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Oh yes pudding the firemans lift xxx

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Not guilty,but it did make me laugh,the vision of you scouring the lane and sky for a phantom pebble checker made me smile.Xxx


Thats better, much nicer to be able to call you Sandra.

X x

I likecthe name sandra i love Sandy for short and Danny, take me back to my youth loved the film Grease, loved John Travolta more. Xxx

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Hi Jane

I was interested to see why Jeremy might have sent you a pebble.
Apparently its a sign of bonding in Penguins, the female must accept the pebble as a sign of embracing the relationship.

So remind Jeremy of a penguin, are you hobbling since your fall?

I know I really have too much time on my hands :ok_woman:

X x

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The only person that ever called me Sandy was a programmer at the last company I worked for. He was called Arnold and reminded me of Jonah Lomu the rugby player. Nicest guy you could ever meet.


Would you believe I didn’t see more than a few clips of Grease, or Dirty Dancing until last year? :thinking:

X x

What would you like us to call you?

X x

My husband called me Doll or Darling, if he used my name I knew I had done something silly.

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Sandra is great. Thanks.


Can I go somewhere else with lakes of gin and red wine,I don’t eat much chocolate or drink much beer🤣xxx

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It’s probably tailored to each persons taste. Mine wine red or white and chocolate.

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Not today,I ticked the no substitutions box after they subbed an onion from a box of crunchie nut cornflakes.xx


What’s up with these people? Is it just the closest thing to hand? Did you enjoy your onion for breakfast?

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I sent it back,it’s probably still on the van and done more miles than mexx

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Sorry but i now cannot get the vision out of my head of a penguin dressed in sparkly hot pants and boob tube turning up at the pharmacy for a jab.Xx


I hope I don’t remind Jeremy of a penguin. We live quite close to Whipsnade Zoo and used to visit regularly. The penguin pond was the vilest smelliest place in whole zoo. You could smell it long before you could see it! I wear Youth Dew perfume, not Penguin Poo.
It used to be hilarious living round here. A few wallabies escaped and formed a colony. People thought they were hallucinating seeing wallabies bounding around at night. They were eventually rounded up and returned after a couple of years.

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I use Youth Dew as well.

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I’m sure Jeremy would not have thought that then

But it has given Ron some interesting visions this afternoon :joy:

X x

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Well, I hope this pharmacist is worth the three very generous squirts.
He had better look like Elvis, that’s all I can say.