Feeling sad and a bit lost

I find it great that i can add to the chat 24/7. My sleep pattern is all over the place. Sending my love to everyone on this difficult day


Yes it is very good to be able to read or write in the cold and lonely hours of the night when everything seems worse , it helps hugely and stops me feeling so isolated.


Feeling really down this morning had a lovely dream about danny last night didn’t want it to end and then was woken by dog barking and back to reality with a bang feel weepy but got to get my act together as I’m going out with my daughter couldn’t bear to be in the house when a year ago we had the most fantastic fathers day with my dad and my husband how life charges


I feel very down myself today, weekends are always worse, it is when we spent more time together and everyone else is getting on with their weekend lives. We always went for walks on Sunday morning and I know I can still go for a walk but I feel too empty without my darling David’s hand to hold.


I know exactly how you feel. Youre not alone honey … its so hard isnt it … and fathers day today … makes it harder :frowning: i think. Thinking about my husband who was father to 3 and grandad to 6 … so sad xx


We planned to work on my new house today 2 of my children came over with my grandchildren. We lasted for 2 1/2 hours. They were so snappy towards me. I know that they are finding things difficult. I came home and have been crying on and off since 4ish. My other daughter decided to take on a double shift to keep herself busy.

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Fathers day :frowning: aw … not you is it - just hard for them xx

Had such a bad day. It just comes out of nowhere and hits you. I miss you so much.


Aw Littlewitch that is not nice for you, you didn’t deserve them to be snappy, maybe say how hurt you felt about it, when things have calmed down in a couple of days.

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I am sad today.
I am lost today.

Today is another FIRST.

During Covid and up until quite recently we were very careful. We did not get Covid.

I am not well today, it looks like I have Covid.
I have Covid all alone by myself.

I admit I am feeling very sorry for myself.
I know many had to face it alone.

It is a mixture of things obviously losing my wonderful husband 15 weeks ago and feeling dreadful.

Moan over.


Rose xx


Hope you feel better soon

You know I’m thinking of you

Love and hugs x x

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Aw … how do u know its covid ? Dont worry we all have days like this ! Theres nothing good is there about losing your husband :frowning: xx

I have the same symptoms as my friend who tested positive. We met up last week. X


Oh no ! I dont test anymore but i bet ive had it ! Is it still about ? X

A lot of people are thinking they have COVID but normally it’s just a common cold my GP was talking about this last week she said that there has been a lot of this about

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I have had covid it is still around and always will be just like colds and flu. Look after yourself, drink plenty, eat little and often,soup, eggs easy things. Watch TV , films and series to pass the time. If you get so bad that you cant cope call your GP. If it is covid for me the worst symptom was lack of energy so take it easy. We are here for you so keep chatting too x

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Yes, sadly it is.


Believe me, this is definitely not a common cold.

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I know you know the difference

Just rest and try to sleep.
Don’t forget to eat. Even a little.

Big hugs
Liz x x

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Thank you.
That means a lot xx

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