Christmas-should I or shouldn’t I?

I’m about 10miles from Skegness in Lincolnshire :grin:

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Hi linn do you drive or would you have to rely on trains ect xxx

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Hi Raffy i agree something to look forward to and focas on .All.the places a doable for me except catterick .Im 71 lost my partner in april.I dont drive but maybe some of you who do could give lifts and share petrol costs ect xxx

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Hi @sam25 where in south wales are you from? I’m from Cardiff originally. I’m near Swansea now but struggling to find a local group or meeting to go to.


Hi Hope yes I do drive but there is a train station at Skegness x

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Hi Hope 5,
Yes I think its a great idea ,I for one would be able to help with transport .
Its comforting to know we all share the thought of needing to come to together, as we all have 1 thing in common ,losing our loved ones ,trying to establish and move along this rocky path without them , lonliness is a terrible thing to feel and until I lost my husband in June Id not even realised how it can effect us so badly ,like many family and some friends seem to have forgotten him already, yes we know life goes on and life is for living(so they tell me) ,but they dont understand we have to do this our way in our time .
Over this dreary winter we need to plan and start this process ,I personally think it will benefit a lot of us x

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Hi Punto ,
Im not going back to work till im ready ,all I want is a partime job ,I need to focus on the move to Cumbria and find myself again first, if I can ,my brain at the moment only seems to be able to process much ,York( I lived 30 years in Beverley) is lovely yes ,I can travel anywhere ,I hope others come aboard and we can ,cry ,laugh and reminisce together x

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I totally agree it certainly is worth a shot Guess we need to find out numbers who may be interested and go from there lets hope we can pull it off xxx

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I have met up with some lovely people on here and have got a friendship group which you can easily set up on here. Just go to private message and then add people. It lovely seeing people on this journey supporting each other xx

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I think so far you ,me, ,Punto ,HeidiT , Lin ? Anyone ,everyone ,please get in touch ,we will make this happen , we can start concersations here or privately for the group / groups .I dont have facebook but a wats app group we could think about ,ideas anyone ?


Brilliant ,thanks Hazel fir that x

Hi raffy its been another long day havnt spoken to anyone today ,but im on this site regular .So we have 4 people for defanate, good and lin is in skegness so not sure if the distance may be an issue for her hope she gets in touch feel free to pm me you ladies xxx

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Hello Hope5 ,
Yes I certainly will message you ,im same just 15 yr old dachshund to talk to today , who has been a great comfort to me , had a few knot in the stomach / throat moments today it all of a sudden just hits you agin and agin doesnt it ,but im always here for a chat x

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Evening Hope thanks for thinking of me I would love to join you but as you say the distance is a problem for me, i haven’t said no as yet to wherever you decide to go it would be something to consider and it would give me some thing to look forward to I too have found it lonely today although I managed a walk with the dogs this afternoon but I so miss being with the love of my life :broken_heart:

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Oh thanks thats good to know and ive got my 2 cats for company and they are so demanding i wouldnt be without them .love dogs too but couldnt give them all the walks they need im afraid .But ye its a loneley life now so lets hope we will all meet up next year fingers crossed xxx


I know Lin its hard isnt it without them .We will stay in touch and hopefully meet up in the new year xxx


No sleep for me tonight with another day on the arisen , hate it when I lay watching the hours tick by for another day to come without you by my side, ten months have gone by and I haven’t even noticed, I seem in my own world oblivious of what’s happening around me :smiling_face_with_tear: one day my love we will be together forever x


Morning @Lin22
I have been waken earlier on and off sleeping at the moment.
Like you say months 6 for me have gone by without him around and i havent noticed the the time. It feels quickly or slowly no time scale like trapped in another world. We survive in our own little bubbles.
Take care
Lynne x


Sometimes I wonder what’s it all about Lynne, why I’ve been left here when at the moment my life as no meaning I do try to stay strong and keep going but in my heart i just want to be with him :broken_heart:


Hi @Lin22
I think most of us ask that question now.
Dont think we ever will get an answer. Without our partners :broken_heart: everything is meaningless at the moment.
There must be a reason why we are left behind i dont know why yet but maybe in time i will find out.
This weekend has been hell my mum who has dementia was found our in the street she had fallen and suffering from hyperthermia due to bring out in the rain.
She is in hospital now has broken ribs and facial injuries due to falling on her face. She looks do frail and bad. Dont know why she went out in rain and dark then and she cant tell us why Losing my husband is heartbreaking but i lost my mother to dementia too a few years back. I know she is still here but she cant remember my husband and some family anymore so this is so sad. Am i being tested in life i am trying to keep busy but the pain and sadness always comes back.
People say time heals but i dont think we ever get over some things in life and we are on a rollercoaster of ups and downs.
Another day hopefully it will be better today
Tske care