Did anyone see a grief counsellor

I’m struggling too Dee. I lost my brother 2 months ago and feel that group support would help but can’t seem to find one.


@Soyel , Me too. I would love to go to a group but there isnt one in my area:(

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Same, not one in my area. I don’t think that one to one or phone support would help me.

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It is worth trying the loss foundation free virtual groups.

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Thank you milley

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Just had a look on loss foundation and it seems to be the kind of support I need however it is for cancer loss or covid loss bereavement

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Hello @Soyel (and anyone else reading who is looking for a support group),

You might have already checked the AtALoss website. If not, it is a directory of bereavement support and will show you what is available in your area. If you click this link then select your region, you may be able to find something near you.

I hope this is helpful,


Many thanks i will check it now


Hi There. My daughter is having counciling, and I’m about to give it a try too. We went via our gp practice who reached out to us asking if we needed any help. Get in touch with your gp practice, maybe they can help. Take care


Hi There. I lost my dad last year, & myself & my daughter are on the list for group bereavment councelling. My late dad lost my mother when I was 13, he missed her everyday, it was myself & my daughter who kept him going. I hope you have people you are close to. Take care

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Hi folks. My counselling from the lyndsey lodge hospice scunthorpe is almost done but it was a big help to me


I had one to one counselling provided by St Luke’s Hospice in Sheffield. They then moved me on to their bereavement support group. Being with people who are in the same situation made it easier to talk about my grief. We now socialise on a weekly basis outside of the regular meetings. I have met a host of new friends from all walks of life. We are so lucky in Sheffield to have these organisations.:heart:

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I’m struggling too, don’t know where to go for counselling, everyone I’ve tried keeps telling me to go to Cruse which I have but I think they have closed their waiting list at the moment in my area. I self referred to NHS Talking Therapies but my local area said they don’t deal with bereavement.

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Victoria 22.cruse was absolutely useless when i asked for counselling .all i kept getting was you have to wait 3 months and it exactly 3 months .she reduced me to tears .i slammed the phone down in tears

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Thanks Martyn2, I’ll have a look at other providers. My work’s Wellbeing Hub only offer counselling for work related things but they did suggest a charity that helps ambulance staff, even office based, so I’ll ask them. I did ask my GP and all they suggested was Cruse.


Victoria 22 .i really hope you get sorted out for counselling xx


Hi @Victoria22

I’m not sure if you’re already aware that Sue Ryder offers free online bereavement counselling via video and you can find out more on our website - counselling.sueryder.org

We have also recently launched our Grief Kind Spaces, which are local informal support groups where you can meet and chat with others who will understand. We are opening new spaces regularly - find out more at Grief Kind Spaces | Sue Ryder

If there is not currently a space in your area, please do drop the team an email at griefkindspaces@sueryder.org as we are always open to suggestions of new areas.

I hope this is helpful - take good care,

Sue Ryder Online Community team


Hi Miley

I’m sorry things are so hard for you right now. I had 6 sessions via video link with Sue Ryder. The counsellor was amazing as I felt so supported by her despite my initial scepticism. She offered me a safe, nonjudgmental space along with unconditional positive regard. I would really give it a try



Thankyou will look into this

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Had a nice chat to a counsellor from the charity TASC and he’s recommending me to have 6-8 bereavement counselling sessions. They are busy so there’s a 6 week wait. At least it’s progress. Also have a GP appointment on Thursday to see how I’m getting on with the antidepressants they prescribed. xx