Feeling sad and a bit lost

Yeh weekends are tough . Went for a walk today ! It helped ! Fresh air really helps ya know . Can you try get out with your daughter on a nice day ? Xxx


I know just how you feel I’m disabled and my partner Ann was my carer and since she passed away I’m the same as you I wake up in the morning and stare at the empty pillow I now have a carer who comes in the morning and gets me dressed and fed then I’m just staring at the clock all day Ann and myself used to get out and about a lot and since she passed away all my confidence has gone I have no friends or family so it’s just me and my fur baby Rosie
And I’m the same as you Sunday used to be a good day Ann used to cook a lovely roast dinner if we were at home my sister phones me every sun and reminds me what day it is I have no idea what day or month it is every day just seems like the same I hope things get better soon for you and your daughter take care

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Oh @Willow112 i feel your pain as well.
It is so miserable this life we have been left with, and I also worry about how I will manage and scared to be all alone in the future.
Today has been a long hard day for me too. Let’s hope tomorrow will be a little easier

Sending hugs and strength xx


@Deb5 @Liro @katyh

Thanks for the advice and your thoughts.
I think I’ll sign from both of us - we talk about their dad all the time so he is very much in our thoughts and everyday life. In memory if not in person.

Just wish he were here ….


Sending you a big hug x

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Sending you one back too. :hugs:
How has your Sunday been today ?
My days seem to be getting so much harder. Not sure if that’s normal but sure feels like I’m in the thick of grief at the moment. Would really welcome one of those numb days about now …xxx

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Day at a time, hour at a time if need be. You are such early days. Cant say its easy this because it isnt but gets less overwhelming. Although i still have hard days and im literally 18 months in on fathers day … of all days … thats gonna be a hard one for my daughter. She loved her dad so much - we all did. He was our rock. Xx

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At the moment I am having a bit of a meltdown.

Can’t stop crying.

Some of you will understand.

We, still say we, have 2 cats.

One is over 20 and is the softest most loving boy.
He adored my husband who adored him.
He has been my constant companion since my husband passed. I spend most of my time at home with him.
He has cuddled me for hours on end and listened to me.
When the vet saw him she said he was grieving.

He has medicine for his heart.
He does not seem to be himself.
He could be depressed as it is too hot for him where he chooses to lie outside
Due to his dementia he is obsessed with that one place!
So he has to stay inside.

I am keeping an eye on him and don’t want him to suffer. I will take him to the vets if he gets worse but I am so scared that she will say he must be put to sleep. My husband was the one who stayed with cats when this happened, I tried but could never stay.

I will not let him suffer I promise but I cannot stand the thought of losing him.

Thank you for letting me share this.

Rose xx


Good morning @RoseGarden

What a horrible situation. I can imagine how you are feeling. My dog according to Google is at the end of his life span, he’s fit and healthy so hopefully I don’t loose him for a long time. I’ve thought about getting another dog so that when he’s gone I’m not totally alone :sob:

I know this probably won’t bring you comfort but when it’s time for your fur baby to go she will go to be with her daddy again and keep him company. They will then wait for you to join the family :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: guiding you and sending you strength from above.

Have you a friend who could take her in when it’s time to say goodbye? My partner took our girl in, I just couldn’t.

Sending love and strength :hugs:

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Thank you @Katyh .

It is horrible.

We so nearly lost him practically a year ago to the day. That’s when his heart problem came to light.

I have actually asked my husband to protect him and not let him be taken. Daft isn’t it.

Thank you so much for caring and messaging me.

Sending you the biggest hug,

Rose xx



Sorry she’s a he :smiling_face:

No it’s not daft at all. I’m sure your husband can and will help you. Our soul and energy lives on, it’s only our actual body that is gone. Keep asking him for help. A medium told me that if I needed help Andrew wants to help me so I should write him a note asking for help and he will, what a lovely thought.

Where abouts are you?


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Aw … good luck. You need to talk to @Hope5 she just had a poorly cat … its horrible when your pets are poorly when they are so precious to you. I had to put my 16 year old dog, Ben to sleep 2 days before my husbands funeral :frowning: can you imagine that ? His back legs went :frowning: he could hardly walk. It was awful … but i bought a puppy a month later - lucy - shes a cockapoo! My god that little dog has loved me to pieces ! So glad i got her … xx


@RoseGarden I’m so sorry that your poor cat seems to be coming to the end, it will be another huge blow for you, but I agree that he will join his Dad and be waiting for you when the times comes. Please don’t make your cat make that last journey alone; it will be really hard but he will feel so much love from you if you hold him in your arms as he passes. It is a dreadful thing to go through but it’s the last act of love we can give them.
Thinking of you x


So sorry for your loss. I too after three years of losing my husband sometimes find it difficult to go out of the house. I have a little dog now and he ensures I have to go out even if only for ten minutes. It puts you back in touch with reality as it can be so easy to hide in a bubble and then the anxiety worsens. sending hugs x


When i had to put my dog to sleep i couldnt be with him cos my husband always was the one who dealt with it like @RoseGarden so instead my daughter and my sister in law sat with him ! I just couldn’t bear it … not after just saying goodbye to my darling husband ;( good luck @RoseGarden you will find a way through one way or another xxx


Hi @Deb5 . I managed to collect Steve’s ashes today, so he is back home with me. What a palaver. I’ll keep him until they make a decision but at least he’s with me for now.


Oh thats great … aw …:slight_smile: xx

That is heartbreaking.

So glad you have Lucy.

Love to you and Lucy xx

He has bucked up a bit :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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He’s bucked up a bit :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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