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Yes. It was bought to commentate your birth, @Ron11. It was supposed to be a surprise lovely Christmas present for you. The surprise is spoilt now, just like the tuna.

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No problems,I can always use it for bait on the end of my fishing line.

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Tuna pasta bake, anyone?

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Fairy what,is that something at the bottom of the garden🤷🏼‍♂️

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Thank you so much, that is very kind.

I was worried that the chin swelling was something more serious.

He was such a comfort to me after my husband died.

He cuddled me and slept next to me both when I slept downstairs on the sofa
and upstairs in the bed.

He adored my husband and the vet diagnosed he was grieving when he was not well after his death.

Sending a big hug,

Rose xx

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No for ‘hands that do dishes, can be soft as your face’

Please don’t tell me you’ve never seen the adverts

X x

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Have you seen my face🤣 it’s very hairy and not very soft.


Yes, fairies, they live in pretty little houses, not toadstools, wear silk clothes and they are the nemesis of elves and gnomes. They live on chocolate and lemon drizzle cake. They really don’t like out of date tinned tuna, cheap gin or Dave-the-Boiler in the baggy tracky bottoms with a builder’s bum.
They prefer Young Elvis, Patrick Swayze, and I can’t remember the rest of the wish list.

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Your face sounds like a badger’s bum.

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This gnome has a thing for Joanna Lumley,AB fab or Purdy I don’t mind.Xx

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Oh you really have seen me scurrying around your garden on a night,you could at least have put some tuna out for me.xx

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Keith Urban wouldn’t go amiss

I definitely don’t think Rons a fairy, possibly a Hobbit

X x

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Better not visit my garden tonight. Weather forecast says wind speeds of 15050. Might be a tad draughty.

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I think at those speeds your entire house will be sitting in my garden tomorrow.

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My wife’s was Garth Brooks and Tim McGraw.

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I am sitting here in my ruby red slippers, just in case.

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But does your hot pants and boob tube match,standards must be upheld.xx

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Is that all. Here it is wind speed 16727. Another software update nobody tested. I am starting to think I should go back to programming and show these idiots how to destruction test a program before it is released.


They does, Ron.
If standards are to be upheld, we must watch our grammar.
It woz you what went to the posh skool.
I woz ungraded in CSE maffs.


Hi Ron
Reading you post made me feel very emotional
What’s new these days.
However I know exactly what you mean.
Like you when I have read the absolute heartbreak and agony we are feeling about
Our loved ones I cry because I know.
To raise a smile or even a laugh is a good thing.
Sam is the love of my life always will be and 43
Years later I feel the same.
To go on without him is so hard.Somehow I never thought I would have to .
I too have experienced stupid thoughtless
and down right uncaring people. I am including
some family members in this.
So I don’t need that, will not put up with that
don’t want toxic people around me.
They will know one day
I will do anything to honour my Sam’s memory.
I am sure he would want still the best for me
If that means gathering myself up and loading
up my heart full of love for him, to try and go on
as best I can then I will try.
Love Doreen x