Feeling sad and a bit lost


How are you feeling? Did you manage some tea? Xx


Hello @Katyh ,

I had a couple of small muffins.

I remembered I had a couple of diazepam. So I took one about half a hour ago.
Hopefully, it will give me a break.
Thank you for asking, that’s very kind and thoughtful :heart:

Love and hugs,

Rose xx



That’s good you’ll have a little break. You’ve gotten through most of the day only a few hours left. Tomorrows a new day. Take care xx


Good morning my dear friends,

firstly thank you so much for your messages and support yesterday.

I hope you all know how amazing you are!!

I really appreciated all of you contacting me :heart:

I suddenly remembered I had a couple of diazepam and took one. I know that some would not want to do this. For me, it really helps when I reach an extreme low, like yesterday. It gives me a break .

Emotionally, I feel a tiny bit better today.
I still miss him and wish he could come back. I still think it is incredibly unfair.

As for physically, don’t ask :woozy_face::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Hopefully, I am slowly climbing back up the rollercoaster :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

Today, I am thinking of you. I know you are struggling too so to have supported me yesterday shows what incredible people you are.

I wish I could bring them back to us.

Sending you my deepest gratitude.

Big, big hugs and lots of love,

Rose xx


Dear Rose

I’m so glad you’re calmer today.
You’ve been so supportivr to everyone on here, of course they returned that when you needed it.
I hope uou manage to climb to the top of the roller coaster very soon

Love and hugs
Liz x x

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Thank you xx

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Hey Rose you give a lot of support on here, so it’s coming back to you :slight_smile: x


Hi Rose,
Totally echo what the others have said.
So pleased you are a tad brighter today.
Wishing you well . Xx


Dear @penny6 ,

that is so kind.

Thank you xxx

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Dear @Elite ,

so kind of you.

Thank you xxx


Because I have no friends or family to help me with the loss of my partner Ann I check into this forum every now and then and the care that has been shown to me has helped me to cope with the grief and I was feeling a lot better
Today I’m having a really difficult day Ann has twin daughters from her first marriage and the trouble they have been causing me is something that I am struggling with
I made a promise to Ann that I would place fresh flowers on her resting place every two weeks because I used to give her flowers every fortnight on Saturday I refreshed her flowers and today I visited Ann and her daughter had thrown the flowers in the bin this keeps happening one of the staff at the crematorium asked her to stop doing it but she told him to f off and mind his own business she is doing this because she knows what it is doing to me and she wants a reaction
I know I shouldn’t be writing about this on here but putting this on here has calmed me down a bit because I was wondering if I could carry on with my life


I am so sorry .

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Oh @Boo2
How awful for you.
What nasty nasty characters they are.
Do they have no respect for their mothers memory?
If being told by the Crematorium staff has made no difference perhaps a solicitors letter will.

Is there a place that was special to you and Ann, somewhere you could place her flowers and then just go to the grave to talk to her?
I know its not the answer but its just a suggestion.

And in the meantime please don’t even think of not carrying on. We are all here to listen to you.

Sending love and hugs


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@Boo2 I agree with Liro.

I am sure Ann would understand why you need to place the flowers elsewhere.

By doing that, you may find that after a while you may be able to place flowers there again. Her daughter may give up going there.

Is there anywhere you could plant a rose or shrub in your garden, if you have one?
Somewhere private, I.e. somewhere not accessible to the daughter .

Take care,



Thanks to all you for all your kind words in response to my post and the suggestions I think I will plant a rose in the garden as you suggested and place Ann’s flowers there for a while and hopefully her daughter will give up and leave me alone once again thank you


That’s what we’re here for .
To support each other x


I suggest you gently ask her what she thinks her mother would feel about her nasty action. Her mother chose to be with you. You clearly loved her.


Gosh it never ceases to amaze me how awful some people are, I would stop them in their tracks by as others have suggested making a memorial in your own garden. A lovely scented rose bush in Ann’s favourite colour, you could get a nice garden ornament too so there will be something nice in winter when the rose will be dormant. I am going to get a water feature for my garden, David and I had planned on doing this before he died so it will now become his memorial. You could scatter some wild flower seeds on Ann’s grave next spring, they will grow naturally and the daughters may just leave them as they would not know you had sown them. :wink:


Good afternoon @Boo2

I’m glad you find this place a comfort :two_hearts:

As for the daughters the nasty little gremlins! How dare they. You don’t need the stress, I’d say nothing…kill them with kindness :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: bitches!

Anyway we all believe in different things, I believe that Ann will be wherever you are. She will also see the flowers you buy her no matter were they are laid. Maybe keep them at home, that way you will always have fresh flowers at home just how Ann liked it. When you visit he resting place you could ask her if she liked the flowers.

You can put what you like on here, there’ll be no judgement :hugs: in fact it’s good to see how others are feeling, so at least I know I’m not going insane (I don’t think it’s good others are going through this, but couldn’t think of a better word)

Ann will be happy with whatever you decide xx


@Boo2 I agree with @Katyh , Ann will see your flowers wherever they are. Maybe in a few weeks or months the daughter will get bored and stop going to visit the grave, especially if you stop what you have been doing. Then you will be able to resume putting flowers there. Rise above it, you are the better person.