Feeling alone and abandoned

Yes, I have looked in the local library.

I live in quite a populated area and sadly there is so little support around.

Thank you for caring.

A very big hug comes fro me to you xx


Thank you so much for that.

When I am not so tearful, I am going to contact a couple of people to see if they could get the medicine.

I also will try some of the ā€˜if you ever need anythingā€™ group.

Sending love and hugs,

Rose xx


I found a church that has a small prayer service for half an hour weekly. It took many weeks to pluck up courage to go but now I do snd they are very friendly. Again it breaks up the week

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That sounds dry good! Xx

I hope your day has been the best it could.

I contacted someone today about the medicineā€¦ They are going to collect it tomorrow.

They have been very good to me.

I think like many of us here I donā€™t want to be seen as a nuisance and ask for too many favours.

So that is one problem solved. A great relief.

I want to thank you and everyone else who have been so caring and considerate today and many times before.

To be grieving and struggling and still care and support others shows how kind and special you are.

You are special to me and as many have written it is a great shame that we cannot meet in person.

However, we have this site and that is a fantastic lifeline for many, many people.

Love and hugs,

Rose xxx


Thank you Rose, today has been much improved and things always seem a little better when the sun is shining.

I am genuinely pleased that you have been able to reach out to people and they have responded with some help.

We have all found ourselves in this horrendous situation where previously we have had support from our partners and now find we have to make decisions and tackle things on our own. It is very scary.

This site is a lifeline and where I have found the most heartfelt understanding and support. We canā€™t get to meet each other but I feel I know so many of you really well. Thank you Rose for your kindness and everyone else on here who goes through our most difficult days with us, holding a virtual hand. Itā€™s been a grim weekend for many of us and hopefully there is a little light at the end of the tunnel tonight.

Sleep well everyone xxxšŸ„°


Well when things go bad they really go bad,having recently lost my wife my beautiful ruby cavalier King Charles dog has been diagnosed with mitral valve disease (heart)she is now living on borrowed time,sheā€™s 15 this year,so I thought I would try and make the rest of her life as good as possible,Iā€™ve bined all her traditional dog food and bought her all fresh meats and fish which she loves,fingers crossed.


So sorry,

Big hug for you and and your beautiful companion xx


So sorry for you Ron
Our pets are such a big part of our lives.
We lost our beloved dog 12 years ago and said never again. We couldnā€™t take the heartbreak again.

Sending hugs x


Thanks Rose.


Thanks love,we had two the same,although not rescue dogs they both came from unloved familyā€™s,we lost Mia during covid I am praying Maisie hangs on a bit longer.



people donā€™t get it do they.

I tried to explain how I am at the moment to someone who has been insensitive and upset me.

First suggestion, had I thought of looking for a support group locally where I could go for tea and a chat?

Well, why didnā€™t I think of that?! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Second suggestion, had I thought of phoning another particular family member as they would love to hear from me.

I am in regular contact with that person.

Third suggestion, look for distractions.


I think you know what I thought of these.

I have replied and told them that I am always looking for support groups, I am in regular contact with the relative and I am always trying to distract myself.

They probably think I am very ungrateful as they were only trying to help.

Ranting Rose,



You keep ranting
It does help
Unlike the ones who think theyā€™re helping
X x


Unbelievable Rose. :triumph: It just shows how crass people can be. Just rant as much as you like- itā€™s justified xxx

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My partner of 34 years also passed away in March and things are still very raw. Friends and family have stopped contacting and as I didnt have a big friend circle, itnis very lonely.
My saving grace is i returned to work full time, so there is some normality. But when i get home at night its just me and same at weekends.
I do try and go for walks, or popminto town so it breaks up the weekend but you still have to go home ā€¦ getting use to living on your own is very hard, shopping for one is a nightmare.
You cant really go for meals or a drink on your own, but i have to try and make a new life but am struggling.

Im sure you must all relate to these things.
Thank your for listening


We all relate to what you have said Iā€™m further on than you, but itā€™s still hard and I still cry most days
( I didnā€™t yesterday so I canā€™t say everyday anymore) but I did today
It is hard, probably the hardest thing weā€™ve ever had to do. But you will make it eventually.
One day you will come to realise you are coping
I had a sudden realisation that I was happy to be at home. Our home.
I used to hate being here, but now Iā€™m ok.
Its our home.
Iā€™ve not got the hang of the shopping yet but I have decided I must start living out of the freezer, thereā€™s enough to keep me going for a good few weeks.

Love and hugs
Liz x x

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I am absolutely furious this morning,itā€™s 11 weeks thatā€™s 77 days since my wifeā€™s funeral,a close relative txt me to ask how I was,I said pretty crap,they retorted you really should pull yourself out of it now,if I had responded it would just have been a barrage of expletives.

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Iā€™m so sorry Ron. What a stupid and crass remark. Youā€™ve shown great restraint in not replying!


Why are people so bloody stupid!

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Some people really disappoint at times, to put it mildly.

I am so very sorry.