Dealing with the sudden loss of my Mum

Thinking of us all today :broken_heart:

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Thinking of you all girls.
People are so lucky to be with their mum’s today.
But I know my mum is here with me .
Have sprayed her perfume around my house so I can feel her here.
Keep going everyone.
Today will pass and we can face the world again.
Big hugs
Deborah xxxx


Wish you were here today Mum so we could thoroughly spoil you as we always used to do.
Happy heavenly Mother’s Day.
Love you always and forever.
Kate xxxxx​:rose::heart:


Hi Everyone
Hope you are all okayish on this most difficult of days.
It’s tough but why not post a photo and dedication to our lovely mums who are up there smiling down on us and sending us their love and strength.:heart::hibiscus::heart:
K xxxxx


Aww Kate what a lovely photo of your mum and you. It’s a fab photo. I feel really emotional seeing it. Here’s a photo of mine.

It was the last photo I took of her when we went on holidays.
Happy Heavenly Mother’s Day Mam ! X
Love to everyone x Deborah x


:heart::heart: gorgeous pictures :heart::heart:

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A lovely photo Deborah. You do look like your mum! :heart: xxx


Mum and dad :heart::heart:


Hi Helen ,
I saw the photo before I saw your name and knew straight away it was your mum and dad in the photo. I can see you in both of them and especially your smile.Its such a lovely photo of both of them.
Deborah x

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Gorgeous photo Helen! :heart:
We’ve got through yesterday girls!!
Wishing you all a good start to the week!
K xxxx.

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Kate we did it!!! Thank goodness it’s over. The build up to the day was worse.
No more cards and reminders in shops. Wonderful!!!.
Let’s start again girls.
Love Deborah xxx

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Hi Girls,
How is everyone doing?
I am just plodding on .
Weather here today is wet , miserable and stormy so makes me feel I can’t be bothered to do anything.
Thinking of you all
Deborah xxx


Hi Deborah, I’ve been working all day today. I’m plodding on too. Struggling to have any enthusiasm for anything. I’m getting through the days okayish. The world just feels so empty now. Sending you lots of love Hxxx

Hi Deborah
Here it’s been a beautiful sunny Spring day. Blossoms on the trees, flowers everywhere and despite the beauty of the season, I find myself struggling with this time of year.
I can’t believe it’s the second Spring without mum. I also struggle with Tuesdays and today marks 75 weeks since she passed. How is that possible?? Sometimes I still go over the last few days replaying everything over in my mind.
On 28th she would have been 87…
March is a bittersweet month for me what with Mother’s Day and mum’s birthday.
Although I have the puppy to lift my spirits and keep me so busy, I just miss mum so much.
Hope you are ok.
Love K xxxx

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Night night from Skye xxxx🐾

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Hi Helen and Kate,
I know exactly how you both feel. It’s a combination of can’t be bothered to do anything and missing our mum’s terribly. Nothing eases it for me at the moment. Anyway feel like shite tonight as had the contract sent to me to sign online . Had to find a witness to come to my house we hilst I signed it as they had to use the same WiFi as me. What a pain as most of my friends live a fair way away . Anyway the reality of it kicked in and I got so upset seeing and reading the contract when it stated deceased alongside mum’s name. I hate that word. I felt like screaming at the screen.
It’s done now so I have emailed everything back. Not sure what the next stage is. The buyers haven’t even had a surveyors report done or an electrical report done I don’t understand it. Caught me unawares really as I thought it would be at least another month before the surveyor visits and report is received.
Got really upset all evening thinking my childhood home will soon be no more and I won’t have mums home to visit again. I feel really shaky thinking about it.
I know you are both going through this so you know how I feel.
I just need a few days to process this next stage.
Have you signed the contract yet Kate. Do you know what comes next?
Keep going girls and thank you for always listening to me
Deborah xxxx

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Awwwww Skye you are truly beautiful.

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Hi Kate and Deborah (and Skye). I really don’t know how I’ll feel putting mum and dad’s house up for sale. It’s so final and also psychologically, confirms the reality of their passing. I don’t know how I’ll deal with that. I’ll take inspiration from you girls. You have dealt with it so well. The probate hasn’t started yet so we are a way off selling the house.
I totally understand you feel shaken and upset by it all Deborah. I was like that selling dad’s car. It was awful leaving it there. Another confirmation that my dad isn’t coming back :cry:
Kate, Skye is too cute. Im glad she is giving you some joy (some stress too I imagine at this stage!) Dogs are wonderful at picking you up. I’m out with Mary every day and it helps my mind so much.
It’s really late and my eyes are dropping so will sign off for now. Speak soon Lots of love to you Hxxx

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Hi Helen,
I just feel so sad with the house sale. I am not ready for it but then I never will be.
It’s my past all sliding away from me… My memories just everything. I don’t want to sell it. I really don’t. But if I don’t what will happen to it ?.
I am in the most terrible place at the moment bec this is so final. Once its gone it’s gone. I just can’t go back. Everything has gone. But if I don’t sell it at least I still have it.
I am so confused.
I really don’t want to sell it even though I know it will cost me to keep it m
Omg girls please hell me
Deborah xxx


Hi Debs, aw, it sounds like you’re really going through it. Is there a way to stall the sale of the house, just so you’ve time to decide what you want to do? Could you live in it yourselves? Seems extreme I know, but it might give you time to get through your mum passing rather than just leaving it altogether? I know I will also feel this when the time comes. My Mums jacket still hangs where it always has at the frot door. We still have her things everywhere cos it’s a family, and she was the family. That’s just how our Mum’s have been. Am sure there’s a way you can feel ok either way, if you can think up a logical answer. But surely delaying things can’t be impossible, if there’s a way to do this, slow things down? Don’t be pressured by all the calls fro. sol[cotors and estate agents. Its still your house? G x

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