Dealing with the sudden loss of my Mum

Hi Girls

Helen it’s fine by me regarding the cream tea. Book whatever you think best. I may take you up on your offer of a lift otherwise I can get an Uber from the airport.
Is Portland area very central? Like Deb says I think a central hotel is a good idea. I will probably be shopping all day Sunday!
I’ve been looking for the most central hotels. The Arndale area would be great.

Anyhow we are back to Parma in the rain atm for another :soccer: tournament :roll_eyes:, but will keep on looking when I have a moment.
Love to all
K xxxx

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Hi girls, Portland street is near the Piccadilly side of town. I went for a Christmas do at malmaisson hotel but didn’t stay as I’ve never needed to. It seemed okay. It depends what you want. Theres a lot of options to suit all requirements. The only one I know to avoid is Sacha’s. It was in our regional news as a failing hotel
Victoria station is near the cathedral. Piccadilly station is the other end of town near the northern Quarter. Piccadilly is the station I use to get in and out of town. I live on the Sheffield line which goes from there. If you are struggling to find somewhere I do have 3 spare bedrooms and a spare lounge at my house which you’d be welcome to use. I could accommodate 4 of you dear friends (extras if you’re happy to share) We could still meet up in town and then come to mine. I’m off on the Monday anyway so free to give lifts etc. we still have a bit of time to work it out so no rush. Have a little think. Speak soon Hxx

Hi all I’d love to meet up but 22 march was the day mum died so don’t know how I’ll feel. Also other half might be working away in March. He doesn’t know exactly when right now but someone has to look after the cats, so can’t commit at the mo.

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Hi Sarah, don’t put any pressure on yourself love. See how you feel and if it’s not right for you this time, there will be other times. It would be lovely to meet you though Hxxx

Hiya Sarah,
Don’t worry we understand. That date is too raw for you especially this year. There will be other meet ups I am sure.
How have you been keeping?
It’s hard going isn’t it ?
Helen you are so kind to offer your rooms but it will be more work for you and you don’t need all that
I will find somewhere don’t worry. There’s plenty of time yet to sort something.
So if I travel up from Wales which station do I travel to. I will be going via Cardiff. Sorry to be a pain in asking.
Will probably come up by car but just in case I don’t .
Been a bit emotional there today. Washed all mums china and displayed them in different dressers. Does anyone else have their mums china on display? Mum had far too many sets and it’s driven me bonkers trying to display them all but am getting there.
Anyway see you all soon.
Deb x

No problem at all Deborah, I’ve just looked at the trains and it looks like Piccadilly is the best one from Cardiff. I’ve found one on 22nd that leaves at 8am you just change at Bristol and then straight to Piccadilly. I’m more than happy to have you stay here but I will look at hotels around Piccadilly and advise. Leave it with me. I’m off to Edinburgh today for the night (my February joy!) so will have a look maybe at weekend. There’s lots of hotels and still loads of time. Even if you left it till the day before you’d find somewhere but I will help you with this as I know the city and where is convenient to the station.
I’m so pleased to hear you are setting yourself a goal for each month. I’m the same with loads of mum and dad’s stuff. I will have to get rid of about half of it but not quite ready yet. I’ll give it away to family so will still be around and ‘in house’ as it were.
Have a good week everyone Lots of love to all Hxxx

Hello everyone, I’m so sorry for the silence. It’s so tough to explain. The last three weeks at work have been insanely busy and it sort of numbs me, throwing myself into it. No me time, even. I’m just purely functioning. That said, the moment I stop I’m overwhelmed with sadness. I know we all know and feel this.

I also worry all the time. About myself but also those I love who are still here, even my lovely dog.

What’s so strange, and what knocks me sideways several times a week, is that I sometimes almost stop and it’s as though this is all pretend and my mum is still alive and with me. And then, just as quickly, I don’t know or recognise myself at all because I seem the same in so many ways but I just don’t feel the same, deep inside. I’m doing almost all the same stuff and saying the same things and thinking the same way etc but I am so so different and changed and it feels so hollow and lonely. Sorry, I’m rambling (you can all probably tell I’ve been reading everything here but with no time to post so everything just bottles up!). It’s such a hard thing to define and describe. It’s like I’m still in shock. I can’t believe this is all real. Its like I am going through the motions, feeling terrible but as though it will all end soon and suddenly my mum will be back saying “well done darling, look at your little face, you look tired and strained, have a break now”. Like it’s a trial that will all be over. But it’s actually just life now.

Then I keep thinking of my young mum, before she had me and how sad and scared she would be to know about all of this but also how proud of me she would be and how much she loved me.

Anyway, it’s too sad to keep thinking about, especially when I am sure we are all feeling this. It’s just so unfair for us all, and for our lovely mums. That’s sort of it right now, when I do have time to think I feel angry and sad and like a child!! Mad, isn’t it??

@Helen51 oh Browns is lovely, isn’t it? Such a fab idea but also, I’m easy with wherever. And yes, I can’t wait to meet you all who will be there - I’ll be there for sure, probably just a day visit this time.

@seychelles I’ve been thinking of you, now especially - all those anniversaries are so so hard, aren’t they?

Thinking of everyone in fact and, even though I’ve been so busy, I’ve been reading away and so so glad you are all here. I honestly never thought I’d be a forum person like this! Its amazing.

And now I’ve worked out how to post from my laptop (you’d never believe I work in social media haha), I’ll be able to post more, even when I’m busy.

Its so good to have things to look forward to like meeting up or even a blue sky!

Does everyone have nice weekend plans?

Sending you all such strength.



Hiya Lucy,
Aww I can understand everything you have written and I know I speak for everyone else also.
In the beginning it’s the gut wrenching crying,the shock,the feeling of not being able to breathe and trying to take gulps of air. Almost I expect what a heart attack or asthma attack feels like. Then gradually after coming through that the numbness sets in and all the emotions of grief kick in. Extreme sadness, guilt for not doing or saying this that or the other even when you did do everything and said everything, the longing for them to come back and so on. Then reality kicks in and we are left in this limbo land of a topsy turvy land we don’t recognise or want to be in. Clutching at straws to get a happy few hours or a day. It’s the most unreal experience ever.
I think we are all still in shock. Somehow people think that shock ends but for me I feel still in shock.
I am over the moon that you are able to meet up with us. If you feel like staying the night we can stay at the same hotel. I haven’t booked yet nor has Kate but when we do we will let you know and you are more than welcome to stay at whatever hotel we are at. That way we can get a taxi back together and feel safe. But even if you come up just for the day that would be amazing.
Gill and Jules care you joining us and anyone else I have missed on here?
It will be so lovely to meet everyone.
Love to you all
Deb x


Hi Lucy, oh how reading your post brought back those feelings. I remember it well. I had terrible nightmares in the first few weeks. They were so bad I was scared to go to sleep. Even though I was exhausted, I would use delay tactics to avoid it as long as possible. Looking back I was like a zombie. Couldn’t believe what had actually happened. I think the pain is always there but you learn to cope with it. There are stages you have to go through. Acceptance is one of them. I actually still don’t think I’ve fully accepted it yet. Maybe I never will. It will be so good to meet and share our experiences of this as well as our normal day to day lives. Whereabouts are you? I’m Stockport but can’t remember where you are? It’s fine to just come for the day. Do whatever feels right. Yes we will decide where to go nearer the time. A friend also recommended ‘Annie’s’ tearoom. I haven’t been there or Browns. I’ve been to Richmond and cloud 23 which are very different. If there’s anywhere you know and want to go let us know.
I’m saying goodnight now as really tired and headachey. Night night and God bless. Hxxx

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Hi Lucy!

Great to hear from you! I can’t remember how far along on this journey you are but it’s normal all the emotions you are experiencing.
It’s true… sometimes it feels like a bad dream. This is still true for me after over 2 years.
I too miss mum so much and I am finding the passing of time so hard. Like I’m getting further and further away from my life with her…

It will be so lovely to meet you in Manchester! As Deb says if you fancy staying over it will be good to all be near especially as Manchester is a large and busy city…
Thank you Helen for your kind offer of accommodation, but I too don’t want to make extra work for you. I’m actually really looking forward to staying in central Manchester. It’s such a lovely city. It’s been nearly a year since I was in Uk ( the longest ever) so I’m so happy to be going back at last!

Night night to you all my friends.
Love K xxxx :kissing_heart:

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Hi Deb @seychelles - it’s exactly all of that isn’t it? And I agree. It feels as though that element of shock will always remain somehow. I know it took such a long time for me when my dad died to sort of emerge from a kind of fog. But with my mum it feels even less real. It’s so strange no don’t know if that’s about being older or the additional grief on top of my dad, the fact both my lovely parents are gone or simply that with my mum it was so so fast and not of the blue.

It’s exhausting trying to work it out but I can’t help it.

It makes me want to cry for all of us!

On to more hopeful things - that’s so kind. I’ll definitely keep seeing how that weekend is panning out. Excited to meet you all. It’s nice to have a little something to look forward to, isn’t it?

Night night! Lx

Hi @Helen51, how’s are you and how’s your week been?

I agree with you, I don’t know if any of us will get over or through it. I suppose the pain just becomes a little less sharp, stings a bit less. And that disbelief lasts too.

Yes Stockport! Where my nanny and one of my uncles lived. I used to be there with my mum and dad loads. I’m in London so will hop on the train up. Used to do it for work a lot and I love the journey because of so much family who were in the area. Macclesfield too. And mottram St Andrew.

Any of those places sound lovely, and it’s so much about the company too, isn’t it?!

Night night, sleep well. Lx

Oh @Kate111 I know just what you mean. I get so upset and scared thinking about how the time is just moving, taking me away from my mum and also in a state of unhappiness with life passing and not feeling the same at all. She’d have definitely not wanted that for me. She’d have been so upset and worried for me. And also would have said to pull myself together and buck up!
So I know just how you feel about moving further from your dear mum and everything you had with her.
I can’t believe I’m five months from mine now. It feels like it could be just a month but also, horribly, an eternity.

Here’s to Manchester and, hopefully less of the grey, miserable skies we’ve had in London day after day. That doesn’t help either!!

Goodnight one and all. Lxx

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Hi Girls
Just to say my flight is booked!! :airplane: :tada::+1:
No going back now!!!
Here’s to Manchester! :confetti_ball::partying_face::tada:
Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
Love K xxxx

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Yay Kate!! You’re on your way! Can’t wait. Let me know when you arrive and I can pick you up from the airport if you like. That’s fine about staying in town. It’s nice to chill in a hotel but the offer stands if any of you lovely lot need a bed for the night.
Lucy, I too love the train trip to London. It’s my favourite way to travel. I went to Edinburgh last week by train. Love it.
My mum wrote letters for us all a couple of years before she died for us to open in the event of her passing. In the letter she wrote some lovely things. It was full of love. She wrote that she wished me a long and happy life. At the time I was so angry with her for dying!! I remember screaming at her through my tears ‘Happy life?? Are you joking?? you shouldn’t have died then should you!!!’ Like it was her fault? Bless her. I just had to vent my feelings. My tears have become less these days and my anger has definitely passed now but I do still cry and my chin wobbles when I talk about it. I’m such an ugly cryer! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I try and do it in private. I’m looking forward to meeting you. We were all really nervous when we first met but after a short time we couldn’t shut up! It’s such a unique friendship we have. In some ways we are strangers yet we know some of our most intimate thoughts and feelings.
Hope you are okay Deborah. Wishing you all as a good a weekend as possible
Lots of love H xxx

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Hi all, I have just been reading all your updates, I haven’t been on the forum since January I think, have been feeling a bit overwhelmed with life. I don’t know why really, but things get on top of me sometimes and I just shut down in a way. I miss talking to mum about things. Dad is there but not the same, of course, I love him but miss mum’s listening ear. Anyway. I have ended up with two trips this next month to the north of England, Sunderland and Manchester this weekend. I don’t think I will manage to come on the 22nd after all as I will need to see my dad then as it’ll be about 6 weeks since I’ve seen him. Am so sorry, I really wanted to come. It would be so good to meet up and talk about things. It’s strange I have ended up having two opportunities to come to Manchester in nearly the same month. I have never been before, and don’t go anywhere very much apart from to see Dad back home. The trips I have planned are to do with a climbing club am in, there is a competition in Sunderland that I’m helping with and this weekend is to try out the new centre in Manchester, called the Depot. I think we will be down Saturday, back Sunday.

It’s good to hear how you are all getting on. I understand the ups and downs, often I find myself just looking at mum’s photo and talking to her, I always wave to her as she looks so happy in it. I was a bit sad this week as my dad said he is getting used to being on his own and her not being there, but I feel sad that she gets further away from us, I don’t want this to happen! Also he says that he prefers when I am there, someone else in the house, but I think it’s because I sit in mum’s chair and it’s like she is there (we are very similar).

My friend from school’s mum died recently, she is the same age as me and her mum had been ill for a long time. It’s strange because I almost envy the time she had with her mum, but that’s silly because it is so sad to lose them at any time, under any circumstance. I felt my mum so close by in the weeks and months just after she died, it was like she was in the next room, but I couldn’t find the door. The thing is, I crave this memory in time now, somehow it seems like she was closer then. I fear her getting further from me. I don’t know how to hold on to her without this happening, it’s like losing her again. I remember mum saying to me that when people have passed and the years go by without them, this can be hard as they can seem further from us.

Recently, I took some of her things back to my home and I don’t think I can ever wear or wash them as I love the smell which reminds me of her. I feel there are a lot of women losing their mums and I don’t know if it is because I am noticing this more in life. Or is it that I am just getting older. Time is so precious. Love to you all. Gill xxxx

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@juniper i totally get the shutdown and over whelmed feeling. I did ok at 1st maybe cos i had distractions, the funeral, friends coming to stay, gigs. Then 6 months later work pushed me over the edge and i shutdown and felt overwhelmed - avoided any decisions big or small. my hairdresser asked me how i wanted fringe, i told her i don’t care if you shave it all off! Just coming out of it now. Still have some big things to deal with eg can i afford to buy mum’s house - answer yes but mortgage and bills will take 90% of my wage so might not be afford to eat!! Still haven’t collected mum’s ashes. Have lots of stuff i want to keep but where do i put it! Still have to clear her house and as sis lives in england dealing with house etc is falling to me.

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Hi milliemobs, it’s so hard. I initially was hoping to purchase my parents house but it was valued more than we thought. I have 3 siblings so would need to find 3/4 of the value to buy them out. It was just too expensive. I feel sad at letting it go but maybe it’s for the best. I hope it comes together for you and you find solutions to enable you to buy your mums.
Hi Gill, you have a lot on. It would be lovely to meet you in March but don’t put pressure on yourself. There will be other times to meet up
Hope everyone else is okay. I’m going through one of those ‘flat’ phases. Just can’t be bothered with anything. The world just feels so grey. I’ll pick myself up I’m sure.
Take care everyone and sending love Hxx

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Hi Everyone

I’m too feeling a bit flat recently Helen. I’ve had quite a lot of dreams of mum recently so I’m hoping that these are signs. I’ve also been feeling quite anxious too and worrying about the future.
Sorry to hear you can’t join us after all Gill.
How’s everyone feeling?
February is nearly over (thankfully), but March is a very triggering month for me. Mother’s Day, Mum’s birthday, Spring and so many happy memories. It’s bittersweet.
At least we have our meet up for support.
Take care all.
Love K xxxx


Hello all, Sorry been quiet for a while but dip into your messages to see how everybody is doing. Mum and Dad’s house is going on the market soon and I have mixed feelings about it. Has not been the same since Dad died and now we have sorted everything out and removed a few things ( my Mum kept a Stubbington study centre bookmark I bought for her back in 1983) among other things. An old Marks and Spencer tabbard ( I worked in Southampton store during my A’Levels) - a most unflattering grey stripey smock! I have kept them as made me chuckle. My emotions are up and down daily. I still cry in random places. I can’t go to Sainsbury as used to do Dad’s food shop there en route to his…. Silly things really but very triggering . Also some sad news. My Dad’s neighbour passed away a few weeks ago. He and his wife attended Dad’s funeral in November and he seemed fine. They were both slightly older than my Dad. His surviving wife has Alzheimer’s so on her own now so possibly care. She is also between two empty houses as neighbour on the other side passed last year. Very sad as i have known them all since 1982…xx