Dealing with the sudden loss of my Mum

Hi Kate and Deborah, yes, it’s so close now to us meeting. I can’t wait! I’ll message you on Tuesday just to double check time, place and let you know what I’ll be wearing. You two will be easy to find draped in flags!! Lol
Kate, the cathedral at Gloucester looks amazing. They are awesome building aren’t they? Just stepping in them gives you a sense of peace, I find. Thankyou so much for lighting the candles.
You are right Deborah, we will see cathedrals in a different way now. They offer a sanctuary of inner calm and hope. I will never be able to light a candle just for my mum. I will always light one for your mums too.
Deborah, your hotel is close to the museum of science and industry which is worth a visit. You might have to book online during school holidays and they have a room full of steam engines which I think is closed for upgrades. The town hall is a wonderful building but still under scaffolding for renovations. If you get chance, I recommend the John Rylands library on deansgate. The architecture is wonderful and the main library room is like Hogwarts. The art galleries are good too and other museums. All are free entry. Of course there is always shopping and many pubs, cafes and restaurants. Cloud 29 restaurant in the Betham tower (Hilton) is great as you get views right across the city and over into the Peak District hills.
Anyway girls, James and his girlfriend are back in Spain now and she is doing well. She see her GP on Wednesday about having her appendix removed. So all is fine for the moment.
Tom is now snoring next to me and I need to get some sleep. Night-night and god bless. Lots of love to you and to you Jules. Hope you’re okay :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Hi Girls,
Right my case is packed and early tom morning we shall set off.
Helen do you know if it’s far to walk to the Cathedral from the hotel. It will make life easier if it is.
What time are we meeting outside the Cathedral? Shall we say the main door which will be easy to find. I shall be wearing a green dress. No didnt pack the flag lol. Thought you would both disown me lol.
Can’t believe this is all happening to be honest. Am so looking forward to it. I am fine with whatever you have planned Helen and take us wherever you want and i am ok for the whole day or however long you both have. Paul will drop me off if I can’t walk it and go back to use the hotel pool or look around the area.
Will message you again tom when i arrive there
I am like an excited child with one more sleep to go
See you soon
Deborah x

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Hi girls, I’m getting quite giddy myself. 2 more sleeps girls! I think we can meet at 12 at the main door. I think I will wear my red polka dot dress so I will be easy to find. I will message again tomorrow. Can’t wait!
I’d say it’s about 15 minute walk along deansgate from your hotel Deborah. Hope you have a good journey up north. Kate, I hope leaving Gloucester wasn’t too difficult. I’m thinking about you everyday. You are both doing so well. Sorting all these things on your own. Your mums are so proud. I think our mums will be so comforted by our friendship.
I’ll message again tomorrow to finalise. Speak soon. Lots of love Hxxx

Hi Girls,
Yay we are in in hotel!! No luck with tickets for game, but tomorrow we have his birthday stadium tour.
We are in Great Bridgewater Street near Dean’s gate I believe so not far from cathedral?
Deborah, I think boys are going to the National Football museum on Wednesday so your hubby is welcome to join them if he wants to.

Leaving the house was hard but tbh it was harder leaving it when mum was still there. I think maybe it will hit me later on. I’ve just been a robot these past 17 days getting things done and not really thinking. The house is basically sorted now, how I did it I’ll never know, anyhow I’ll tell you about it all on Wednesday.
Really looking forward to meeting you both!!!::partying_face::partying_face:
Catch you again tomorrow!!
Big hugs,

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Hi Girls,
Sorry 2 sleeps to go lol. Just shows my mind is all over the place.
Yes Helen our mums will be looking down on us and smiling with the biggest smiles on their faces. Don’t go planning anything adventurous now ok involving helicopters, abseiling or rock climbing ! Wine will be absolutely wonderful though lol.
Kate what a trooper you are finishing everything at the house. When I used to leave mums house she always used to stand in the kitchen and wave as I went through the gate. I knew one day she wouldn’t be there and boy does it hit home now.
Tom I shall hopefully have time to look around to see how far the Cathedral is from the hotel but whatever happens I shall see you at the main entrance at 12.
Thanks Kate I shall ask Paul about the museum.
Jules how are you doing? Let us know how your holiday went?
See you soon
Deborah x
Deborah x

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Hi girls. Eeek! I’m so excited and a bit nervous about tomorrow. I don’t know if any of you have watched ‘long lost family’ with Davina McCall, but I feel a bit like that before the meeting. I can’t wait.
Okay, we will meet at 12 near the main entrance at the clock tower end. I suggest we go in the cathedral cafe for a drink and cake maybe, then into the cathedral to light our mums candles. There is a communion service at 1.10pm you can attend the service if you like. I really don’t mind. I’m happy to go with majority vote. After the cathedral we can go into one of the pubs close by and take it from there. I’m guessing Kate will need to be back to pack for the airport the next day so I assume it won’t be late. I will be wearing a red polka dot dress so you can see me easily.
I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to seeing you both. This will be the best day so far since losing mum. I’ll bring some pictures. I can’t wait to hear all about your mums and tell you about mine. This day is about us but about our mums so much too. :heart::heart::heart:


Hi girls,
Aww Helen I started reading your post then cried so God knows what I will be like tom. Yes I have watched Long lost family and cry every time.It all just gets to me. Yes I am nervous about tom too. The fact that we are actually meeting is unreal. It’s amazing we have made this happen.
Well we set off this morning and took our time travelling up via all the windy roads in Mid Wales then North Wales .Took us about 5hrs but we stopped at a Tesco to get a few things for the room. Paul was brilliant travelling through Manchester but said he only managed it bec of the sat nav lol. I could never have driven through Manchester.They would have had to send in the emergency services to help me as I would have caused havoc.
The hotel is lovely.Room great and has lots of our doorstep We went for a walk around the area by the hotel with the intention of finding the Arndale Centre but after walking for ages we gave up and returned to the hotel and used the pool and just chilled after the journey.
I can’t wait to meet you and Kate. I had to pinch myself earlier as I thought I was in some sort of dream and wondered how on earth has this all happened. Coming up in the car one of the songs sang at mum’s funeral came on the radio and I knew she was with me.It was Pointless by Lewis Capaldi as it sums up the relationship my son and mum had.It always makes me cry but today was I was even more tearful hearing it.
I have some photos of my mum on my phone to show you of when we went on holiday last Sept. She looked so well and now I have just started to look at them in a different light.I now look at them and remember how much she enjoyed herself and loved the whole holiday. She would be over the moon knowing I am meeting up with you both.
My green dress is ironed so look out for me.If it’s cold I will have a navy jacket on.I just know I will do something daft and go up to the wrong people lol Can you imagine that.That doesn’t happen on Long lost family Helen lol.
I am ok about whatever you both want to do and can arrange for Paul to pick me up when we are ready. Let’s hope this is the first of many reunions girls.I am sure we will find ways to be friends for life and we have Sue Ryder and our darling mum’s to thank for bringing us together.
See you both at 12 tom ok and bring the tissues x
Jules wish you were here in Manchester with us.We will light a candle for your mum and you will be very much with us in our hearts.
Big hugs or I should say in Welsh it’s Cwtch Mawr!
Deborah xxx no


Hello there lovely ladies, I have been reading your messages and really wishing I was meeting you all tomorrow. I to believe our Mums have brought us together for some reason. Cornwall was beautiful as always - but I felt extra sad as Bude holds so many memories of happy family holidays. I could hear my Mum’s voice wherever I went. I feel Mum’s presence more than ever recently. I know that’s a positive thing but because I feel her I keep thinking I’m going to see her. Maybe in the next chapter! I am on countdown to leaving my current job so have been extra busy doing handovers, case summaries etc. I am ready to leave now and start my new role! I hope you all have a lovely day together and celebrate our Mums. If you could still light one for my Mum, Joyce Elizabeth Sutherland, that would be amazing. I will definitely join you on the next meet up. Look forward to hearing about your day. Will be really emotional I’m sure so pack those tissues! Xx

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Hi Ladies,
I too am really nervous and excited about tomorrow!! It will be just like Long lost family!! We went to the University district and Manchester museum this morning then the stadium tour this afternoon. It was awesome. They sang happy birthday to Alex in the press room, let him be captain walking through the tunnel… he was on cloud 9!!! Only blip was we didn’t arrive in time to do the museum tour as they were closing but they said they’d let us back tomorrow. I may join them if time in morning.
We then went to see Salford Quays and then to a nice Greek restaurant for dinner.
Manchester is lovely and the people are so friendly.
See you tomorrow my dear friends…our mums will be with us I know.:heart:
Glad you had a good holiday Jules and you will be with us next time I’m sure!!
Night night.
Kate xxxx

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Hi Girls,
Thank you for an amazing day yesterday.Everything was perfect and where did those 10hrs go!!!I It was lovely to meet your families too.Thank you for your beautiful gifts also.
We left Manchester about an hour ago and are at Chirk.Stopped at a place for lunch ride next to a canal so at this mo we are watching the barges pass. Heading into Chirl later to see the Aqueduct and Castle then we will hit the road for the journey back home.
Great to hear from you Jules.We missed you and you were definitely there on spirit with us we spoke about you often.We met at the Cathedral and went inside and lit candles for our mums and of course your mum as well. Jules it was a beautiful Cathedral with the most amazing stained glass windows.
Kate I hope you all had a safe journey home and you managed to get through with all your suitcases. Helen hope you managed to catch the train ok.
Thanks once again for a day I will never ever forget.
Deborah xxxx


Hi ladies, what a wonderful day. I loved spending the day with you and glad to have met your families too. You are all such lovely people. Genuinely really good people. I can’t help but wonder what our mums would think. They will be thrilled.
Deborah, the drive home sounds like a great day with some lovely places to visit on the way back home.
Kate, you can relax now and just enjoy the weekend. Give yourself a pat on the back. Mission accomplished! :clap:t3:
Jules, we lit a candle for your mum, Joyce. I will send the picture. It’s becoming quite a thing for me,

lighting candles. I always light 4 now.
I was on quite a high last night. It took me a while to switch off and get to sleep. I was tired at work. I took some bloods from a patient who had only had them done 2 weeks ago so didn’t need them! Not entirely my fault but I wasn’t as sharp as normal (and that’s pretty blunt) :joy::joy:. I’m hoping to get a good nights sleep tonight otherwise, tomorrow I might give the wrong person an enema!! :see_no_evil:
Anyway girls. Thankyou for the lovely gifts and always being there. Lots of love, Helen xxx

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Aww Helen you make me laugh !!!
Got home eventually after stopping off in loads of places on route.
The candle photo looks good. Yes 4 it is from now on.
Am shattered also and off to bed now as last night my mind was all over the place after meeting up.
Will catch up with everyone in a day or two
Deborah x

Jules we will catch up with you when you have school holidays !
Deborah x

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Hi Girls,
I’m safely back in Italy, back with mum and the temperature change was quite a shock!!
We went for a pizza with Valerio’s parents as the fridge was empty!
It was so lovely meeting you both and your hubbies yesterday. Those 10 hours just flew by!!!
Thank you for your thoughtful gifts and lovely words. I feel our friendship was the last gift our mums gave us and I will definitely nurture it for that reason!
Jules we will count on you being there next time ok?!:heart:
Deborah do you have WhatsApp installed on your phone? If so I could create a group for keeping in touch. I tried to last night but you would need to download the app first.
Helen that’s so funny about the edema!!:sweat_smile:

Hope you get both get a good night sleep tonight! I am so looking forward to a lie in in the morning after these manic 3 weeks!!
The funeral director was in the pizzeria this evening with her friend and she came up and hugged me! So touching she remembered me after over 10 months… what a change in those 10 months. As we said yesterday we have all come so far and our mums are so proud of us!
Night night lovely ladies and big hugs to you all!
K xxxx


Hi Kate,
Glad you arrived back home ok . I will ask Paul to sort out Whats App as I haven’t a clue what to do.
Had another busy day today so haven’t had a chance to switch off but am going to do nothing for a few days lol
Just so glad we met up. And there’s no getting rid of us all now lol
Deborah x

@Helen51 you are saying what I am feeling . No one gets it . No one . All I can do is look on here for comfort at the moment . Sending strength… xxx

Hi girls, hope you’ve had a good weekend. Kate, I hope you are doing okay and settling back into normal life, whatever that is for us now. What a whirlwind you’ve had over the past few weeks. You did it though. You can be proud of yourself for all that you have achieved.
Deborah, I was the same trying to sort wattsapp but it wasn’t too difficult to set up. It would be good to have another means of communication.
Jules, glad you had a good holiday. I’ve been thinking of you, as I have every one. How is your dad? My dad is okay I think but when he starts to talk about mum he goes silent and I know he’s fighting back tears. He hasn’t grieved in a healthy way as he’s tried to suppress it. It has to come out somehow and now it’s manifesting as depression. He’s just so low. He still does things when we push him or take him to things but if it wasn’t for us he’d probably just sit in the house all day watching telly. I have come to the conclusion that it’s up to him. I have my own grief to deal with. We try.
Talking of my own grief, just when you think you are doing fine it hits doesn’t it. I’ve been trying to sort mums football season ticket and it was all getting complicated. Well just that little thing set me off. I just burst into tears and cried for 2 hours straight the other day. It’s always there isn’t it girls? Waiting. Anyway, I’ve been okay since.
Had a busy weekend and back in work today so best get up and get ready. Have a good week all of you. Hope work goes well Kate. Speak soon and lots of love Hxxx


Hi Laura. It really is the hardest thing. I can’t think too far ahead as still can’t imagine my future without mum. I lost my mum 7 months ago unexpectedly and I have improved a lot but still very much grieving. Those early days were so bad I honestly thought I would die myself the pain and despair were so bad. Nothing in my 52 years had come close to that. Hang on in there love. Let the grief out and don’t give a care for anyone else. Be as selfish as you like. This is about YOU. It’s your grief and no one else’s. It does get easier in time. Sending you my thoughts and love. Helen xxx


Hello ladies,

Helen sometimes it is the smallest of things and tasks which set us off. Be it tickets, music, or just an item in the supermarket! Just shows our loved ones are everywhere we go and how much we cared. I don’t think I will ever listen to Tom Jones without shedding a tear. A box of Maltesers ( mum’s favourite) made me sad the other day. It’s crazy really but important to feel and process all the emotions.

Thank you all for thinking of me and my Mum when in the cathedral. Seeing the four tea lights lined up like that set me off, but it also made me smile. What a range of emotions on a daily basis.!

Dad is physically frail now where Mum was physically well but living with Alzheimer’s. Dad took a tumble in the garden the other day and was on the concrete for 7 hours before a neighbour found him. He was ok but dehydrated as a very hot day. He won’t accept help or support and it’s proving to be very difficult. Internet shopping failed - they drive off before he can get to the door. Food is going off. Myself and sister cook some meals for him - he forgets they are in the fridge. He can’t leave the house. He won’t come over to our respective homes. I feel like we have exhausted all options now. He won’t entertain care or a care home and we can’t force him . Is so sad. I have a lovely photo of my parents together in Austria taken 15 years ago and they look so happy, so well. Might well as been a lifetime ago now.

I hope you are all keeping well. Sorry to be maudlin I just feel tearful today. Yesterday was great. We went paddle boarding in Calshot and had a lovely family day. This grief creeps up when it feels like it… x


Hi Girls,
Just having a catch up on here.Aww Helen it’s ok to have those tearful moments.It will happen all the time and for the rest of our lives.Tiny things will set us off and when we least expect. For me recently it has been the telephone. I answered it the other morning only to hear nothing and that’s what used to happen when mum rang.She was hard of hearing and sometimes it would be a while before she said anything and on this particular morning I thought it was her but of course it wasn’t I just. Put the phone down quick.
We must also remember that it was a huge emotional thing us meeting up and the aftermath of that is also emotional We are no longer words on a post but real people lol. So at the moment we are even more vulnerable in our thoughts and emotions.
Jules it was just as emotional seei g the 4 little candles in the cathedral and we all aged some tears talking about our mum’s.The Cathedral was beautiful and we didn’t really want to leave but Helen knew a lovely coffee shop across the way from the cathedral and so we went there and we’re spoilt for choice with the display of cakes. I think I talked for Wales,Helen for England and Kate for Italy lol.It was so good to be able to spend quality time reflecting about our mum’s to each other without feeling guilty of talking too much about them.It was wonderful to talk to people who really understood and got me.Cant wait for the next meet up.
Kate forgot to ask about the suitcases.Did you have to pay extra?
Jules hope you are looking forward to your new job.It will be amazing.
Love to you all
Deborah x