Feeling desperate

Exactly, but try to take care of yourself, I don’t know how I know exactly how you feel x


Same … xxx i am waking up a lot randomly in middle of the night at moment x

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It is exhausting isn’t it. I could just do with a solid 6 hours sleep and I would feel a lot better. Take care and thanks for reaching out. It is such a help having other people understand and not judge. Xx


I wake up every night in a panic, then I remember…. It’s exhausting

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It really is a great help having others stories


Yeh i just recently started waking up at random times. Like 2.30pm. I usually go back to sleep eventually . Im missing a hug from him tonight with this awful outside i just wish he was here to cuddle me :frowning: xxx i think this winter is gonna be a rough ride ! My son said why dont you decorate the lounge and it will keep you busy ! :slight_smile: x

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Gosh decorate the lounge, big job good luck are you up for it ?

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I have been adding this and that to the house, mostly at night because i cant sleep. I have cleaned from top to bottom and no eating for me either, i feel sick all the time. Yes, this weather is not helping either. Going to try and get to mums tomorrow for the night, i find the weekend nights are the worst. Thank goodness for this outlet, i think i would go mad if i didn’t have this forum to off load to. Thanks guys for listening x


Dunno … i will see :slight_smile: might start by doing ceiling first ? Xx

I did drink each night in the first few weeks combined with diazepam . I am sleeping well with an ant depressant now . At first I was up and about at 4am which made it a very long day of cleaning . I am coping a bit better now . I think hearing from him with a medium has eased my mind a bit


This is true.

I feel sick all the time and my best friend came yesterday to help turn up my black trousers for his funeral and she noticed I’d lost weight. I can do with it though…

Hope your stay at your mothers gives a bit of relief, let us know

Lots of love to you all and your wonderful communications through this site so we all know we are not alone. I would not be here now without my four dogs. Two sleep on my bed and two on the floor and they are there for me as soon as i wake up. X


I am seriously thinking about getting a dog. We lost our poodle 7 years ago and always talked about getting another dog. I don’t want to do it for selfish reasons but the company would be lovely. Xx

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Dogs are wonderful friends to have and i can understand why you are thinking of getting one but for me at the moment, i can bearly take care of myself. I think in my state of mind, being what it is, i would neglect it. I think until i have some control back in my life, it would be kinder if i waited.

morning kathy 6. I feel the same as you do, hate the mornings, wake up feeling sick and crampy in the stomach and everything is so quiet in the house, even though I do have a lovely dog, I wish I could stop feeling so ‘unwell’. it is 8 weeks now since ‘the love of my life died’ we had been together for 52 years, and I am sure other people think I am doing ’ very well’ if only they knew what I really feel like…BUT we do, and we have to carry on, I know for sure my husband would want me to do so and I am sure yours’ did as well. hoping for a good day for you, and everyone else on this site. MAUREEN .


Thank you Maureen, this sick feeling is difficult to manage, don’t feel hungry but when I eat even small amounts I feel sick, I hope this passes soon

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It will take longer for your health to improve I am coming up 5 months and my digestion has just about sorted itself out. My arthritis has some really bad days and now I have a cold sore. I have only just stopped having headaches most mornings. Only in the past few weeks have I been getting more than 2 hours sleep a night. It is the grief. It affects the whole body. I do hope you start to feel better soon but it will take time.


Lack of sleep and headaches in the morning, interesting to hear it happens to others

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Hi Billie7. Im sure you would really enjoy the company of a dog. If you want a quieter one there are plenty of older dogs needing loving homes. I don’t think id still be alive without my dogs. Having them to look after means i have to put their needs first. You would have to walk it so it would get you up and out. Then in the evenings you can snuggle up with your doggie and you won’t be alone.