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Of course I remember them. Back when 7 O levels was considered a good number and you could get into IT without a degree or maths. My qualifications for a job as a programmer were A levels in English literature and history. Didn’t get my degree until I was in my 40’ s via the OU. Then it was an arts degree.

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Please can I be like all of you when I grow up?! You have given me such good laughs! But personally it would have to be Colin Firth!!


Definitely Orlando Bloom.


I have finally been offered a chopper unfortunately it’s a Chinook a bit big for most to handle,needs a decent patch of grass and firm surroundings to land though.


Grown up? I will let you know if and when that happens.
As for qualifications, I was ungraded in CSE maths. The teacher made me stand in the waste paper bin because ‘I was rubbish’.
But I was smarter than the geography teacher. He accused me and my friend Pat of copying each other’s test answers. I was disruptive, but never a cheat. He announced to the whole class that next week Pat and I would sit on opposite sides of the class for the weekly test.
We decided in advance that whatever Question 3 was, she would answer “I don’t know”, and I would answer “Neither do I”.
Silly sod was apoplectic with rage and confusion.


Get your flying helmet, Ron. You’ve pulled.


At least he’s still here.:rofl:


That made me giggle xx


I am training Millie as we speak to gnaw at the postmans feet, also incompetent bank managers , she will be hired out to anyone who needs her. The only payment that is needed is dog biscuits. Xxx
Oops forgot maybe bus fares are legs are only little x


You’re all making me laugh.

If anyone not going through what were going through were to read these posts, they wouldn’t believe the deep grief we are all suffering.

These daily laughs do help us to cope but don’t stop the tears

Love and hugs to everyone
Liz x x


They do Liro and I think the tears will fall for a while yet
Hugs Jo xxx
I have to leave you all for a little while I have a physio appointment to see if they can help with me falling. Xxx


Surely just a little push will do it :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy::joy:
X x

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Lol Liz :laughing: :rofl: you can try it out first xxx
All have fun chat later xxx

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Have you noticed that Ron has been very quiet since I told him he had pulled?
Methinks he is one of those blokes that are all talk. He’s quite harmless really.
Right, I am off to put my slap on. I am expecting a man arriving, to do an annual service on my air conditioning. But, you never know, he might look like a young Elvis.
I am not really going to make myself look alluring, but I do need to go and tidy up the house a bit. I do have a little bit of pride and dignity left and this place looks like a bomb hit it.
I am still finding bits of chocolate icing in mysterious places.


I’m walking along by the sea, crying my eyes out
Not helped by listening to 'I’ll Never Love Again ’ but it just says everything I feel

Roger should be here walking with me

But a robin did greet me at the bottom of the steps so maybe he is with me

X x


Big, big hug xx


Thankyou Rose
x x x

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Good luck with the professional sadists. But the exercises do work. Have so far done 2 sets of mine to improve my mobility so perhaps I will be able to leave the house.


Yesterday Check Oil message popped up a couple of times on car dashboard .

My husband always dealt with the car. So another new thing to deal with without him.

I have checked the oil and it seems to be ok.

We had this message ages ago and I know he topped up the oil.

Tried to find out online which oil, :face_with_peeking_eye::flushed::flushed::flushed:

I will go to those who know.

Just feel a bit overwhelmed.

It has just reinforced how much I now have to tackle without him, things I never had to think about.

I will be ok and I will deal with this but I really hate all this.
There is so much to deal with isn’t there?

Moan over, love and hugs everyone.

Just one request,

don’t ask me about engine oil :face_with_peeking_eye::roll_eyes::wink::joy::joy::joy:

Rose xx


What’s engine oil? :thinking:

X x