Chat and support

Watch you dont trip over it lol xxx


You should be so,lucky

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That is an excellent way of putting it

I feel normal.

I had never thought of it that way.

Thank you so much for that!

Love and hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xx

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Well time to uncross your fingers,
I have brought Tony the cat home :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat:

It was more or less as I expected due to his age, 20+ (estimated) and his heart problems.

His swelling is because of poor teeth but due to his heart he cannot have them out as he would have to have a general anaesthetic.

Thank you all so much for being here with me.

Much love and many big hugs,

Rose :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:xxx


So sorry to hear all you have gone thru. Is there any way you can relay a message to your foster children or get a message to them? If not, try your hardest not to beat yourself up as social services caused this separation…not you. Please do look after yourself and be kind to yourself. You are under alot of emotions. Please keep sharing or at least reading on this forum to get support.
Hugs to you :heart::heart:


One of our cats had a thyroid problem. Options were op and pills for rest of life or radio therapy. Early days of this treatment. Had to take him to Canterbury where he was made radioactive. We then had to leave him until he was not radioactive. It worked but was VERY expensive. I was getting very large quarterly bonuses at the time and joked that whilst my colleagues spent theirs on cruises and big teles I spent mine on a radioactive cat. Well worth it.
So glad he has more time with you.


So pleased for you

Love and hugs

Liz x x

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Dear rose
I am thinking of you and your wonderful precious cat.
I sincerely hope it is something that the vet
can provide treatment for.
I know how worried you are and I am sending
all my love and support.
Doreen x


Seeing as Willow(Jane) doing her “ladies that lunch” I sneaked in to her kitchen and nicked a big slice of choccy cake,I did however leave her a bottle of ronginnery.


It’s great that you’re all able to join on the banter. I wish I could but I just can’t do it.
Yes, you’re right - life has to go on - what choice do we have.
This is going to sound silly. Bill was all I had. He was everything to me. Now I feel I’ve got nothing and no-one. I’ve got a lovely house with some lovely things that we bought between us but without him to share them what do they mean.
Sounds like I feel sorry for myself and I don’t mean to 'cos in many ways I’m lucky - just doesn’t feel like it.
Don’t mean to put a dampener on your posts. I’ve got nowhere else to offload - sorry :frowning:


Don’t be sorry for offloading, we all need to do it sometime. All of us are in the same boat but some need to paddle harder, we are here to help each other stay afloat. I have to believe it will get easier or I couldn’t get through another day. Sending you love to help you get through.


That Ronginnerry is precisely the reason you are a slobbering wreck @Ron. You should rename in Rotginnery.
And the next time you sneak into my kitchen, could you please do the washing up.
I have been a laydee wot lunches. I met one of my widowed friends.
We kept getting dirty looks because we were laughing too much.
I have been thrown out of better places.


I did your bloody ironing what more do want,and washing up liquid is no good for my delicate hands.


I appreciated the ironing Ron, but not my silk underwear, you didn’t need to go anywhere near it!


Hi @Harriet4Bill

Please don’t apologise for offloading.
We all do that at times on here.

You’re not feeling sorry for yourself, you’re grieving.
It’s a long arduous journey
One we’ve all got to do, and in our own way
There is no right or wrong way

I’m finding it very difficult and honestly can’t see me ever getting through it.
But at the same time I know I have to. Roger told me to carry on living and I owe it to him to do just that.
Trouble is I just don’t know how to, not without him.

So you’re not alone and you’re not feeling sorry for yourself.
Just grieving.

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Oh he didnt did he? Have you got iron shaped holes in your underwear?

And has Ron never seen the Fairy Liquid advert?

X x’

He did!
And now my cake tin is empty. I feel a Lemon Drizzle Cake moment calling me.
But first of all, I am off to Damart to buy flannelette nighties and big gym pants in case @Ron returns.


Mmmm lemon drizzle
Will it be as big as the chocolate one?

X x

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Sorry not used to your iron,took me ages to find the thing,did you know that tin of tuna in your cupboard had 1932 use by date.Xx


Probably. I still cook for more people than there are to eat it.
The trouble is, all my cake tins and casserole dishes are huge. I put the food in them and think, No, that’s not enough, and keep shovelling it in.
Then I find myself stuck with enough to feed the five thousand.