Dealing with the sudden loss of my Mum

Oh Jules mum loved her Maltesers too!!! Strangely, they aren’t easy to find here in Italy, but there’s one local supermarket which often has them and I used to buy them for mum there. Every time I pop to that shop and see them it starts me off.

Yes Helen I worked from home today and it was manic after 2 weeks off.
You are right, I am proud of myself for all we did (Valerio was a real star too),but also really exhausted still. My energy levels are very low at the moment. I guess it’s normal. Deborah, we paid a bit extra for the cases before checking in, but probably it wouldn’t have been necessary as it’s all self check in now with Ryanair. We had about 74 kg in all!!! A lot of dad’s stuff and books were really heavy.
As we predicted, I’ve been pretty down since coming back. I miss mum so much and I keep thinking that this time last year we were coming back to Italy unknowingly for what would be mum’s final 6 weeks. :cry: Also seeing our lovely family home on Rightmove does hurt like crazy.

I told you both about the big bag of cards that I found at Mum’s. Every single birthday, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s day card I ever wrote or made for mum were there since I was old enough to write. Well earlier I read the letter that she wrote and put in there too. It was beautiful. She told me that it was time to let go of the cards, that the memories will always be in my heart, to make memories of my own, maybe have children,(written before I had Alex), to enjoy a happy life which I deserve, that I was her biggest gift and joy, that she will always be looking over me and that we will never ever be apart. Well I was a crying mess. She obviously realised that one day I would be faced with looking at that bag of memories and that she would no longer be here…
Incredible. Thanks mum I needed those words today.:heart::heart:
These intense waves still hurt like mad don’t they when they come? How wonderful though that we are all here to give each other support.
Lots of love to you all.:heart::heart::heart:
K xxxx


Oh Kate, those words from your mum. I’m in tears reading your post. It reminded me of the letter mum wrote for me a couple of years ago which I found after she died. Beautiful but painful too. Did you find it a comfort? She did get to say what she needed in the end didn’t she? How much did our mums love us. The bit where she says you will never be apart :sob::sob:
We’ve probably all crashed a little after our wonderful day together. We had all the excitement and anticipation of it and something to look forward to. It’s so good to put faces to the names and for our other halves too. Tom saw me dabbing my eyes just then and asked if was okay. I said Kate was telling us about a letter from her mum and it reminded me if mine. Nice that he knew who I was talking about and he’d met you too. Although he’s known from early on about my special friends on here.
Deborah how are you love? How is your mood? Have you managed to keep upbeat? You are right that it was quite an emotional day meeting up. But lovely too. I suppose we are emotionally vulnerable so it does take it out of us. I too look forward to our next meet up. Maybe we could do something as we approach Christmas. If we plan ahead it will give us all time to make arrangements. Christmas is going to be difficult. I think it will need to involve a church/cathedral and candles don’t you? :heart: Even late November. We can have a think anyway. I don’t mind travelling south.
Jules, I’m so sad for you having to watch your dad crumble. Absolutely heartbreaking. I was reading Phil Spencer from Location location location has just lost his mum and dad together in a tragic accident. He said he is heartbroken but is comforted knowing one of his parents hasn’t been left grieving the other. I kind of get that. My dad has become anxious and flaps about everything. Mum was a really strong woman and I think she made a lot of the decisions. Dad seems to have no confidence at all now.
Anyway girls I’m thinking if you all. Sending you all my love Helen xxx

Hi Girls,
Kate I was in tears reading your post about what your mum wrote.It got right to my heart. What a wonderful gift to have left you.
I am ok after meeting up.Tired after the journey back but as Helen said so lovely to put faces to people. It really was like Long Lost Family. Can you just imagine what those people must have felt like.
Well I have my first tomorrow and it’s not pleasant.My first funeral since mum passed.Dreading it but I must go as the lady who has died was so kind to me when Paul and I got married and she became a big part of our lives as she lived on the same estate as us and her daughter was our neighbour She was wait for it 99yrs of age and was fit and active all her life until she fell lately and that caused problems that she never recovered from.Its still sad at whatever age and when I visited her daughter it brought back all the raw emotions of when mum passed. I am only going to the church service though and for a cuppa with them all afterwards. Kate it was a whirlwind situation for you what with everything and you did your mum proud. I am in awe of you as I am still dragging my tail getting things sorted.
Yes Helen Christmas is going to be the toughest time for us all for so many reasons.I am just dreading the whole build up and everything to do with it.Am already feeling that gut wrenching put in my stomach sort of feeling just thinking about it.I didn’t celebrate Xmas last year as mum was so ill and she didn’t really know it was Xmas day.We cancelled everything to do with Xmas and looking back I am glad we did as a mark of respect for mum. No cards presents nothing.I feel like doing the same this year to be honest Paul said he will be fine with a sandwich bless him. I would go out for lunch but can’t bear being around families celebrating together. I may go abroad and just sit on a beach somewhere. Whatever or wherever I go will be heartbreaking. Anyway I was moaning to Paul earlier people are talking about Xmas and look what I am doing lol.
Yes I can meet up whenever. Needs to be school hols for Jules though. Need to find somewhere central for us all. We must keep our meet ups going.
We will be known as the fab four lol
Anyway will check up on you all in a day or two .
Love Deborah x


Hi Girls,
How are you today?
I’m tired again and the heat isn’t helping… high 30s again, Friday will be 40​:hot_face::hot_face:.
I went for a lie down with aircon after work and went into a deep sleep. I dreamt of mum, that I was helping her down the stairs and we were just talking as normal.
It was very strange to dream of her like that during a quick nap.
Helen I did feel comfort from reading the letter. It’s amazing I actually found it in the bag because there were so many cards in there. Mum started by saying that the pain will eventually get easier… it really will Kate she said. It’s true, it has, but when the waves come they are still so intense aren’t they?
It felt so good to hear that from mum though, that she gets what I’m going through.

Yes Christmas will be tough girls. This will be my 2nd. Just do whatever you feel and don’t put pressure on yourselves to do any more than you feel you can do.
We went to our friends’ house in the mountains and took Alex skiing. It was strange as Christmas was our time in Gloucester at mum’s. She loved Christmas. This year I will put out her little village that she bought for Alex some years back. It was one of the sentimental items that I put in my case. One case was full of the Christmas village lol … I’m hoping the pieces are intact. Haven’t checked yet.
It must be tough with your dads, Jules it sounds like you are doing all you can. Ultimately the choice has to be theirs I agree. I’m so grateful mum never had to go into a home, it would have destroyed her I know.
Anyway just a short post to check in.
Lots of love.

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How true !

Deborah x

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Hi Girls,
Feeling a bit down today. Think it is the after affects of the funeral yesterday and seeing how other people deal with grief especially when it is so different from my own feelings. It was very evident yesterday that we all deal with grief in so many different ways. I feel so blessed that I have friends on here who are same as me and are dealing with their grief in their same way as I am. Yesterday I saw a different side altogether with family members saying they couldn’t wait to sell their mums house and had already cleared her house and sold almost everything. Ashes being scattered this morning and all the family going on holiday tomorrow. Please don’t think I am saying that is not the correct thing to do because for them it is. I am just so grateful I have met friends who feel the same as me and have found the grieving and healing process so difficult that it has been at times difficult to know my own name. Have woken this morning to feeling a bit shocked to be honest but also feel I need to understand that we are all different.
I knew going to my first funeral would be tough and it was.
Anyway at least I can cross off another first I guess.
Hope everyone is okish
Deborah x


Hi Deborah, I hope you are feeling a little better now. How difficult it must have been attending a funeral yesterday. I also know how you feel about other people dealing with things differently. Maybe that is their coping strategy to rush through the grieving process and move forward at top speed.? It isn’t mine and yes it is so comforting to know I’m not alone in this. We all move at different speeds and I for one make no apology to anyone for still feeling and living the loss of my Mum every day. I know my Mum wouldn’t want me to be upset all the time but I’m afraid she doesn’t get the last word on this one! I found As Time goes by DVDs at my parents at the weekend. Have started watching them as this was one of the few TV programmes I watched with Mum on a Friday night when I was young ( before going to the Pub and nightclub with friends). We both adored Judy Dench and used to laugh at how my Dad was so much like the lugrubious Geoffrey Palmer! How funny a simple TV programme can bring so many memories flooding back.

Helen/ Kate I hope you are well. Kate it must have been really difficult to come over to your Mum’s to visit her home and sort things. Particularly when it was your childhood home. Helen: I hope you haven’t given the wrong person an enema recently! He he

Bye for now,

Jules x

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Hi Jules,
I snapped out of it this afternoon and kept busy otherwise it would have all dragged me down. Been trying on mums clothes and deciding which ones to keep. I actually felt better after doing it and it helped me today which was strange in a way as I always found it upsetting.
I haven’t attempted to look at mums DVD’s yet. She and I used to watch Mama Mia and she told me whenever she felt sad or down she would put the DVD on and instantly she would feel better. We loved that film. She loved Downton Abbey also and I had just bought her the latest version but sadly she didnt get to watch it. I always wanted to take her to see where it was filmed but her mobility wasn’t good so she would never have managed it. I also have some DVD’s of our holidays when mum came with us and oh my goodness watching those will be hard.
Are you looking forward to starting at the school? It will be wonderful.
Helen how are you today? Have you been working?
kate I don’t envy you with the heat although we could do with some sunshine here at the moment. When does Alex go back to school? He was such a star in Manchester . So patient while we all talked and didn’t moan at all. What a lovely young man he is .
Love to you all
Deborah x

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Hi girls, I have been reading your posts but just not had chance to reply.
Deborah, I felt for you going to the funeral. I haven’t been to one yet. I don’t know how I’d feel about it. The front row at a funeral has to be the worst seat ever. No one ever wants to be in that seat. Funny how different we react to the death of a loved one. I was reading about the family’s response. Going on holiday. I couldn’t breathe properly at first. I’ve been invited to a party on 2nd september which is mum’s birthday. I still don’t know if I can go. I just don’t know how I’ll feel on that day. It’s quite unpredictable isn’t it? How we will feel and when.
Kate, I 100% agree with Deborah about Alex. What a treasure. So patient when we were all nattering away. What a lovely lad you have there :blue_heart: Hope you are getting more acclimatised to the heat now.
Jules, so sorry that your dad is so down and giving up on life. We do everything we can but ultimately they make their own choices. We aren’t responsible for them and we have our own grief to deal with. My dad is trying. He does come to places and gets out but he’s not the same. He has a real sadness about him now.
Anyway girls I’ve been focusing on my health and wellbeing this week. I’ve been eating well. Lots of veg, fruit, seeds and nuts etc. drinking more water, all good stuff. I’ve been out walking every day too. Out in the woods and been mindful of all the wonderful sounds of nature; the birds, the wind through the trees etc I’m feeling more positive. I’ve been looking at puppies too so that has also helped! 🩷🐶
Thinking of you all, and for those of us struggling a bit, remember it always gets better. Ride the storm and we’ll come out stronger the other side. Lots of love to you all. Hxxx

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Hi Girls,
Helen I think that’s what we have to do now is look after our own wellbeing.I have said for ages I am going to spend more time looking after myself but never seem to do anything.I want to lose weight just a stone if poss.I have put on weight sitting around in my grief state and not being bothered to do anything Today Paul and I went out walking and I realised how unfit I am. We are going to make a sort of plan to do more walking before the winter sets in I too have been eating much better and healthier. All fresh food and I have cut back on all the biscuits and chocolates.In fact I didn’t buy any when I went shopping but Paul is forever sneaking up to Tesco and coming back with all sorts of chocolatey things which if course tempts me and I give in. On our walk today we actually picked blackberries.As a child my mum always took us blackberry picking and I have vivid memories of stinging nettles and scratches on my arms Today though was fine.
It’s strange how doing something so simple brings back so many memories. My mum used to tell me when she was growing up they grew almost all the vegetables in their garden,walked miles picking blackberries, nuts,and whatever else they could find.The posh name of foraging is just another name for what they did years ago. Mum also told me she used to go down to the beach and collect cockles and collect wild garlic from the path leading to the beach. Their lives were so humble and simple. I must start collecting wild garlic and try it.
I totally agree Helen about being out and about amongst nature and how good it is for our wellbeing.We have been outside for the past few days in our garden doing all sorts of jobs and even eating outside. It’s been so easy for me personally to just sit inside all day feeling depressed and I have had days and days of just doing that. When I have managed to just pop into my garden there is something very special about being out there as there’s always something different to look at. Today we mowed the lawns,picked the apples off the tree,cut back some shrubs and filled two large garden bins. Had a real sense of achievement after as it looked much better.
Anyway Kate and Jules hope you are both okish and work is going ok.Have you finished work yet Jules? It would be great if you could have a few days to yourself before you start your new job.
Will check in again soon to see how you all are.
Goodnight girls
Deborah x


Hi Girls,

Sounds like you have been busy. Well done Helen on your virtuous healthy lifestyle efforts and Deborah for getting on with the gardening, which is always satisfying. It’s true, being out in nature is so good for our mental health!
I seem to have zero motivation at the moment. I know that the heat is holding me back. Yesterday after I came out of the office my car read 44 degrees! It’s like opening an oven door when you go outside. I love walking but at the moment it’s impossible even in the evening. It’s supposed to be breaking as from Monday which we are all happy about.
Alex is a good boy it’s true and I’ll miss him next week as he’s off on his annual football retreat in the hills with his team for 5 days, ready for the new season. This year they’ll be playing 9 a side so really growing up! :blush:
He’ll be then going to his new middle school as from 15th September, so his long summer holiday is finally coming to an end.
Helen, so exciting about the puppy. Alex is constantly asking me about getting one and I will start making enquiries soon. I’m just a bit concerned because I know it will be more difficult for us to travel abroad, but we will definitely get one as they bring so much joy. Alex got really friendly with my cousin’s and aunt’s dogs too in Gloucester so he’s really excited about having one of his own. It will make him more responsible.

Deborah, well done on attending the funeral. I couldn’t face Valerio’s great uncle’s in April and it turned out that it was the very same room in the chapel of rest that mum was in. I just couldn’t…
From my grief point of view I’m pretty low at the moment. It was to be expected as we said in Manchester. I think my grief was on hold in Gloucester with all that I had to get done and quickly. Now I’m back here I just feel so sad and empty without my dad, my mum and now my family home. :pensive:
It’s a loss within the loss. I’ve been expecting this feeling from the start and here it is.
I will pick myself up soon I hope.
Anyhow back to my emails as I’m working from home today.
Have a good week end ladies whatever you are doing.
Lots of love
K xxx

Ps I had a sign earlier. I put on a dress that was hanging up behind my bedroom door and attached to the back was a large pure white feather. Was it mum saying she’s behind me? I hope so :heart:


Hi Kate
Love the sign you had. You just cannot explain it can you ?
Its been such a lot for you to do. Take time to heal after it all now. It will take time to adjust to what you have had to do and I do understand what you are going through as mums house is so upsetting to go into.
I have perked up now after attending that funeral. Glyn is home for 10days so I am super happy. Will write more later
Deborah x


Hi girls, oh Kate looks like it’s your turn for the inevitable dip. It’s so hard but you just have to let it out. You know it will get easier soon. You’ve had so much to process. I dread the day when I have to go through my parents stuff. Just thinking about is making my heart rate go up. My dad is going to live until he is 120 though so it won’t be for a long time!!
A puppy will be wonderful. They are tying. You cannot just spontaneously book a weekend away without making arrangements. I have a fabulous dog sitter near me where Stella just stayed in their family home. She even slept in their sons bed which was a treat for her as she wasn’t allowed at our house. Maybe check this out first to put your mind at rest. They do have a down side but for me, the fun and joy far outweighs this. I have seen a westie in a pet carrier at the airport. Certain airlines allow dogs but they have to stay in the carrier under the seat in front. A westie is small enough to do that. That sign from your mum was definitely her telling you she’s got your back :heart:
Deborah, I’m hoping to lose about a stone too. When mum died I just didn’t care what I was eating. Then losing Stella dog I stopped walking. Just did my swimming a couple of times a week. I really noticed how sluggish I was so time to look after myself. Glad you gave Glyn home soon. Isn’t it lovely when they are home? It’s like our chicks have flown back to the nest. No wonder you feel upbeat. Enjoy it.
Deborah, do you remember that guy on here who said ‘I’m done grieving’ He’d lost his wife, Penny? I can’t just do that but I’m starting to feel like I’ve had enough of feeling sad all the time. I’m hoping next year will bring more positive energy to my life. A friend at work who also lost her mum a few years ago and was devastated said you reach a point where you feel ‘at peace’ with it. I’m hoping next year might bring more of a sense of that. We all still have a lot of life to live.
Hope you’re okay Jules and looking forward to your new job. A new chapter for you
Bye for now girls and lots of love Hxxx

Hi Helen,
Don’t lose any weight because you are thin enough.I wish I was your size.
I know what you mean about being sad all the time.I am the same but for now I can’t seem to change it or want to. It’s not that I feel guilty if I start enjoying myself but more this is just how I feel kind of feeling.Ivget moments when I can escape from it all as I did when we all met up but I just feel it’s a temporary thing and I soon slip back to sadness land.Its never far away. I am learning to control the awful crying bouts and the times when I wake shaking with the memories of when mum was ill. If only there was a way that I could see her just for a minute. I keep her memory table alive with fresh flowers and I make sure it’s pretty and talk to her photo.Her photo seems to follow me around the room and looks straight at me wherever in the room I aIts never happened before in a photo.
I try to keep busy every day and am getting myself better in looking after myself. When mum passed I really stopped looking after myself and couldn’t be bothered to even try to look nice. I still have days when I don’t want to get up or dress but that is improving and for me that is huge.
Every Sept mum and I used to go on holiday.Just the two of us and it was always the first week in sept.Next week is the first week in sept and I know I will feel down. It is so hard isn’t it girls.
Yes I am so happy Glyn is home. It is so lovely to see someone so enthusiastic about their career and as soon as he came in he was telling me all about it.I remember being just like him. He is home for ten days so I am over the moon happy.Wellvthat is unless a job comes on them he will be off again somewhere.
Tomorrow I am going to look for a new bathroom suite for my chalet and tiles for the walls and floors. We have someone who will go the job so we need to be ready with the materials in case he says he can do it soon. Not sure what colour to choose yet.
Kate hope you are getting through your downer.Its so tough.Nothing helps when it happens. We are all here for you and send you all the love I the world. Keep going lovely because it will pass.
Jules the countdown is on for school life Hope you have bought your new shiny shoes and new lunch box lol. Is it a primary or comprehensive school you are going to work at.If it’s a primary school you will have such fun and it will be so rewarding working with the children and seeing them progress.I expect secondary age children will be the same though.Its just the primary age are so cute and everything is so magical at that age. I wish I could turn back time and start my career all over again.
Can’t wait to hear how you get on.
Keep going girls.We have come such a long way in just a few months. Our mum’s would be proud of us I am sure.
Love Deborah x

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Hi Girls,
Just thought I would check in on everyone and see how you all are. Has anyone done anything over the Bank holiday?
Yesterday I went to a local music festival and although I felt very guilty of enjoying myself I got through it. I met a few people I hadn’t seen for ages so chatted to them and just being outside was great.
Glyn has gone to see his ex tonight so I am praying they will get back together. That would give me such a boost. I am crossing everything.
Any news on the house yet Kate?
Have you been working over the weekend or have you had a chance to go away in the campervan?
Jules have you finished your old job yet?
Anyway girls am thinking of you and just wish we all loved nearer to each other. How wonderful would that be.
Love Deborah x


Hi girls, Deborah, it sounds like you’ve been having fun. I know what you mean about feeling guilty though. Almost every one I’ve spoken to about grief says they feel like this. It must be because to us, our loved ones are still with us but can’t enjoy such things. I try and think, mum is fine where she is and if she was offered the chance to come back she’d say ‘no’. I just have to think she’s happy with the baby boy she lost and her mum and dad. Having said that, I’ve been invited to a party next Saturday 2nd September which is mums birthday. I really don’t know how I’m going to feel. I’m already thinking ‘how can I go and enjoy myself when I should be out with mum?’ I might just go for an hour and show my face.
Kate, hope you’re okay. I was also going to ask if there’s any news about the house? I think it will hit you more when the sale is going through. You will come through the other side though and start rebuilding a new life in a way.
I’ve been busy this weekend. Yesterday was church then dad. Saturday I took my nephew’s children for a little hike in the Peak district. We did 5 miles and they never moaned once. Such delightful children. So sweet and polite and really enjoyed the day. I’ve also been doing an hours walk everyday as that’s what I used to do with Stella dog. I’m getting back on track with diet and exercise. Thankyou Deborah for your lovely comment. I know I’m not overweight but I feel better around 10 stone and am currently 10st 10lb My clothes feel tight and I feel sluggish and heavy. I need my new dog ASAP!
We go and visit James in Barcelona end september so after that I can get my new dog. I’ve booked 2 weeks off work mid October to settle her in etc. I’m thinking of getting a slighter older dog 1-2 years as someone else has done all the hard work toilet training etc :see_no_evil:Anyway, watch this space!
Deborah, fingers crossed for Glyn and his girlfriend. If it’s meant to be then it will happen. Don’t you find they are more of a worry when they are all grown up in some ways?
Anyway girls, off to make another Disney princess dress for my granddaughters this time. It’s the Rapunzel dress so I’m looking forward to this one.
Speak soon and wishing you all a good week.
Lots of love H xxx

Hi Everyone,
No… no news re house yet. First viewing is tomorrow. We’ll see… I’m not in any rush to sell so am just sitting tight.
Hope you all enjoyed yr long weekend.
No bank holiday here and Alex went off on his football retreat this morning. The house is so quiet without him. The weather has broken at last but there have been violent storms everywhere in Northern Italy… it’s frightening this climate change scenario.
Helen, just do what you feel up to for your mum’s birthday. You know she’d want you to go to the party, but do whatever you feel. Put no pressure on yourself love.
The firsts are always hard. My last first will be mum’s death anniversary in October.
Then the dreaded second year… but tbh I don’t know if it can be any worse than the first.
I’m still pretty down, still tired with a lingering cold and my period to top it!! I had a nap this afternoon and went into a deep sleep and woke up calling for mum and I somehow had a dream/ flashback of finding her.
It was disturbing. I’ve just been thinking of mum constantly since getting back. I was working from home today too, alone for the first time in ages and it’s still tough doing that.

On a brighter note, I called about 4 breeders on Saturday so getting the ball rolling for our future fur baby; the one I liked and seemed the best said to call back soon to check if their Westie is pregnant as they are anticipating. Sounds like you will be busy for the next few months Helen. That’s great to make plans.
Deborah, hope the meeting with the ex went well and am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Jules, hope you are ok and getting ready for your new job.
I’ll sign off for now. Speak soon.
Hugs to you all.
K xxxx

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Hi girls,
Been for a spin today along the coast road to a beautiful place called Mwnt.If you get the chance to Google it you will see how pretty it is.There is a tiny church there in the middle of nowhere on the cliff top.Went inside but no candles there so sat and said a prayer for our mums.
I took my mum there a few years ago and as you can imagine it triggered all kinds of memories. I closed my eyes for a moment whilst in there and could visualise where she had stood ,sat and how she had fumbled in her purse for some coins for the honesty box. Every trip,journey whether it’s a spin in the car,shopping, whatever always leads back to mum in my memory. I think it always will.
Am going to mum’s house on my own tom and staying the night there. I wonder if she will send me a sign. I just want to spend some time alone there sorting a bit more.
Sorry girls I won’t be joining you in getting a dod lol You know how much I love them.May get a little soft toy dog. That’s my limit lol
I am sure the ones you choose will be fab though.
Kate flashbacks are horrible. Have woken up in sweats with them then it dawn’s on me mum has gone Really gone and that makes it all worse My heart races so much with the anxiety of it all. They are really horrible when they happen.
Yes Oct will be tough for you Kate so you need to get yourself as strong as possible before that so you can cope as best you can with it all. Mum passed on Dec 30th so to be honest Christmas and New Year will never ever be the same again for me or Paul or Glyn.
Helen I weigh over 12st 6 lbs so definitely need to sort myself out.i have put on so much since mum passed bec I have moped around so much ,not done much and certainly not exercised. I really am on the case.i just want to change my lifestyle,be more active,eat healthier,and be a little happier if at all possible under the circumstances.
Jules just checking you are ok. Can’t wait to hear about your new job.
Keep going girls and Kate this all will pass soon.We are all here for you anytime so post on here or on any of us anytime ok x
Love Deborah x pl


Hi girls, Kate, thank goodness the weather is cooling down for you. Sorry you’re still feeling down love. Hopefully your mood will improve soon :pray:t3: I sometimes get like that for a few weeks but always manage to pick myself up as you will. I can relate to the dream you were having. Only last night I had some really disturbing, almost sinister dreams about mum. I kept waking up and feeling awful. I had bad nightmares immediately after mum died, to the point where I was scared to go to sleep. It wasn’t that bad last night but hoping for more pleasant dreams tonight. I’m excited for you about the dog. It will give you all another focus.
Deborah, how lovely going to the places you went with your mum. I know it’s emotional too but nice you could still enjoy it. Thankyou for the prayers for our mums. I’m sure the church was beautiful. You live in a lovely part of the country. The beaches down there are wonderful.
We didn’t go camping over the weekend as Tom was away at the Isle of Wight for a few days. I’d planned to get some sewing projects done but ended up being so busy with other things. I had a nice weekend though.
I had a friend round today and read the tribute to mum out loud that I put in the Man City match programme. It made me cry and I’ve been weepy ever since! Just shows how fragile we still are. I’m hoping a good nights sleep tonight will make me feel better. Off to get some sleep now. Night-night and god bless. Lots of love H xxx

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Hello ladies, I’ve been quiet as finishing one job today, tomorrow off ( daughter’s birthday) and starting new job on Friday. Has been an emotional week for me. 16 years working in Children’s Services in various roles coming to an end. So much to do and yet still didn’t complete. You never can finish completely can you. Lots of tears saying goodbye to one of the families I have been working with. It’s hard to say goodbye to a job that has consumed me; made me laugh; made me happy; made me hate humankind and almost cost me my marriage at one point. What a roller coaster of emotions. Mum was looking in on me today though letting me know it’s ok to let go of a job that has almost finished me off on many an occasion but I’ve stuck with it. Despite the horrible things I have seen I still have faith in the goodness in people so I haven’t become too jaded over time. Well I’m done now. On to school life now Deborah and i’m looking forward to it I have to say. The new girl at 51 years old! Mum would be proud of me for making this move.
Life is certainly a journey …
I hope you all have a good week and I do hope I get to meet you all at some point over the next few months. It’s funny I have visualised what you all look like in my mind. Don’t laugh but this is how I picture you: Deborah: wavy curly hair. Perhaps chestnut brown. Helen: Blonde bobbed hair. Kate: straight black hair . I don’t know where that has come from but would be funny if I was right! X