Dark days

I’m so sorry my darlin’
That’s why I posted lyrics too … As I understand some songs are just too emotional.
Life is just so s**t now isn’t it.
And no one understands.
19 months 2 weeks and 1 day for me.

Everyone thinks I’m doing okay!!!
No one gets it.
Except all of us on here.
I’m so glad I found this forum.
Thank you all of you


Sorry , forgot my signature
Love, hugs and strength to you all


This is the first song I have listened to since I lost my partner the love of my life almost 3 months ago. I haven’t been able to listen any of our music it would be the end of me. Every day, every hour, every minute is hell. I still can’t believe he’s no longer alive. This life is absolute hell on earth


Hi @inv369
I agree, hell on earth and we have to live it. I’ve been out 3 times today, seen people and tried to be normal on the outside. Now at home watching rubbish tv and crying. I miss him so much and can’t see a future for myself at all. I know it’s far too early to plan anything but this existence is cruel.


I just thank god that i have far fewer years ahead of me without my husband of 38 years than i had with him.


I forced myself to go out today as I had to collect a prescription. I hated every moment of being out because I knew that when I got home he would not be there only more emptiness.

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You could try Don McLean, ’ Empty Rooms’. The context is to do with the losing of love not life. But the emotion of the permanence of loss is overpowering, the sadness, finality and often unexpectedness. It’s beautiful but really tough going and captures the sense and fear of awfulness, despair and hopelessness. You will be in tears but I find that it helps to clear some of the negative crap that clogs the soul so I can take a few more steps towards whatever lies ahead. It could work for you. Our Loved Ones have gone ahead - Long may they Live.


I will try that Don Maclean song thank you for suggesting it. I have this tightness inside sometimes and maybe that will help to release it. I will let you know. Funnily enough my Dad was a massive Don Maclean fan and he passed last March this maybe a sign.

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Dear @Lapizt
I will try it. Thank you.

Another new song I have found is by Will Dempsey. Its called ’ Beat you There’

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Stop it, I’ve had a couple of brandies and it’s all too much!!!


‘ walking up the hill again’ by Tom Rosenthal. Gives me goosebumps. x

Got the title wrong, should be Empty Chairs.

So relate to how you feel. My hubby died end of October 8 weeks after diagnosis. I’ve been in big black hole of 4 mths no exercise eating my body weight in chocolate every night when I go to bed which is usually around 6. I don’t recognise myself anymore. I used to keep so fit and eat healthy. Lost the Will and motivation to do anything. Still overwhelmed with disbelief that he’s gone. No future no purpose without him. Had so many plans for our retirement. It’s all so cruel. The pain of grief so exhausting keep wanting to get back to my bed.


Dear @SadGirlfriend
Sorry. :pray:

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Dear @Lapizt
When I searched there is also a song called Empty Rooms by Gary Moore … Equally as emotive
Love hugs and strength for another day

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Sorry everyone, when I read lyrics in middle of night seemed okay. But when I’ve just listened it’s not about losing someone to death … So not really appropriate to us.
My sincere apologies if I upset anyone…
I have myself
Sorry again :yellow_heart::hugs::pray:

Hi , been having a couple of really dark days , probably because I’m not at work , so more time to think , there’s a song , I call my go to song now . To me the words are so apt , especially the one’ s " laughing like children , living like lovers , Rolling like thunder under the covers " we did laugh so much like children ,and the other , maybe a bit TMI . Sorry . Also the line "never forget I’m your man " and "cry in the night if it helps " …in fact i should of just wrote all the lyrics down it all means something to me . I have sang that song at least a hundred times ( badly I must say ) in my life . And never really took in the words . Till after my husband died . The song " I guess that’s why they call it the blues " Elton John . …x take care x


Cathphil The song may have been written about the break up of a relationship but the words work equally well for our loss and pain. It certainly made me weep.
I always thought I was an independent minded person, self motivated, views of my own, capable. Now I don’t know who I am, where my drive has gone, why I slop about the place when there are masses of things to be done, why I cry just because I can’t start the lawnmower and don’t know when to order more heating oil.


I understand your pain. Losing any loved one is hard enough but losing your life partner is excruciating. I too have no motivation and I’m still overwhelmed with disbelief. I was in denial from when they told us how ill he was in August to when he fell asleep for the last time in November. Dave was still working 6 days a week until July. He was planning for both of us to retire at the end of last year. :broken_heart:


Absolutely, especially now after the funeral etc… lack of energy, purpose, meaning. Just drowning in despair and hopelessness.