Feeling desperate

Good to hear you are getting some pleasure after getting jobs done, I think it’s taking back some control of your life well done


Well today I managed to give an emperor sized duvet away. For the first time in ages you can see the whole mattress with nothing on it and walk all round. It actually looks tidy and like a bedroom. I am proud to have achieved it and also very very sad. Next project the extension and the garage.

Bad thing one of my batteries for my Vax vacuum cleaner has died. Just had to buy a new one. Expensive credit card month what with that, restocking the freezer and new glasses plus dentist.

Hope you are having a reasonable day and are on a crest and not in a trough.xx


I know, some of the things we do are good but, as you say, also sad. I have felt the same a couple of times. At least you have a clearer spare room.
Have you had to buy a new vac? Saw your post.
Just back from the carvery, 4pm vac/flu jab.
We now have some sun and then rain.

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No just a new battery. Mind you that is £80. It is now possible for people to stay provided they are willing to give me the hall, my bedroom and the bathroom uninterrupted for 30 mins when carer in. Did you enjoy your carvery? I had 1 day feeling a bit off the day after my jabs and 4 days of a sore arm. Still sunny down here and quite warm in the sun. My conservatory is 28c. Warmth migrating from there to rest of house.

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I was ok with both jabs just sore arms . Had a boiler , a new wet room bathroom and a stairs carpet . Plus changed the front garden to grass . They are my achievements so far . More to do next year . The loft and the garage will be the biggest jobs

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My achievements are tiny next to that. Saving up to change toilet to a smart toilet. Want to know exactly what my income is until I commit to a 3k outlay. Waiting for annuity from Norman’s private pension to be set up which should be next month then probate which I think will be jan at earliest. Everything seems like a mountain to climb without our partners though doesn’t it.? It is amazing any of us achieve anything.


It is a mountain . I had a sum from his pension and life insurance that’s all to cover work I need as my house is needing some tlc . It is difficult to do these things without him but I think he is proud of me

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I am certain he is.


I agree. It does feel good to get some things done and well done to all of you for your brilliant achievements. Ive charged through the last two weeks since my drinking binge trying not to leave much time for depressing thoughts. I know im only suppression things though but what do you do? Much love to you all.


I have struggled this week. I feel very emotional and seem to be close to tears most of the time. I am thinking it is because I don’t feel too well and am absolutely exhausted so hoping I can get a good night’s sleep tonight. Hope you guys are ok. Xx


It sounds like you are doing really well, I am slowly getting to do a few jobs just to feel more in control. It’s exhausting at times tho x

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People keep telling me how well I am doing but it doesn’t stop me crying every day. It’s the only way I can see to move out of this. I can’t believe it is only just coming up to 5 months. As an ex programmer I am logical to the extreme but I don’t know whether this helps or hinders. I have always had the philosophy that if you have to do it you will find a way. It should have been me. I was in hospital last year with fluid round my lungs. They never quite isolated the cause. They ruled out cancer with a full abdominal scan. Had tests which ruled out heart failure so they thought it was pneumonia and treated me with anti biotics and diuretics which appear to have worked. He was with me every day but I couldn’t do the same for him.

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Of goodness me that’s so sad, I was with my husband but he was only in hosp for 7 days before he died, my regret is that I didn’t see how sick he was, the cancer was hidden until it was terminal. Like you I am sad and I would have loved to be able to have done more but then we didn’t know, the medical professionals didn’t even know how bad he was. How can we move forward, it’s not an easy place to be, keep strong x


@Kathy6 My husband died suddenly and unexpectedly from a massive rear saddle pulmonary embolism and undiagnosed kidney cancer. Like you i wish I notice that he was ill and had lost weight. He was 53 and still working hard till the day before. Take care xx


Everything is always worse when you don’t feel well and no longer have your partner to look after and support you. I do hope you sleep as that seems to be the best thing to improve physical and emotional health. Xx. Sandra

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I really don’t know if the sudden death is more shocking or sad than a long illness, it’s all unbearable I just wasn’t prepared at all, we had so much more to enjoy, I’m so sorry for your sudden loss too. This forum has been essential over the last few weeks, I feel so alone and reading other’s stories less so, thank you


@Kathy6 thank you for your reply. I am also sorry for your loss which is so unfair. I guess what ever way our soulmates went is going to be painful. I wish though that I got the chance to say I love you and appreciate you and was with my husband and not had to come home and find him gone. Must be as equally hard to see your spouse decline as well. Just shit either way. Big hugs xx


I agree there is the only difference that if it is sudden you have no chance to say I love you but both ways are so hard to deal with


It has been the hardest thing I have ever experienced. Lost my husband 21/5/23 I just can’t believe how unhappy I am . My life is just so different I just want my old life back .


I am so lonely even with people around me, there just not my les x