Hi everyone,
For those of you who are struggling with Mother’s Day, you’re not alone. This day can be a really difficult time of the year and to help support you, our Head of Family Support has put together a blog post with some advice on how to cope with Mother’s Day.
I’ve shared a section of the blog post below:
Do it your way. If it feels right for you to ignore it, then do so. It doesn’t have to carry on being a special day for you. For others, it might feel right to keep the day special, to remember their Mum and to mark it in some way. And again this is fine. And again, you can do it in your way: celebrate it. perhaps, by doing something you did regularly (go out for a meal, play a game of bingo or take a trip to the seaside) or use it as a more solemn day of remembrance by visiting a special place you had, taking flowers to the grave, attending a church service or just spending the day alone to reflect.
You may also find comfort in reading some other posts on the community which could help you feel less alone. I’ve shared some posts from other community members which you’re more than welcome to take a read of and reply to.
If you’re looking for support outside of our community, I’ve listed some options below of some organisations that are always just a call or text away anytime you need someone to talk to:
The Cruse Bereavement Care helpline is open every day if you need someone to talk to. Call 0808 808 1677 . See full details of opening times .
The Samaritans are open 24/7 and you can reach them by calling 116 123 - call for supportive and non-judgemental listening if you need to talk about anything that’s on your mind.
If you prefer text-based support, Shout are contactable by text, 24/7. You can text Shout to 85258 and talk to them about anything.