Dealing with the sudden loss of my Mum

Hiya Helen,

The Park at Radisson Blu is 0.6 miles from the centre. It’s approx £121 a night on Trivago. It’s probably too far though. I will have a look at the ones you posted but I am easy going with anything. It would be great to just be on the shops doorstep.
When we say shops does that mean the Arndale Centre. Apologies but I haven’t a clue where the shops are but I remember walking past the entrance of the Arndale Centre last time. That area would be great. Lots of places to eat there.
That lovely old worldy pub you took us to was so quaint. And we are close to the Cathedral there. So any hotel around that area would be the best
Will check them in a mo

Hello everyone,

I’m just letting you know that I’ve unlisted this thread. This means it can no longer be seen by members who have not already posted in it, or by non-members. The reason I’ve unlisted it is because some really specific location information is being shared. The community is open to anyone to read. In order to stay safe, it’s best not to share information like this on public threads.

To continue organising a meet up, it might be best to take discussion of locations to private message. You can add multiple members to private message threads. For more information on private messages, please do read our help topic:

Take care,

Apologies Seaneen.
It was my fault mentioning places.
Thank you for letting us know.
And apologies to you girls as well.
I would hate to put our safety at risk
Deb x

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Okay Seaneen, understood :+1:t3:

Hi Lucy, Jules and Gill,

Haven’t heard from you in a while so getting in touch to see if you are all ok.

We are meeting up next weekend so if you are able to make it then it would be wonderful to see you. I know you may have said you can’t this time but just wanted to say if you change your minds you are very welcome. Just private message Helen as she’s sort of co ordinating the meet up as it’s her home town area and knows where to go etc.
It will be a very low key meet up with a meal and drinks and shopping and probably a visit to a church ,cathedral or religious venue to light a candle for our mum’s and dad’s. We are staying overnight but if you can’t stay you are welcome to join us for a few hours as a day trip.
If you can’t make it this time there will be another one hopefully before the end of the year.
If anyone has any suggestions for the end of year meet up just post where you think may be suitable and whatever we could do.

Anyway sending everyone lots of love.
Deb x

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