Chat and support

Well done Doreen. Thats something I can’t tackle yet. So so hard to part with their stuff. It makes you feel bad as it was all important to them. Love and a hug x


That is horrendous mgb. I’m so sorry to read about what you are having to go through. Thinking of you. Sending love and a virtual hug x

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Well, I have just been into the room where I keep my husband’s ashes.

I managed to get the cat carrier down from the and put it in that room as it is close to where he sleeps and rests but not where he now goes.

It is the room where my husband would sit and read and our elderly would sit on his lap either looking lovingly at him or curled up on his lap. So the ashes rest on that armchair.

Of course, I have been crying whilst I I hugged the casket.
I also told my husband about taking the cat to the vets and also talked about the last time the cat went to the vets. We three, were all together.
I also asked my husband to look over us in the vets and be our guardian angel.

Now, I am out of the room and getting the carrier ready.

Please pray or keep your fingers crossed for my lovely, aged cat.

I so hope I can give you good news later :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

Rose xxx and an adorable cat xx


Prayers for you and your cat. We had several over the years. Would love one now but really not fit enough to look after one. Besides if I can’t get myself to the doctor how could I get one to the vet if needed.


Thank you xx

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I have been on this forum for a while now,and seen so much pain and anguish it almost hurts in itself,I am glad we can sometimes raise a smile or even a laugh it cheers us too,what’s that saying “if you can make someone smile you have achieved something”
My wife of 55yrs was my life and soul,but now I see two doors before me,the first I can just stroll through but to me is inconceivable,and the second I have to have a bloody great rock tied around my heart,climb a mountain of pain to push through that door.
Some friends and family can be stupid,heartless or both,I now ignore them.
So friends pick up your boulders and let’s do this all together.


My heart is with you all the way

Love and hugs
Liz x x

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Good luck Rose everything crossed for him.


I am so sorry you are going through this. The pain must be unbearable. I hope that Social Services and the police rapidly deal with this. As if you are not going through enough anguish without all this worry.
I have a friend who was widowed when her kids were young teenagers, they are twins, the girl was a huge support to her mum. Her brother accused her mum of ‘allowing his dad to die, she was a monster, she was supposed to protect her children, and failed”. That was a few years ago, now he looks after his mum.
My daughter has SEN, behavioural difficulties and autism. It is hard to navigate grief, without additional burdens.
You have my deep respect. Looking after a child with special needs is one thing, to take it on voluntarily is something else entirely. People tell me that I am brave. I am not, I didn’t choose any of it. You chose to help children in need, and that IS brave and selfless.
I hope and pray that you get the right result.
Sending love and strength.


Good morning Ron

You’re right. We have to move on.
Someday maybe the boulders will get more manageable

I had 42years with Roger. I don’t want to go on without him, but I know I must. But he will be with me every step of the way

We’ll all go forward together, picking each other up when we stumble

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Oh Mbg. That is truly horrendous. I can’t begin to imagine what you are going through.
I’m sure all our thoughts are with you.
Sending you all my love, hugs and strength to get you through.
:heart: :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


The joking is undoubtedly frivolous, but when we are all coping with so much pain it is sometimes a welcome distraction, reminding us that we can still manage to smile occasionally.
Whether we laugh or cry, the fact remains that we have all lost someone we loved dearly.
Like everyone, I have cried endless tears, wailed, bargained with God, and all the other things we do. It made no difference at all.
When I visit this site and chat to all my new cyber friends, I feel better, I feel normal in a world that just carries on as if nothing has happened. You get me, and I get you. I feel safe here. And when the chat gets a little bit lighthearted it is a relief. I start to remember that life is worth living, that I can still laugh. It doesn’t mean that I am over it. It isn’t disrespectful. It is helping me survive.
So, here’s to having a laugh.


I agree with you @Willow112, there have been days when I have been at rock bottom and I come on here and read the banter posts and I feel so much better. I don’t always join in but they do lighten the mood. I also know I can say when the swamp is pulling me down I always get thrown a life line. So keep up the banter please.


Me too Willow

Like you , I’ve begged and pleaded and bargained with God. Nothing works.

Being on here we all understand and keep each other going.

Love and hugs
Liz x x


That man, my husband, Jeremy, spent 16 years of his life trying to make me happy, and succeeding. He would be very disappointed if I give in now and spend the rest of my life crying.
Besides, somebody has to keep @Ron11 under control.


I couldn’t have put it better myself.

Your wisdom will help us all through

X x

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Lol Willow you task is no mean feast, are you up for such a big challenge. You know how Ron misbehaves xxx

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I’m sure she’s capable of keeping us all in check if need be Jo :joy::joy:

Liz x x

I pop out for some supplies and come back and it’s pile on Ron day again,my pet lip is quivering.

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She definitely as a strong personality. Lol xxx

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