

@Sarlyn thatā€™s a beautiful poem. Every word is so true to the way I am feeling. Thank you for sharing x

It is beautiful isnā€™t it and like you sums up how I am feeling too. Got to keep moving through this, slowly, slowly, hour by hour. I am going to take myself off for a little walk soon as I need to get up off the sofa and move that grief x

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@Sarlyn youā€™re one step ahead of me. Iā€™m still sitting in bed! Trying to find motivation to get up and showered.
Try and enjoy your walk. Everything does feel slightly better when you get out and the sun is shining. Iā€™ll be taking my dog for a walk in a bit so hopefully the sun will stay shining xx

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Im out of bed but still in pjs on the couch with my doggie. I will force myself to take the goofball out for a walk whilst the sun is still out. The poem sums up how im feeling too, trying to be positive but feel most happy in my safe place


@Sarlyn Thank you for posting the text. It resonates with me too. I have decided that there are no easy or difficult things to do. All tasks are the same. The difficulty has been inside of me, it is the straight jacket of grief.
From now on Iā€™m just going to do each task or activity as it becomes necessary or desired without considering whether it is ā€˜hardā€™ or ā€˜easyā€™. This morning I got up and started to do my garden without considering any issue other than it needs to be done. I am doing it and seeing new growth brings a ray of light but the weeds are a bit daunting. Itā€™s just gardening.
My grief can have itā€™s time later in a time out. It is part of my life and I shall allow its place but stay aware of inevitable ambushes. xx


As my mum says. Baby steps ā€¦ so true xxx dont be too hard on yourselves. We all had a massive life changing experience xxx happy easter :wink:

I do time outs, I schedule a time, mostly evenings, where I allow the grief in, absorb it and then release it.
I also keep a journal where I can write it all out as being alone I find it helps express my thoughts and emotions


@Sarlyn I do exactly the same with time outs but donā€™t keep a diary ( not disciplined enough). I did however look back on my posts to trace my recent journey to understand what had happened.
I guess I have concluded that the loss of my wife has destroyed the most important part of my life but Iā€™m determined to salvage and build on the rest in dedication to her. I cannot allow it to destroy both of us as that would also destroy the meaning and purpose of her life and our love. xx


Yeh but sometimes it just comes doesnt it and you cant schedule it ā€¦ something can set you off ā€¦ i got set off yesterday as something happened x

Hi Mike
I have been trying to salvage some of my life if I can . I realised that Zeki looked after and loved me for 43 years and I have to continue the best I can.I had a few even more terrible days than normal last week and almost gave up .He always said I was the best thing that ever happened to him and of course I felt the same.A few weeks before he died he said ā€œDonā€™t die with me Annā€ and always said I like to see you happy and strong.Somehow like everyone on these posts I have to get through this .
I am pretty much alone in the world except for two lovely friends that try their best for me but they work and have busy lives so I havenā€™t really got anyone to focus on .I am trying to compartmentalise the day Keep busy in the morning ,then rest to get over any work and overwhelming sadness later in the day and read before sleep to try and banish grief.Itā€™s so hard but reading all the posts makes me feel I am part of a kind of family.I donā€™t write much as Iā€™m very tearful and donā€™t know what to say and donā€™t want everyone to feel my sadness
Many thanks Annxx


Yes it does come unexpectedly but outside of those moments, I wait until it is my grieving time to process it all and it helps me deal with it better and allows me to try bit by bit to do other normal day to day stuff. There is no magic formula itā€™s what is best for us. Today has been a better one as I had a neighbour come round with flowers and an Easter egg which brightened my day up and itā€™s these type of days we have to focus on as they are what moves us forwards


Stay strong annā€¦ u sound like youre doing ok to me x

Yes i know what u mean ā€¦ bit i find it just comes out whenever im sad ā€¦ but each to his own xx

@19Lefke95 Zeki would be proud of you. But even when we try to get routines established to deal with the pain we can still have bad days out of the blue and we canā€™t avoid the ambushes that hit us from nowhere. What he said to you ā€˜Donā€™t die with meā€™ is what I am trying to do for Diane and what you are trying to do for him. This is not an easy path but it is the hardest thing I think I have ever done. As JFK said we do things ā€œnot because they are easy, but because they are hardā€ and ā€œthe challenge is one we are willing to accept ā€¦and one we intend to winā€ Those words are my time out reflection today.e and support xx Lov


Mike those words are inspirational .I agree this loss is definitely the hardest thing I have ever had to face.The things that hit me are little things but in fact they are big things for my heart to deal with .On the day he died I begged him to let me go with him and I am haunted by how sad his eyes were I just canā€™t block it out of my mind but I suppose in time it will dim a bit.
So sad all of it isnā€™t it ?
Love Annxx


Mike should have read begged him to let me go with him to hospital!

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@19Lefke95 Sadness and loneliness. You may never forget his eyes but you should see in them not sadness, but his love for you, the reason he wanted you with him. Hugs xx

:frowning: take care ā€¦ its awful however it happens xx

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You see Mike he wouldnā€™t let me go with him because he didnā€™t want me hanging around in A&E I should have overruled him and gone he argued it was only to get different antibiotics I didnā€™t want to distress him arguing about it because although he was on oxygen he struggled and insisted on doin things for me,So you see it is one of my if onlys.I regret not being with him His eyes were so sad I think because he was running out of strength.Half an hour or so later he was dead and I have to live with that if only.