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Morning everyone just dropping in to say hello. Feel like I have joined a sitcom :joy:
I see everyone talking about the COVID jab, my husband who was fit, healthy, slim, didn’t drink or smoke and no signs, symptoms died of a heart attack out of the blue and it was 5mths after he had the COVID booster jab, he told me he would never have another one after he said he had not felt right since having it, said couldn’t explain just not quite right. I will never have another one. Too many healthy young men dying of heart attacks. I am not a conspiracy theorist before anyone jumps on my comments but for me too much of a coincidence.
I am off out shopping with my friend in a bit, we are winter clothes shopping lol
Hope you all have a good weekend Lyn x


Images of your bum and budgie smugglers can never be unseen now :see_no_evil:


If Ron asks for dental anaesthesia to be in his bottom, I hope he never needs dentures.


I like you Lyn wont have another covid jab, Gra was never right after having them he even said it made his brain feel fuzzy.
I have a friend who is a nurse and she said she as never known the amount of poorly people since the covid jabs. Heart liver kidney and brain fog.
Everyone has to do what is right for them. Xxx


Omg now theres an image jane lol. X


Too late now. We had our jabs yesterday.
My first husband was an athlete, ran at county level competitively. He had a sudden cardiac arrest whilst out training, 29 years ago, long before Covid or the subsequent vaccines.
Sorry, shit happens, sometimes for no reason.
I also had my kids vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough and polio.
And would do so again.


I had both my bains vaccinated too and would again in a heartbeat.
I have the flue jab every year too.
But I think what my friend meant there was not enough research time or studies into the covid jab.
We needed something quick so it was rolled out.
I am no expert in anything medical I can only judge on what I see and have heard.
There as to be something in it when medical mps and the like are now refusing the covid jab.


“Shit happened” to my husband Jane and I have reason to believe it was the COVID jab…he didn’t die 29 years ago

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I can only speak for myself,I have had just about all the jabs known to man(and some not)I have lived my life so far as I felt fit,I used to smoke( not for years),drink(still do in moderation)
Have eaten whatever I please,have seen and experienced things most never will,
Never been a keep fit sort,and now here I am with only two health problems my cholesterol was a bit high (statins) and reflux (lanzoprasol )I understand people have their concerns,I will still have my jabs next week and if it all goes pear shaped,that’s what was intended for me.


Thanks for seeing somebody else’s point of view without dismissing it. I have very good reason to believe it was due to the jab. First thing the paramedics asked me when doing CPR


I have got sausage fingers. It was 20 years ago, not 29. I am not that old!
I wrestled with the decision to get my daughter vaccinated. Not an easy decision to make with nobody to discuss it with.
I personally know several people who died of Covid, most of them at facilities for disabled people. I personally don’t know anyone that died of a Covid vaccination.
I guess everyone has to weigh up the pros and cons, based on their own circumstances and experiences.


Sorry if I gave you that impression Lyn

I truly believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I don’t assume mine is right

My sister and 1 of my brothers hold very strong views against the jab

I just think we should all do what feels right for us

X x


You didn’t give me that impression. It was my husband’s death so I have a right to question why when I know it was related to the jab and I also unfortunately know people who did die from it but again I don’t disregard anyone’s views and don’t expect mine to be told “shit happens” I will leave it there


I think shit happened to all of us.
No offence intended.


None taken just pointing out there is more than one point of view


Undoubtedly the Covid vaccination saved many lives but of course it will have also have contributed to some. We cannot possibly know the long term effects yet. For me and everyone else it has to be a thing of weighing up how much risk is involved and each person is willing to take.
Everyone is entitled to their view. I do think the people who thought it wasn’t real and a government conspiracy are bonkers but that is purely my view.


I think everyone is entitled to question if they think ‘medical negligence’ is involved in the death of their loved one and like I said I am not a conspiracy theorist but if any jab causes a death it is medical negligence. I personally do not dismiss anyone’s point of view just because it may not have been my own experience, I am too opened minded


The thing is all drugs have risks,many we all happily accept,if you just look on the side of a bottle of Calpol at the possible side effects it’s horrendous yet we all give it to our kids/grandkids etc,at the end of the day it all boils down to risk and reward.


Now we have all put the world to rights,I have just made a prawn risotto in a white wine and tomato sauce for dinner,and a nice bottle of white wine chilling in the fridge,bookings are being taken via trip advisor.


I would be there but could I have the risotto without prawns? I don’t eat any fish. Used to drive my dad mad as my uncle was a porter at billingsgate so could get a lot if cheap fish. I am willing to pick them out for someone else.