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I told Mike the same, that I would be Ok and promised I would be strong….but we really had no idea of the enormity of it then did we Liz……
I wish I hadn’t made that bloody promise because I think I’m failing miserably……
But I think he would understand……we’re all just trying to make it through this somehow and be able to get out of this swamp to some sort of life on the other side. A life without them will always be a difficult life…….we will always miss them….but just to find some sort of peace with it would be all I could ask for.
Sending hugs to you Liz….and everyone out there that needs one x


Weather permitting, I’m emptying the water features today and covering them for winter. I can’t believe I’ve got to do this on my own. My Bill was there to help me set them up at the beginning of May. I think there’ll be more :sob::sob: mixed in with the water. Could be very wet and I don’t mean the weather.
Think I’ve fallen out of the boat and definitely sinking. 'cos I can’t swim.
Love and hugs to you all


Its doing things like that, when you set it up together only in May, that gets to you isn’t it Harriet.
Same here. We were doing things together at the beginning of May…such a short time ago. My husbands got his boat into the water in May, ready to sail on the day he suddenly died. Now I’m struggling to keep it covered while trying to sell it. It is heartbreaking.


Bless you
I feel the same.

But we will be ok eventually

Mostly I cope now but then suddenly get a day like today.
Grief just jumping up and slapping you round the face to remind you you’ve still got to get on with this journey

Love and hugs
Liz x x


I would like to bring a note of positivity,just making a coffee mind blank staring into the garden,and for no reason started humming a tune and just two words popped into my head light up,so I attempted to Google it,the only song that matched the tune and the two words,was a song by someone called Leona Lewis called run,I may have at sometime heard the song don’t remember,so I asked Alexa to play it the,words of the song scroll down the screen while it’s playing,I am now more than ever convinced she is still


Hands and life jackets incoming Harriet take a firm grip.


Thank you Ron 11. Definitely need a life jacket at the moment xx


Probate you can do yourself online. I had gone to a free consultation with a lawyer and they said I had to find out from each company he worked for if it was part of the estate or not. But she was nice because she said I could do it online. It saves money.

Good luck to you and sorry I forget who else said they are doing it too.

For those in the swamp…you are not alone. This rollercoaster of grief takes us by surprise all the time. I still feel like I will see him but then I realise I won’t. I have a memorial ring made with some of his ashes and wear his wedding ring on a chain. But I wish I had him here to hug, talk to etc



I think I need a life jacket today, I burst into tears brushing my teeth and they won’t stop.


That is a beautiful song Ron

And that was definitely a sign.

X x


I think so many of us are in the swamp today we might have to make it bigger.

Lets all hold hands and pull each other out

Big hugs
Liz x x


There is a big storm and blowing us all back into swamp,what a lousy few days it’s been,let’s hope it’s better around the


Thank you so much…

It is kind of you to contact me

Rose xx

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Maybe it’s what you need. It’s ok to cry. Just remember you are not alone. Hope you feel better in a bit. Maybe try to watch a comedy show later or listen to music. Xxx hugs and hands to you :heart::heart:


Oh lets hope so Ron
Surely it can’t get any worse
So many of us so far down

I’ve made myself get up and do something.

Wallowing really isn’t the answer
It really doesn’t help but sometimes it’s all you feel like

Love and hugs
Liz x x


You are so right,at one point I felt as if I was stood on the bottom and it was quicksand,
The sun is shining here so I am gonna stick some marigolds on and do some more


This time wear gloves.

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Da, Do, Ron, Ron.
Just my little Cristals joke, @Ron11 .
Just took Katie for a blood test. FIVE medics, all togged up in plastic aprons and purple rubber gloves. Even I was intimidated.
The deed was done, though.
I feel like a Bad Mum, allowing them to do it. I just wanted to insist that they do it to me instead, even though I know that isn’t the point.
It took ages, they took six containers full. It seems the doctor has ordered tests for everything known to man.
Right, I am off to iron my hands a la Dobbie the house elf.


Glad everything went ok and she didn’t get too stressed,how’s the lemon drizzle cake going.Xxx


5 medics? They obviously have experience. Anyway done now. Any rude signs?
I feel like making some to my health centre. I can’t get out without assistance and nobody I can really ask but can’t get them to treat me as housebound. One of my carers has same issue with her mum who is 90 and can hardly get out of bed.

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