Chat and support

Hi Ron
Glad you are ok I wonder why you were so angry.
This is a bad weekend for all us.
I feel so sad and really missing my Sam.
I had a visitor this afternoon a family member.
This person has not been near me for six months or even a phone call.
She had been very rude and unsympathetic
by my loss saying stupid and hurtful things.
I decided to be the generous one and said
nothing about it. I felt like punching her in the
To be honest I’ve got by with out her for 6 months .
Hope every one gets through another weekend
and I know I am supported by you all.
Still dreading 10-30 as I know my Sam died then.I can’t get it out of my mind .
Love and support to you all.
Sorry to be whiny and mean.
Doreen x


I have the nearest I get to a roast dinner. Chicken breast, roast potatoes, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, peas, carrots and broccoli.


Does that come with chips and mushy peas? And have you got any Fosters?
I can bring lemon drizzle cake for afters.


I can do chips and mushy peas,sadly no Fosters although I have heard about something called whoosh (no idea) that delivers🤷🏼‍♂️

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Hi Doreen.
Not whiny or mean,although my wife passed the early hours of Sunday morning.
Late every Saturday night I raise a glass tell her I love her,and now try not to let times and dates upset me,it’s difficult but that dark unyielding tunnel is showing a small chink of light,stay strong.


Hi Rosiejack… I think I know where you’re coming from.
I know my Bill has gone. I know he’s not coming back, but suddenly, for some reason I can’t explain, I keep expecting to see him. Am I going mad - I hope not.
Love him so much. Miss him so much - more every day. How do we move on is a question I can’t answer. I don’t know about you, but I seem to be getting worse not better. I must be stuck because I can’t see any future worth having without my Bill.
Love and hugs :heart: :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Thank you Ron x


My Jeremy died in the early hours of a Saturday morning.
Maybe that’s why I find the weekends worse, although I really try the “think of something else” technique.
Distraction? Probably. But it’s my way of coping.
I would never get off the floor if I gave in to what I really feel like doing.
I admit it, sometimes I fake it until I make it.


Not going mad. It’s 16 months for me and still occasionally I just think he’ll be back soon he’s just gone to one of his meetings. The other day I’ll swear I caught a glimpse of him sitting in his chair out if the corner of my eye. Xx


Currently in pub and guess what…eating fish, chips and mushy peas but no fosters lol (I’m at front with glasses) cheers :cocktail:


Hi Doreen

How are you?

My hands are still here for you :raised_hand::raised_hand:

Love and hugs
Liz x x

Enjoy, it looks like party night,spinning light balls,sparkly floors,budgie smugglers,sequinned hot pants and boob tubes,have I missed anything.Xx


Have one, or 2, for me

x x


I’ve started distraction. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t

But as you say we can’t give in to our real feelings or well never get up.

And Sandra, I’ve had that, well similar, I’ve heard him tell me to go to bed when I’ve dropped off in the armchair.
Just like he always did

X x


I agree with you and Harriet4Bill. I am getting worse but a nurse told me recently I am making progress.
I am tucked up in bed just watching telly but having cups of tea and comfort food to get better.
My husband passed away in the very early hours of a Tuesday morning. But weekends are still hard as that was time for us. I work 4 days a week which only started last April. Before that was 5 days. So really get lonely on the weekends.
Xx oo


Ooh, that sounds lovely!


Thank you liz
I feel sad lonely sometimes hysterical,
and going round like a crackpot talking out loud. .Asking questions expecting answers
trying to work out how this could happen .
What did I miss .?
This is truly terrible for all of us I know from this site I am not alone.
Some of us on here are trying their very best
for some cheeky banter.It’s funny and I do
I think they are so very brave and I really
appreciate it.
If you read the post about my visitor this afternoon you will see how horrible I was.
She a family member was rude make some awful remarks 6 months ago about my loss.
Never seen or heard from her since.
I really felt like smashing her stupid face in.
I didn’t I was polite made coffee had chit chat
She still said well you’re coming to the end
Of it now!!!
I put her straight.
Thank you for asking I bet you wish you had’nt
I will be grabbing onto your hand tonight
and anybody else’s hand.
Please think of me at 10-30
It really helps when I feel the wealth of love and
unconditional support from you all
My love and support to all Doreen x


Doreen, we’re with you. Hold on to all our hands.
Coming to the end of it? - we wish! People can be so thoughtless in what they say.
Will be thinking of you tonight. xx


Hi Doreen.
I think we all at sometimes feel sad and lonely,you didn’t miss anything,sadly we all feel a touch of guilt,why didn’t we see it,why didn’t we do more,and on and on,forgive yourself he would,the joking and banter does I think helps all of us,the most important thing now is to be kind to ourselves and staying as strong as possible,I think we will always have moments,it’s up to us to control them,not them us.
Love RonXx


Not quite party night, it’s a bottomless brunch haha with my friends :joy:. I can’t stop in at weekends doing nothing lol, got to get out there and live your best life. After several vino’s we are now attempting to book a weekend away lol