Chat and support

Just play the poor little woman card. Helped me once when company car I borrowed needed oil and petrol. Ok with petrol but could I figure out how to open the bonnet. Got the guy in the petrol station to help and he even put the oil in for me. I was never a blonde bombshell either. Dumpy redhead more like.


Yes, I will.

Thank you xx


I cant stop crying, It has now started to sink in((( Nobody to talk to…



I hear you about things that you have to do. I am getting another second hand car. But I have a personalised registration my husband bought me. All the paperwork can get confusing especially when you are grieving. I am sorting it but miss his calming help and guidance. Iiss him loads



Dearjohn are you ok xxx


I understand, I really do.

Big hug xx


So very sorry.

You can talk to all of us here.

Sending a big hug xx


I’m so sorry for your loss.

Please keep posting on here
You will find love, understanding and support.
We are all grieving so we do know what you’re going through.

You are not alone

Love and hugs

Liz x x


Dear John
I have just read your post.
I know how you feel we all do.
You haven’t said much but please post and let us all know about you.
We are all with you.
Love and comfort
Doreen x


So sorry @dearJohn . You can talk to us; we all understand what you’re going through.


Hi @Rosiejack

If you can find a bereavement group please try it
It’s really helped me.
Being with people who really understand is invaluable.

Mine is run by our local hospice and there are always trained counsellors on hand if you need a one to one.

I have made new friends, 2 in particular have become very good friends.

Please try it if you can

Love and hugs

Liz x x

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Please let me know how it goes x x

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I must confess that my friend, who is also a widow and has also lost 2 sons, came with me to my first meeting.
But people were so nice I would have been fine on my own.
I’m so glad you’re going to try it.

I hope you find it helps you, like it’s helped me
Being with people that truly understand, I can’t describe it.
It’s like being on here with faces

Love and hugs
Liz x x

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Good morning everyone, just.

Everyone is very quiet today.
I hope you’re all ok

Love and hugs
Liz x x

Morning Liz.
I was away overnight yesterday,just waiting for my ride home,hope everything is ok with you.


I am good, thanks, Liz.
And I hope you are too.
I have been to Asda (Joy). Now I am practicing my karate chops and Paddington Hard Stare in preparation for yet another visit to a bank this afternoon!


Yes; had the plumber round this morning to sort out the non-working taps.

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Hi Jane.
How’s Jamie.Xx

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Hello Ron,
He has a bad ear infection, antibiotic tablets and spray prescribed.
The day centre phoned whilst I was in the supermarket to tell me that Katie is being a little sod, though they didn’t actually use those words.
So, both my kids are being a bit of a worry.
I can’t do much about either of them. But I can have a couple of cans of lager tonight, Perhaps I will be less bothered afterwards!
Bloody kids. :roll_eyes::upside_down_face:


Good Afternoon all, i hope you are all well.
Millie is available for ankle biting Jane. So long as she as a dog biscuit and a tummy tickle shes anybodys , i am doing the boring job of cleaning , where does all the dust come from?anyone would think I hadnt polished in months.
Hugs Jo xxx