Fed up people telling me what to do

Well said @Bess1


What makes some days better than others for you?


Hi Enorac
I really don’t know even on a ‘better’ day suddenly from nowhere I can burst into floods of tears……


I can’t find “where are we from”. I am in Surbiton, Surrey.


Hi its on coping with bereavement site xx


Yes Dazzerman, I’ve had enough. All i want to do is join my wonderful Richard. I feel as though I’m being forced to be alive for others in our family, not because i want to be. If that makes any sense at all. X


This is exactly how I feel word for word x


Enorac sorry I meant to say pain wise.with my leg


Yes I get that makes some days better than others if you have not got some physical pain.


Well said indeed!


We just don’t know how we feel on the day. I have so many good and bad days.


Same here, so many good days and so many tearful days x


Hardest thing is seeing couples looking so happy.


Debbie25 i feel exactly the same .already had to tell two of our friends to leave me alone as they were pushing for a relationship. I already made my mind up that I don’t want anyone else

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I was asked by a friend on Saturday about if I would ever meet anybody else.
This friend was my wife’s best friend and I understand where she’s coming from because we sat and talked, it wasn’t pushed on me.
She explained that knowing my Julie the way she did, she knows that she wouldn’t want me to be sad and lonely for the rest of my life. I know that the last thing my wife would ever want to do is leave me feeling this way, and thinking about things if it were the other way around I wouldn’t want my Julie to live the rest of her life in such sadness.
But nobody compares and nobody ever will so my answer will always be I’m OK on my own until we meet again.


I am hoping to meet someone but I know i will compare to my les, I need someone as a companion maybe chats. This is something I know I would like.


@Kingo I’m in a similar position. I lost my beautiful wife at the end of October last year. Others may disagree but I believe you only ever have one true love and Christine will always be mine


Hi Wifey1 This is a big bug bear of mine I have had exactly the same said to me even to the point them telling me how I will feel in a few years time “Ooh you will get used to living on your own in a few years time " I want to yell NO I will not this is not the life I want to be without my hubby and so lonely they say it because they are not in our position and living this awful life without our loved ones and I even had my sister say the most stupid of things which just blew my mind I was actually talking about how I had lost a lot of my confidence since I lost my hubby and how I could not go certain places or do certain things her reply was “Oh I think that has a lot to do with the menopause WTH””" I could not believe what she had said so I mean how do you get through to the likes of these people it’s unbelievable :roll_eyes:
Take care and I always say “You just do you” :pray: :slight_smile:


My wife started talking to her friends and relatives to hunt a widowed woman for me almost 6 months before her death as she knew I am a talker and expresser of my feelings and need a good listener. Eventually, I had to convince her that let the course of time take over and if it is meant to happen, it might. Lets not force or push it.
My son remained neutral to all discussion but he promised to give me company till the time he can.
I am not sure if I would have done the same if the situation was reversed but my wife was really magnanimous and was kind.
May she always bless my son and me.


That is so brave of your wife. My hubby would not have done that am sure, unfortunately his was a sudden death. I want to meet guys but it’s a minefield out there it scares me. Just talking would be nice.hope all goes well for you .

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