him for him.
Although I never and never will forget my first husband Steve, Like I will never forget Gra.
I send you hugs jo xxx


I am exactly the same as you Liz,I have no interest in another relationship,once you have experienced perfection there is no second best,we will all have to pull together and get this swamp drained.


I would gave loved to see your neighbours faces.
Glad you have kept all your fingers lol.
Hugs Jo xxx


I think they will give me a wide berth for a few days Jo.


Love comes when you least expect it, well at least it did for Gra and me. We had both lost partners. And then second time was just as true and special. I loved both my husbands equally and i would have missed out on so much love and happiness if I had not met Gra.
Hugs jo xxx


Lol Ron you do have a brilliant sense of humour :smile: xxx


Some people get really lucky and get two bites of the cherry,my perfection left me in April and it would always be second best for me.Xxxx


Hi Jo
Yes this has made me acutely aware that I am not ready. I didn’t want a relationship, just male companionship but guess it’s not fair on someone to accept that. My man friend is wanting more and I just can’t go there but the thought of being on my own is depressing x


I understand that Lyn I truly do , and there is nothing wrong of asking your friend to be just that a friend.
Be honest and tell him you are not ready for a full on relationship but enjoy his company.
And if he cares for you he will wait and except you for you if not then he wasnt for you anway.
I always say I want a proper hug from a man but I mean just that a hug. I know I am not ready for anything more.
Hugs Jo xxx


Bill was the love of my life. He was the one and only person who loved me for me - faults and all. He taught me what real love is and there will never be anyone else for me.
I just needed to say that, which is why I miss him so much. There’s no need for replies ‘cos I know you’ ve all got your own thoughts and grief to cope with.
I’ll try not to inflict this on you again ‘cos you’ ve heard it all before.
Love to all.


I am not interested either,Ray was my one and only. I used to joke with him that I didn’t have time to train another one. From the age of 20 to 72 he was my one true love.


Hi Jo
We had this conversation from the very start and I was open with him about not being ready for a relationship but he has started to have feelings (which I don’t have) so it’s not really fair on him and I don’t want to be led into a relationship I am not ready for. It’s so difficult as I liked his company but I am having to step away now because it’s getting me down xx


Awww bless you Lyn, you do what you heart says is right. Its so easy to get swept along .
Time only can tell if you will ever be ready for anything more than friendships.
Lonilness is a killer. And I look things to fill that void. But I know in my heart I am not ready and dont know if I ever will be to love another. Xxx