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Enjoy your shopping.

I’ve had a walk
Now I’ve got to tackle the skip.

I thought if I ignored it it would go away, but it’s still there🥴

X x


Oh no just read your post.
Hope you are up and a obout and not in to much pain
Love Doreen x

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I had mine the day before.
Both arms can hardly lift either but at least they are done.
Love Doreen x


Yes, and the soreness will hopefully have gone in a day or so. xx

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I struggle with a king size duvet cover on my own so I put the top corners in the cover and secure with clothes pegs then roll over done over the quilt, a good shake and you are done.

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Skip done for today

So am I :woozy_face::crazy_face:

X x


Well back home an old friend and colleague went to the local deli for coffee and toasted tea cake,mulled over different things,Jon ain’t bad for a southerner.
Took my baby sister for her scan,now just waiting for the arrival of my groceries.
How’s everyone else’s day been so far?


Can’t all come from the north or Yorkshire. Would get very crowded. I am the usual mongrel. Born within the sound of Bow bells so officially a cockney to a mother who was born in Scotland and brought up in Newcastle. My London accent is tinged with Geordie and now West Country burr.


Helluva combination.

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Hi Ron. Glad you’ve had a good dsy.

I came for a walk this morning
Half filled a skip
And now I’ve come for another walk.
I’m making the most of it. Off home tomorrow or Sunday

I’m a Southerner through and through. Kent
But not the pretty part of Kent.
I’m nearer London where Bluewater Shopping Centre is

X x


We always have had that bit of rivalry between North and South,thankfully most of it good humoured.Xx


Are you sure about that lol :joy::joy::joy:

Well I suppose you’re ok, for a Northerner :joy::joy::joy:

X x


Any weird substitutions in your groceries? It’s amazing what they think is a substitute sometimes. Ended with a lot of rhubarb fat free yoghurt last time.

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Well I suppose it was healthy yuk I hate yoghurt.
I always say no substitutes. So I end up with half the order missing :woozy_face:

X x

I use Ocado. Very rarely get substitutes or items missing. Seems to be a shortage of frozen cauliflower at the moment

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Hi Ron
Glad you enjoyed your coffee and teacake bet the company was good.
I am feeling low but like all of us it’s that dreaded
It’s a milestone for me as I think it is for you.
My Sam has been gone ( I wish I knew where)
Six months now tomorrow.
I sure am gonna need everyone’s hand both of them and I will try very very hard not to sink.
I will be taking my lavender out soon she enjoys
It and I don’t want her to be sad .
I have bought a lovely birthday present for my sister in law and invited her for coffee she said
Thank you but I don’t feel all that well.
She should be walking in my shoes.
Love Doreen x


Hi my delivery guy said a customer ordered a large pack of apples and got one coconut!!!


I have learned many things today, Grasshopper.

Firstly, my lounge clock is not magic after all, it needs a battery.

Secondly, the friendly little red squiggle light on my dishwasher is not saying “Hello, Jane, how are you today, let me wash all your dirty dishes.”. Not at all. It is saying “Give me salt”. I have ignored it for weeks. It started to blink at me today, in a threatening manner, so I gave it some.

Thirdly, Following this mornings frost, I decided to surrender to the seasons and put my garden to bed. I drained the water feature and put it in a frost free place. Then I tried to put the very heavy parasol bases in there. I couldn’t even lift them off the ground. They are on castors, so their new winter quarters is behind the dustbins.
Having the concentration level of a butterfly, I became distracted by the pretty flowers. I was not wearing gloves. My hands are now bleeding in many places.

On the subject of gardening, I was amazed to see one of my Gentian Violets in bloom!

Whilst I was on my hands and knees, a very large pebble landed on the flowerbed two feet away. I am surrounded by fields and high hedges. I stood up, nobody in the lane, no large predatory birds around.
Very odd. It wasn’t a sign, he wouldn’t dare!



Well he did miss so maybe he was just trying to draw your attention :thinking:

X x


Still don’t know how to change the time on the oven. Watched You Tube and thought I followed the instructions but no.

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