Feeling sad and a bit lost

Hi @RoseGarden

Sorry your having a terrible day. I do hope it quickly passes for you. Use having COVID as an excuse to rest up, spend the day what you do when you want to chill out and eat some junk food.

Sending you a big hug, hope you feel better soon xx

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Hi RoseGarden,
Wishing you a speedy recovery . It is miserable to feel unwell .
Big hugs dear friend. Xx

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Thank you.

That means so much

Rose xx


Thank you,

That means so much to me

Rose xx


Hi RoseGarden,
So sorry you’re ill. It sometimes feels like fate is using us as punchbags. As if you aren’t already suffering enough. I hope that you are soon feeling better. Are you able to get shopping delivered or is anyone helping you. Hugs coming your way. Xx

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Thank you.
I have quite a bit in the house.
If I need anything I have very good neighbours.
Your message means so much
Rose xx

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Thank you for your supportive messages.

You are so very kind.

Big hugs and lots of love

Rose xx


Hopefully you will be better soon rest up and take it easy

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I am having one of the worst days.

I know being ill probably isn’t helping.

I am tired of pretending I am coping.

I am tired of pretending I will have an acceptable life without him.

So the truth is
I just want to be with my darling husband.
I miss him so very much.

I love my cats very much.

I will never, ever do anything.
I am adamant about that.
I promise.

I hope I have not upset you.

I just had to tell someone.

Rose xx



Your having a terrible day today but tomorrow will be better. You know how this crap journey goes. You haven’t upset anyone, you’ve been a great source of support to many of us on this site, it’s ok to not be strong and you don’t need to pretend to anyone on here.

I wish I could say something to make you feel better :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sending you a big warm hug :hugs: xx

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Now I’m reading lots of grief quotes and come across this. This makes perfect sense to me. Hopefully after a period of time we can accept our losses and discover who we are now. I have been really struggling to figure out who I am now but maybe I’ll never be who I used to be…mmm something to think about xx


We understand you know !! We know exactly how you feel - its bloody tough this is ! Let it out … xxx


Oh @RoseGarden

You’ve been so strong and supportive of everyone on here.
Now its you’re turn to take some caring thoughts.
You are unwell and everything feels worse when you’re unwell
Please rest and take everyones good wishes.

You will get through this

Love and hugs

Liz x x


You are having a really bad time right now and it’s not fair. Like others have said, you always offer love and support when any of us are feeling particularly sad. Give yourself a break, wallow if you need to. Binge watch tv, eat chocolate, if it makes you feel better, do it. We are widowed, and as such, we can do whatever we bloody well want to, especially on difficult days. Xx


@Katyh @Deb5 @Liro @Willow112

you are all so lovely and kind.

I hope you all realise how much your support and friendship means to me.

To take the time to contact me when you have your own grief and suffering is very special.

Thank you so much.

Sending you the biggest hugs and lots of love,

Rose xxxx



You are lovely :purple_heart: xx


Thank you :heart:xx

That is so kind xx


I hope you are feeling a bit better now Rose,don’t push yourself just do whatever you can,stay in bed ,watch rubbish tv just stay safe and hope tomorrow is a better day.x


Thank you.

That is kind of you

Rose xx