Fed up people telling me what to do

My les was my true love but I would like male friendship and company. Be comfortable to talk about my les.

Thanks @Debbie25 for your wishes. I am sure you would meet up with someone good.

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My gorgeous beautiful late wife sue said at Christmas 2022 that you will soon meet someone else. My reply was i dont want anyone else.we had 22years wonderful years together and I made the decision to not want anyone else


I totally agree. I was married for 40 years and lost my husband last May. I am only 60 now but would not want to meet anybody else. He was my soul mate and nobody could come close to what i had with him.


So true and you see them everywhere.

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I think the way those portrayed in films like ‘sleepless in Seattle’ and ‘City of Angels’ as being desperately in need of finding someone new doesn’t help

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Well what a lot of different views but my husband used to say I could easily get someone else if he died. I used to say I will be too upset to do that as it takes a long time to get over it if ever. But he kept on how easy I could but kept saying don’t want to not interested. Then used to say who would want an old woman and I am not letting anyone scam me just for a free loader or why would I want to have to care for any one else or they do for me?
And all that. We cared for each other.
He could see better than me and I could hear better than him
He was good at what I am not so I struggle to do what he did.
I would like a bit of company and not have to go on my own but not if it was hard going. Takes ages to get used to funny ways of people and think we all have things we like to do our way.
Used to find it amusing watching the TV programme about older people in relationships.


No certainly doesn’t :sob:

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I’ll never get used to going anywhere without my wife - she was my reason for getting out of bed in the morning and my reason to go to bed at night as well as everything in-between. Wherever I go and whatever I do will never be the same


Same here Dazzeman
Going anywhere is just horrible
When they were here they were always ‘with you’ albeit going out separately work etc they were always there and I suppose vice versa
Now nothing no comfort blanket so to speak nothing phone never rings no chit chat no discussion anything no being together nothing
And for that reason I feel so so ‘alone’
I so miss my Paul always will

It’s just horrible empty the lot
And today Paul would’ve been 70
He has a twin was invited to family meal at their house low key
Just cannot do it so didn’t
Life’s just cruel
We had so much to look forward to plans
All gone
Life’s just shit ( sorry)
If Paul had been here it


I have come away for the weekend with my friend it’s breaking my heart seeing all the couples. I have cried so much.it’s so hard


Reading some of your posts I found so many similarities with how I feel and it’s been three and a half years. I don’t feel as though I am all here when the reason for my living is not here. I am so sorry for everyone’s losses. It’s true, there are no words that anyone can say.


No, no words
And if anyone says to me time is a great healer I won’t be responsible for my reply
I’m 19 months tomorrow 24th and it hurts like hell…………


@Hazell I totally agree I had the best for 30
years of joy . No one could replace him I am 56 and I feel the same love


Yes they are the only ones who knew us inside out and backside first


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Hi, I’m just this evening new to this site. I understand totally what you’re saying. My husband passed away a year ago on 28th February. I’ve been on a rollercoaster of emotions since, and been amazed at just how stupid people can be. I know they mean well, but if you haven’t been through this, just say you’re thinking about the person. Don’t come out with how it’s been a while, you’ll now be able to make plans for the future, etc, etc. I even got a round robin email from a cousin in which it said, “ I hope 2023 has been good for you.” Normally I would just ignore something like that not I emailed back saying 2023 had been horrendous for my son and me. I got a nice Christmas card back but the damage had been done.
A day at a time is all we can do. Take care.


Welcome Earlsferry

Yes folk and thier opinions
Like you say unless you’ve been in this situation you have no idea how devastating and horrible it is
A heart broken into thousands of pieces and mine for one will never get mended
Paul died 24th July 2022 and I struggle big time every single minute of every day
There is no purpose to my life sorry existence



Silly things people say Makes it worse today Tactless assumptions Then presumptions

15 months it is now
Will I return but how? Risk being hurt more
If I get in the door !

Sitting at the end pew
At the back without u
Memories of a life b4
Until can’t take more

Leave early got to cry Why’d u have to die?
Sit in loo without you
Avoid risk - all I can do


Exactly how I feel :broken_heart:
Take care x


I have just told a now ex friend to leave me alone after he tried telling me i need another partner who happened to be his ex wife from his first marriage.we couldn’t stand the sight of each other so why did he think that we would give it a try.he no longer a friend in any way shape or form now