Chat and support

Aww what a ahame you cant relax cry together and talk about your husband her dad. ,
Hugs Jo xxx


My daughter talks about him but doesn’t like it when I get upset. So I don’t call her if I am.
It’s hard but everyone deals with in their own way. Try not to take it personally. When you stay next time and if you are feeling sad just excuse yourself to your room for a bit or go for a walk


My daughters don’t talk to me and don’t mention there dad it’s very hurtful but I guess everyone deals with things in there own way x


I will apologise in advance if my post makes no sense,for the second night in a row my dinners gone in the bin,I am sat in the middle of the room with a large glass of wine in tears,just spent the last hour on the phone with my ex skittle in the US,it’s our 40th anniversary in three weeks time and the guys have put a montage together of our time together,all our family’s were really close and loved each other dearly,some family have passed and they have arranged a video call on the day,to say ime in bits is a bit of an understatement talk again soon.


Sending you love and a hug :people_hugging:


Awww Ron (hugs) hun , what a lovely thoughtful thing. Enjoy your wine let them tears fall and know we are all here for you.
Love Jo xxc


Sending hugs xx


Hi Doreen

I’m sorry for the delay in replying. I was travelling back from my sisters.

I do understand how you feel, people can be so thoughtless, they’ll understand when it happens to them, but I wouldn’t wish any of this on anyone.

I remember how wretched I felt on the 6 month anniversary, not helped by having to go to a funeral, same place, same day, same time.

Now I’m over 7 months and I still miss him terribly and still cry every day, some more than others, sometimes just very wet eyes.
I do find I control it better in company most times.
I suppose when I look back to the start I am beginning to cope a bit.
But I often wonder how I’ll get through it.

And no I’m not sorry I asked. I just want to help you through if I can.

You have both my hands and I will be saying a prayer for you at 10.30.

You are not alone
We’re all here for you

Love and big hugs
Liz x x


So sorry Ron

We’re all here for you, you know that.

Enjoy your wine and have a good cry. It sometimes helps

Love and a big hug
Liz x x


Hi Jo
You have come so far and you’re doing so well.
I remember when you first came on here and you were sure you’d never cope

Well look where you are now, trying hard to carry on and look to the future.

And you’re always there to help others

I know we’ve still got a long journey and will stumble now and again, and slip down the rollercoaster. But together, eventually, we will get to the top

Lots of love and hugs
Liz x x


Hello Ron
You know how I understand how you feel.
My thoughts are very much with you tonight
What a comfort to have those guys around you
caring for the both of you…
Hard for you, but their compassion is something
for you to treasure.
Please when you have your wine do your toast
to the lady you clearly adore.
I am having a big glass also and will toast my Sam at 10-30.
My hands are also here for you and every body
Else who needs them
Love and comfort Doreen x


I thank you Liz and all of you on this site, been there always offering words of support and comfort, always a guiding hand.
True what you say Liz in the beginning i dudnt even think I would make the end of the week.but but by bit tiny steps foward massive steps back I feel I am slowly fetting there.
I hold my darling Gras words in my heart and I hold on to every life line I find.
I will be forever grateful to you all you will always have my love and respect. And I hope I give a little back in some small way to what you have given me.
Hugs Jo xxx


Oh Jo

You’re always giving back

You’re always there for me when I’m down.
You’re always pulling someone up.

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Hugs always Liz you as many others on here are really special. Xxx


Thinking of you Doreen

Love and a big hug
Liz x x

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Great to hear you have progressed but not to say you aren’t still grieving. It gives me hope.

@Ron11 glad you are doing what you need to do. I’d have a wine but my throat is too sore. Will have one another day and toast you and everyone in this group. Tears are good and I am proud of you fir sharing that you are feeling your emotions. Hugs to you

Thanks everyone :heart::heart:


My dear liz
Thank you your unwavering support and compasion
I love you for it,
Doreen x love and comfort


Oh Doreen.
I just want to help you if I can.
Like I know you will if I need it

Much love and bjg hugs Liz I x.

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I understand.

Sending a big hug x

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Good morning all thank you for all your kind messages of support yesterday.
I was determined to not get the usual Sunday swamp today but after yesterday not much resilience left,have as good a day as possible.Xx