Christmas-should I or shouldn’t I?

Thanks Lynne, so sorry to hear about your mum life’s so cruel at times what did we do to deserve this, you take care too x

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Lynne. Dementia is such an awful thing. Watched my mother in law and father in law succumb to it.
Exhausted today. Hardly slept. Just couldn’t get comfortable or settle. Up at 5 as just didn’t seem worthwhile staying in bed.
Must try and achieve something today even if it is only sorting out 1 file in the filing cabinet.
Stay strong

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@Pudding @Lin22
Thanks girls.
Hopefully will be better day today
Going to visit mum this afternoon
Lynne x


Thinking of you @Galaxy75 and sending my best wishes. X

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@Galaxy75 hope your mum is getting better, sending you big hugs x

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Hi @JerryH

Thanks been a long weekend.
Visited mum in hospital but at least she is now on way to healing injuries.
Sad she does not know what happened :confused: and why she was outside but dementia is getting worse now.
My thoughts are all over the place so cruel :broken_heart: hopefully things will get better this year 2023 had been bad.

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Hi @Galaxy75,

Good that your mum is settled in hospital.

I really don’t know whether there is a good/bad way for a loved one to die. But dementia really seems so extra cruel. One of Christine’s sisters had dementia and was in a care home for a year before she died. It was very grim.

I really feel for you having your own bereavement to deal with while also having to try to care for and help your mother. Very very tough. My thoughts are with you.

Yes, it would be good if 2024 is better than 2023. But to be honest, I would be thankful if at least it were no worse.

Best wishes.

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Don’t forget look after your self as well try and keep everything together if you fall pick yourself up straight away you can do this make your husband proud of you x

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Thanks i have learned now take one day at a time.
Its not great just now with everything thats happening and without my husband to sound things off even harder but i need to be strong during this time but still take timd to grieve


Thank you
I am trying to stay strong during this time without my husband is really hard he would have been a great support unfortunately i dont have anyone else to sound off so need to make decisions alone and hope i make the correct ones.
Take care


Same here I’ve just took car in for mot and service these are all things my husband would have done, last week washer in kitchen mixer tap needed changing had to buy complete new mixer tap cannot just buy one washer anymore I have now added plumber to my can do list as I manage to turn water off dismantle old taps and refit new not bad for a woman of 75 :blush:


Hi @ lin22
Impressed i dont think i could change taps
but looking around house maybe redecorating needs done my husband was going to do this year but spent too much time in garden looking after veg s
and plants to do anything in house.
Cant look at garden just now too much for me to tackle maybe next year x

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I have to clean the trap in the shower. I know how to do it from an online video. The problem is reaching it.

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Guess we are all having to learn new skills.
Lynne x


With me I do try and do things myself I cannot afford to get a plumber in unless I really need to and if you can get people to come and repair or replace anything its so expensive I find keeping busy does help me I’ve already done some decorating and I’ve worked on the garden throughout the summer which as been a struggle on my own, but it’s my way of coping with my grief I will say I find no pleasure in doing these things anymore keep thinking where as the we gone when did I become one x


Isn’t life tough.
I didnt think 6 months ago my life was going to change from two to one.
Life now changed but i dont seem to be able to adapt to new life.
35 years married 37 years together :heart: more than half my life now having to look at new one. Not one i wanted but one i now need to face.
Keeping busy helps during the day.
It is the nights at home the quietness the eating alone that upsets me. Will i ever get used to my own company.
Lynne x


I am learning to do things myself. We never paid anyone as my hubby was good at DIY, It hard trying to learn to use tools but determined to have ago. I love gardening so can at least get that bit done.

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Thanks @ punto
It will take time.
The garden was his pride and joy his sanctuary peace and quiet.
Hopefully now he is gone i will learn more about plants and vegetables if not there is google.
Have a nice night
Lynne x

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Hi Sandra
Hope you had a good nights sleep.
Another day ahead.
I am being kept busy with hospital visits as my mum in hospital after her fall at the weekend.
Anyway hope you have a good day
Lynne x

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@Galaxy75 .
I did get some sleep last night. Bit of a surprise this morning. Expected carers at 08:30 but arrived at 07:00. Just as well I got up at 06:30.
Window cleaner today. He gets here at 08:00.

I hope your mum is getting over her physical injuries. Unfortunately not a lot they can do for dementia.
Hope your day is OK
Xx. Sandra

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